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    • BiodivERsA  + (BiodivERsA is a network of 21 research-funding agencies across 15 European countries for the promotion of pan-European research that offers innovative opportunities for the conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity.)
    • National Strategy and Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Finland 2006-2016  + (Declining biodiversity endangers the well-Declining biodiversity endangers the well-being</br>of the environment and people, and affects the prospects</br>for the livelihoods of future generations on a global scale.</br>Such problems have to be tackled wherever they are created. The new National Strategy and Action Plan</br>for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity</br>represent Finland’s vision of the necessary measures.inland’s vision of the necessary measures.)
    • Forests, their Products and Services (FPS) - COST  + (FPS has the mission to promote research alFPS has the mission to promote research along the whole forest-wood-chain by providing a platform for the effective coordination of nationally funded research activities in the areas of forestry, wood technology and pulp & paper. FPS focuses on complex and unique processes which form the basis for present and potential capacity to provide resources to satisfy human needs as well as environmental values. COST is an intergovernmental network that supports co-operation among scientists and researchers across Europe, and is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme.s supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme.)
    • Act on the Financing of Sustainable Forestry  + (Financing from the annual appropriations iFinancing from the annual appropriations included in the State budget in the form of aid and loan shall be allocated for measures which promote the sustainable management and use of forests in accordance with the Forest Act (1093/1996) as provided in this Act.t Act (1093/1996) as provided in this Act.)
    • Finnish Forest Management Association  + (Forest Management Associations are governed and financed by forest owners. The Act on Forest Management Associations enables them to collect a forest management fee from forest owners.)
    • A Natural Resource Strategy for Finland  + (Future success based on the Intelligent uFuture success based on the Intelligent use of natural resources requires broad-ranging changes of the operators working in the society. By bringing together different actors to the national strategy process, the aim has been to help identify the changes and make them possible.entify the changes and make them possible.)
    • Metsähallitus  + (Metsähallitus is a state-run enterprise whose tasks are divided into business activities and primarily budget-funded public administration duties.)
    • Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg  + (Research center)
    • Forestry Development Centre Tapio  + (Tapio offers a wide range of services and products to companies and organizations for the sustainable management and use of forests.)
    • Aarhus Clearinghouse for Environmental Democracy  + (The '''Aarhus Clearinghouse for EnvironmenThe '''Aarhus Clearinghouse for Environmental Democracy''' is a searchable database of material such as legislation, reports, meeting information related to the Aarhus Convention. It also contains information relevant to the implementation of principle 10 of the Rio Declaration at the global, regional and national levels around the world.onal and national levels around the world.)
    • Advisory Committee on Forest-based Industries  + (The '''Advisory Committee on Community PolThe '''Advisory Committee on Community Policy regarding Forestry and Forest-based Industries''' (FBI Committee) acts as an advisory committee on matters concerning the industrial aspects of Community policies affecting forest-based industries and forestry as well as on matters concerning the market and other economic considerations affecting forest products in the Community.ffecting forest products in the Community.)
    • Advisory Group on Forestry and Cork  + (The '''Advisory Group on Forestry and CorkThe '''Advisory Group on Forestry and Cork''' (AGFC) was created in order to replace the advisory Committee on Forestry and Cork. It deals with matters arising in connection with the operation of the various common organisations of the market and other areas covered by the common agricultural policy (CAP) and by rural development policy.icy (CAP) and by rural development policy.)
    • Alpine Convention  + (The '''Alpine Convention''' is a framework that sets out the basic principles of all the activities of the Alpine Convention and contains general measures for the sustainable development in the Alpine region.)
    • Carpathian Convention  + (The '''Carpathian Convention''' is a framework type convention pursuing a comprehensive policy and cooperating in the protection and sustainable development of the Carpathians.)
    • Confederation of European Forest Owners  + (The '''Confederation of European Forest OwThe '''Confederation of European Forest Owners''' (CEPF) is the umbrella association of national forest owner organizations in the European Union. It works as the representative of family forestry in Europe, by promoting the values of private property ownership. the values of private property ownership.)
    • Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage  + (The '''Convention Concerning the ProtectioThe '''Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage''' (World Heritage Convention) is an international agreement for the protection of cultural and natural heritage. It defines the kind of natural or cultural heritage sites which can be considered for inscription on the World Heritage List and established the World Heritage Fund and the World Heritage Committee. The Convention sets out the duties of States Parties in identifying potential sites and their role in protecting and preserving the World Cultural and Natural Heritage.g the World Cultural and Natural Heritage.)
    • Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters  + (The '''Convention on Access to InformationThe '''Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters''' (Aarhus Convention) is an international agreement which lays down a set of basic rules to promote citizens’ involvement in environmental matters and improve enforcement of environmental law.It grants the public access to environmental information and justice, provides for participation in environmental decision-making, and focuses on interaction between the public and public authorities.between the public and public authorities.)
    • Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context  + (The '''Convention on Environmental Impact The '''Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context''' (Espoo Convention) was created for mitigating environmental damages of certain activities having an important transboundary environmental impact through negotiations among the different affected countries.ns among the different affected countries.)
    • Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora  + (The '''Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora''' (CITES) is an international agreement between 171 nations to ensure the global wildlife trade is managed responsibly and sustainably.)
    • Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution  + (The '''Convention on Long-range TransboundThe '''Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution''' (CLRTAP) is an international agreement to protect human health and the natural environment from air pollution by control and reduction of air pollution, including long-range transboundary air long-range transboundary air pollution.)
    • Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals  + (The '''Convention on the Conservation of MThe '''Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals''' (Bonn Convention) is an intergovernmental treaty, concluded under the aegis of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), concerned with the conservation of wildlife and habitats on a global scale.f wildlife and habitats on a global scale.)
    • Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats  + (The '''Convention on the Conservation of EThe '''Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats''' (Bern Convention) recognizes the need to take positive actions for nature conservation but also to integrate concerns for biodiversity in national policies dealing with planning and development, as well as in countries’ measures against pollution. in countries’ measures against pollution.)
    • Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes  + (The '''Convention on the Protection and UsThe '''Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes''' (Water Convention) promotes ecologically sound management and conservation of shared freshwater ecosystems in Europe and neighboring regions. The Convention takes a holistic approach based on the understanding that water resources play an integral part in ecosystems as well as in human societies and economies.Its commitment to integrated water resources management replaces an earlier focus on localized sources of pollution and management of separate components of the ecosystem.t of separate components of the ecosystem.)
    • Council for Forest Research and Development  + (The '''Council for Forest Research and DevThe '''Council for Forest Research and Development''' ('''COFORD''') is a representative body of the Forestry Sector in Ireland. The Council advises on the formulation of the national programme on Competitive Forest Research for Development (also known as the COFORD Research Program) as well as addressing developmental issues in the forest sector including wood supply and demand forecasting at an all Ireland level. The COFORD research programme is the responsibility of the Research Division of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, and funds research of relevance to the forest sector in Ireland.relevance to the forest sector in Ireland.)
    • Directive on the protection of the environment through criminal law  + (The '''Directive on the protection of the The '''Directive on the protection of the environment through criminal law''' regulates the protection of the environment through criminal law and significantly contributes to the more effective implementation of environmental protection policy at EU level.vironmental protection policy at EU level.)
    • The Directorate-General for Climate Action  + (The '''Directorate-General for Climate ActThe '''Directorate-General for Climate Action''' (DG CLIMA) is at the forefront of international efforts to combat climate change. It leads the respective Commission task forces on the international negotiations in the areas of climate change and ozone depleting substances and coordinates bi-lateral and multi-lateral partnerships on climate change and energy with third countries.te change and energy with third countries.)
    • EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy  + (The '''EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy''' haThe '''EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy''' has been adopted by the European Commission to halt the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the European Union (EU) by 2020. There are six main targets, and 20 actions to help Europe reach its goal. Biodiversity loss is an enormous challenge in the EU, with around one in four species currently threatened with extinction and 88% of fish stocks over-exploited or significantly depleted. over-exploited or significantly depleted.)
    • EU Biodiversity Action Plan  + (The '''EU Biodiversity Action Plan''' (BAPThe '''EU Biodiversity Action Plan''' (BAP) is a policy instrument which addresses the challenge of halting the decline of biodiversity in the European Union by 2020. It establishes a detailed set of target driven objectives, specifies a comprehensive plan of priority actions and outlines the responsibility of community institutions and Member States in relation to each. It also contains indicators to monitor progress and a timetable for evaluations. progress and a timetable for evaluations.)
    • Environmental Investigation Agency – Forests for the World Campaign  + (The '''Environmental Investigation Agency The '''Environmental Investigation Agency - Forests for the World Campaign''' (EIA) is an independent campaigning organisation committed to bringing about change that protects the natural world from environmental crime and abuse. EIA focuses on the ransacking of precious forests and on species threatened with extinction due to the devastating impact of illegal trade in body parts, over-hunting and the destruction of habitats.r-hunting and the destruction of habitats.)
