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De Wicri Lorraine
Révision datée du 2 avril 2012 à 16:03 par imported>Nicolas Domenjoud
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Accueil > Index thématique > Accès géographique > Europe > Suisse

Cette page sert de point d'entrée sur les coopérations de la Lorraine avec la Suisse ou sur les travaux (par exemple en Histoire) en rapport avec la Suisse.

Projets européens

Cette rubrique est consacrée à identifier les projets européens cités sur Wicri/Lorraine et associant au moins un partenaire lorrain et un partenaire suisse.

ADACOMAdaptive Control for Metal Cutting
AEROCOINSAerogel-Based Composite/Hybrid Nanomaterials for Cost-Effective Building Super-Insulation Systems
APPLICMADevelopment of wear resistant coatings based on complex metallic alloys for functional applications
AVANTSSARAutomated validation of trust and security of service-oriented architectures
BACCARABiodiversity and climate change, a risk analysis
BIOMONARBiosensor nanoarrays for environmental monitoring
CAPRIGHTResources, rights and capabilities; in search of social foundations for Europe
CLASSICComputational learning in adaptive systems for spoken conversation
COSITCompact High Brilliance Single Frequency Terahertz Source
DRIVE-ABDriving Re-investment in R&D and responsible antibiotic use
ENTHRONEEnd-to-end QoS through Integrated Management of content, networks and terminals
ENTHRONE (2)End-to-End QoS through Integrated Management of Content, Networks and Terminals
EUROPLANET RIEuropean planetology network research infrastructure
FI WAREFuture Internet Core Platform
FUSENETThe European fusion education network
HARDECOATDevelopment of new hard decorative coatings based on transition metal oxynitrides
HYCON2Highly-complex and networked control systems
HYDROACTIONDevelopment and laboratory testing of improved action and Matrix hydro turbines designed by advanced analysis and optimization tools
ILHAIREIncorporating Laughter into Human-Avatar Interactions: Research and Evaluation
IMPULSEIntegrated Multiscale Process Units with Locally Structured Elements
INTEROPInteroperability research for networked enterprises applications and software
LIAISONLocatIon bAsed servIceS for the enhancement of wOrking enviroNment
LUCOEXLarge Underground Concept Experiments
MACSHEEPNew Materials and Control for a next generation of compact combined Solar and heat pump systems with boosted energetic and exergetic performance
NESSOSNetwork of Excellence on Engineering Secure Future Internet Software Services and Systems
PETRUS IITowards an European training market and professional qualification in Geological Disposal
QUALIREDFRUITSNew agricultural practices for quality production of red fruits enriched in healthy compounds
RECOSYRedox phenomena controlling systems
SAFESCIMETEuropean Modular Education and Training Programme in Safety Sciences for Medicines
SANYSensors Anywhere
SMARTCELLRational design of plant systems for sustainable generation of value-added industrial products
TARGET-PDTPhoto Dynamic Therapy using targeted organic nano particles
VE ExperimentVentilation experiment in opalinus clay

Manifestations intéressant la Lorraine et la Suisse

Logo Symposium Maillard 2012.jpg

Cette liste est générée de façon automatique (fonctionnalités sémantiques)

Voir aussi

Dans le réseau Wicri :

La page de référence « Suisse » est sur le wiki Wicri/Europe. Elle est également présente sur :