
From Wicri Forest

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The long-term climate and energy strategy describes changes in the international operating environment over the last few years, and presents the measures required in Finland, e.g. concerning the objectives for the reduction of greenhouse gases, energy sourcing, renewable energy and energy efficiency, on the basis of the guidelines approved by the European Council in the spring of 2007,and the climate and energy package based on them, presented by the European Commission in January 2008.  +
Metsähallitus is a state-run enterprise whose tasks are divided into business activities and primarily budget-funded public administration duties.  +
The '''National Centre for Forest Owners''' (French : ''Centre National de la Propriété Forestière'', '''CNPF''') is placed under the authority of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishing. It was created in 2009 by grouping of the regional forest owners' centres (CRPF) and the Institute for Forest Development (IDF). The CNPF implements national forest policy in respect to the private forest sector. They also undertake activities forest owners. CNPF has already approved 33 000 management plans (cover more than 3 million hectares).  +
The French '''National Forest Programme''' (French: ''Programme forestier national'', '''PFN''') is a response to the various commitments entered into by France, and provides analysis and presents proposals for the sustainable development of the forest-wood sector in France. It aims to give more visibility to the forest-wood sector in France and in the overseas territories. The NFP covers the period 2006-2015. It takes into account the major current issues concerning forest management to define issues to be implemented in the French forest policy. The NFP was developed in close consultation between the major stakeholders in the forest-wood sector.  +
The '''Finland's National Forest Programme 2015''' provides strategies for the sustainable management of Finnish forests.  +
The '''National Institute for Agricultural Research''' (French : ''Institut national de la recherche agronomique'', '''Inra''') is a French public research institute dedicated to scientific studies surrounding the problems of agriculture. It is the leading agricultural research institute in Europe, and the second largest in the world for the number of its publications in agricultural, plant and animal sciences.  +
The French '''National Research Agency''' ( French : ''Agence nationale de la recherche'', '''ANR''') is a research funding organisation. It was established by the French government to fund research projects, based on competitive schemes giving researchers opportunities to realize their projects and paving the way for ground-breaking new knowledge. The role of the Agency is to bring more flexibility to the French research system, foster new dynamics and devise cutting edge-strategies for acquiring new knowledge. The ANR funds scientific teams, both public and private, in the form of short-term research contracts.  +
The '''National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture''' (French: ''Institut National de Recherche en Sciences et Technologies pour l'Environnement et l'Agriculture'', IRSTEA) is a public scientific and technological institute and reports to both the Research and Agriculture ministries. It collaborates with other research organisations, universities, industrial companies and local governments on environmental topics related to global change. Its research deals primarily with surface-water quality, biodiversity, green technologies, territorial planning and environmental economics. As of January 2012, Irstea has 24 research units at 9 locations throughout France.  +
Declining biodiversity endangers the well-being of the environment and people, and affects the prospects for the livelihoods of future generations on a global scale. Such problems have to be tackled wherever they are created. The new National Strategy and Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity represent Finland’s vision of the necessary measures.  +
The proposal for a national strategy for mires and peatlands defines the objectives and measures relating to the sustainable and responsible use or mires and peatlands.  +
The '''National Sustainable Development Strategy''' (French : ''Stratégie nationale de développement durable'', '''SNDD''') provides a frame of reference and policy framework for all national, public and private stakeholders in the field of sustainable development. Its main purpose is to ensure the coherence and complementarity of France's international and European commitments and national, cross-cutting and sectorial policies.  +
This is Paul Rougieux's user page  +
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The '''Public Interest Group for Forest Ecosystems'''( ''Groupement d'Intérêt Public "ECOsystèmes FORestiers"'', '''GIP EcoFor''') is a structure of cooperation between 10 forest research institutions (Agroparistech, IRSTEA, Cirad, CNPF, CNRS, FCBA, IFN, INRA, IRD, ONF). It is a link between research and forest management thanks to its expertise and its information system. It is managed by the French research ministry.  +
The renewable energy package now outlined by Ministerial working group is is a clear change in direction towards a zero emission power generation. The challenging renewable energy objective will be achieved by promoting the use of forest chips and other wood-based energy, wind power, biofuels and by increasing the use of heat pumps.  +
The '''Society of Irish Foresters''' (Irish : ''Cumann Foraoiseoirí Na hEireann'') was established to lead and represent the forestry profession. It organizes field days, study tours, workshops, lectures and symposia. The society publishes the Irish Forestry Journal and the bi-annual newsletter The Irish Forester.  +
The '''Standing Forestry Committee''' (SFC) represents forestry administrations of the EU Member States. It acts as an advisory and management Committee for specific forestry measures; it is also an ad-hoc consultation forum that provides expertise in connection with the development of forest-related measures in the framework of various Community policies, such as those on rural development and the environment; and finally it provides a venue for exchange of information among Member States, and between Member States and the Commission.  +
The 1990 '''Strasbourg Declaration''' initiated cross-border mechanisms and a broad cooperation for the protection of forests throughout Europe.  +
The '''Technological Institute for Forestry, Cellulose, Construction Timber and Furniture''' (French: ''Institut technologique Forêt, Cellulose, Bois – Construction, Ameublement'', '''FCBA''') promotes technical progress and contribute to improved output, as well as guaranteeing high quality in the industry, by encouraging a comprehensive approach and emphasizing areas of synergy in the trade. Its distinctive feature resides in the diversity of the trade professionals for whom it acts (silviculture, forestry and sawmills, pulp, packaging and miscellaneous products, timber in the construction industry, furniture, finishes, wood treatment and preservation, environment, health, energy, economics, and sustainable development).  +