    • Europe and North Asia Forest Law Enforcement and Governance  + (The '''Europe and North Asia Forest Law EnThe '''Europe and North Asia Forest Law Enforcement and Governance''' (ENA FLEG) is a political initiative launched by a number of countries to strengthen forest governance within a given region. These ministerial-level political processes aim to mobilize international commitment from producer, consumer and donor governments to increase efforts to combat illegal logging. They create the political space at national and regional levels to address these sensitive issues and they specifically recognize the need for joint efforts and shared responsibility of wood products producing countries, consuming countries, civil society and donors.uming countries, civil society and donors.)
    • European Commission (EC) Climate Action  + (The '''European Commission (EC) Climate AcThe '''European Commission (EC) Climate Action''' (DG CLIMA) is a political initiative that leads international negotiations on climate, helps the European Union (EU) to deal with the consequences of climate change and to meet its targets for 2020, as well as develops and implements the EU Emissions Trading System.mplements the EU Emissions Trading System.)
    • European Forest Fire Information System  + (The '''European Forest Fire Information SyThe '''European Forest Fire Information System''' (EFFIS) has been established by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the Directorate General for Environment (DG ENV) of the European Commission (EC) to support the services in charge of the protection of forests against fires in the EU and neighbor countries, and also to provide the EC services and the European Parliament with updated and reliable information on forest fires in Europe. EFFIS addresses forest fires in Europe in a comprehensive way, providing EU level assessments from pre-fire to post-fire phases, thus supporting fire prevention, preparedness, fire fighting and post-fire evaluations., fire fighting and post-fire evaluations.)
    • European Forest Institute  + (The '''European Forest Institute''' (EFI) The '''European Forest Institute''' (EFI) is an international organisation established by European states. Its vision is to live in a world where the sustainability of our forests and societies is secured. EFI is achieving this by bringing together the best possible cross-boundary knowledge and expertise, and by actively contributing to the ongoing dialogue on forests.buting to the ongoing dialogue on forests.)
    • EU Timber Regulation  + (The '''European Union (EU) Timber RegulatiThe '''European Union (EU) Timber Regulation''' (''Regulation No 995-2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 October 2010 laying down the obligations of operators who place timber and timber products on the market'') is part of the EU Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) action plan. It counters the trade in illegally harvested timber and timber products through three key obligations:</br>*It prohibits the placing on the EU market for the first time of illegally harvested timber and products derived from such timber</br>*It requires EU traders who place timber products on the EU market for the first time to exercise 'due diligence' </br>*Keep records of their suppliers and customers. records of their suppliers and customers.)
    • FAO Forestry department  + (The '''FAO Forestry Department''' helps naThe '''FAO Forestry Department''' helps nations manage their forests in a sustainable way. The Organization's approach balances social, economic and environmental objectives so that present generations can reap the benefits of the earth's forest resources while conserving them to meet the needs of future generations.m to meet the needs of future generations.)
    • National Forest Programme 2015 (Finland)  + (The '''Finland's National Forest Programme 2015''' provides strategies for the sustainable management of Finnish forests.)
    • Finnish Forestry Centre  + (The '''Finnish Forestry Centre''' is a govThe '''Finnish Forestry Centre''' is a governmental forestry organisation operating under the guidance of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. The Forestry Centre operates in two separate units: Public service unit, and business unit. The business unit operates under the name of – Forest Services.rates under the name of – Forest Services.)
    • Forest Service  + (The '''Forest Service''' (Irish :''an tSeiThe '''Forest Service''' (Irish :''an tSeirbhís Foraoiseachta'') is responsible for ensuring the development of Forestry within Ireland in a manner and to a scale that maximises its contribution to national socioeconomic well-being on a sustainable basis that is compatible with the protection of the environment.le with the protection of the environment.)
    • Foundation for Biodiversity Research  + (The '''Foundation for Biodiversity ResearcThe '''Foundation for Biodiversity Research''' (French : ''Fondation pour la recherche sur la biodiversité'', '''FRB''') is a forum in which the scientific community and stakeholders can meet to achieve better definition of the scientific questions. It facilitates decision-making and action in favour of biodiversity.king and action in favour of biodiversity.)
    • French Forest Law  + (The '''French Forest Law''' (in French: ''The '''French Forest Law''' (in French: ''Code forestier'') defines a forest policy taking into account the need for sustainable development, particularly the protection of forests and their resources. This policy is integrated into the general land use planning. The French forest law defines and regulates the forest management of the public and private forests, forest conservation, and political exploitation of forest resources. It was last amended on 28 January 2012es. It was last amended on 28 January 2012)