De Wicri Lorraine
Accueil > Index thématique > Accès géographique > Europe > Autriche
Cette page sert de point d'entrée sur les coopérations de la Lorraine avec l'Autriche ou sur les travaux en rapport avec ce pays.
Projets européens
Cette rubrique est consacrée à identifier les projets européens cités sur Wicri/Lorraine et associant au moins un partenaire lorrain et un partenaire autrichien.
Titre | |
AGROBIOGAS | An integrated approach for biogas production with agricultural waste |
APPLICMA | Development of wear resistant coatings based on complex metallic alloys for functional applications |
BOB | Board on Board technology |
CAPRIGHT | Resources, rights and capabilities; in search of social foundations for Europe |
CLARIN (FP7) | Common language resources and technology infrastructure |
DBF | Development and verification of a bibliometric model for the identification of frontier research |
DRIVE-AB | Driving Re-investment in R&D and responsible antibiotic use |
ENTHRONE (2) | End-to-End QoS through Integrated Management of Content, Networks and Terminals |
EUROPLANET RI | European planetology network research infrastructure |
FUSENET | The European fusion education network |
HOMAGE | Heart OMics in AGEing |
HYDROACTION | Development and laboratory testing of improved action and Matrix hydro turbines designed by advanced analysis and optimization tools |
IMPACT | Improving access to text |
INTEROP | Interoperability research for networked enterprises applications and software |
LEUKOTREAT | Development and laboratory testing of improved action and Matrix hydro turbines designed by advanced analysis and optimization tools |
LIAISON | LocatIon bAsed servIceS for the enhancement of wOrking enviroNment |
MACSHEEP | New Materials and Control for a next generation of compact combined Solar and heat pump systems with boosted energetic and exergetic performance |
MOBI-KIDS | Risk of brain cancer from exposure to radiofrequency fields in childhood and adolescence |
OP4L | Online Presence for Learning |
PERMED | Personalized Medicine 2020 and beyond – Preparing Europe for leading the global way |
QUALISCAN | Qualitative scanning for boards in sawmills |
QUIESST | Quietening the environment for a sustainable surface transport |
RECOSY | Redox phenomena controlling systems |
SAFESCIMET | European Modular Education and Training Programme in Safety Sciences for Medicines |
SANY | Sensors Anywhere |
SECURECHANGE | Security engineering for lifelong evolvable systems |
SEYLE | Saving and empowering young lives in Europe: promote health through prevention of risk-taking and self-destructive behaviors |
SORT IT | Recovered paper sorting with innovative technologies |
WATEREUS-MED | Water reuse in Mediterranean Countries |
Manifestations intéressant la Lorraine et l'Autriche
Cette liste est générée de façon automatique (fonctionnalités sémantiques)
- Congrès international Renaissance 2013 Nancy
- Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes 2013 Nancy
- Friedrich Schiller en Europe 2013 Metz
- Les cinq sens et les textes (2013) Nancy
- Les cultures des sciences en Europe 2011 Nancy
- Médiation des sciences 2012 Nancy
- Nanomaterials by severe plastic deformation 2014 Metz
Liens interwikis
Voir l'Autriche sur Wicri/Wicri.