Environmental Investigation Agency – Forests for the World Campaign

From Wicri Forest

EFI Policy Portal

Information Portal on Forest Policies, Institutions and Instruments
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Founded: 1984
Scope: Global
Policy area: Environment
Type of institution: Non-governmental
Field of work: Research, Other
Language: English
URL: EIA website
Format: html
Access: Free
Publisher: EIA
Country(ies): United Kingdom
Date: 2/11/2011

The Environmental Investigation Agency - Forests for the World Campaign (EIA) is an independent campaigning organisation committed to bringing about change that protects the natural world from environmental crime and abuse. EIA focuses on the ransacking of precious forests and on species threatened with extinction due to the devastating impact of illegal trade in body parts, over-hunting and the destruction of habitats.

Objective To conduct research and investigations in the environmental area in order to expose environmental crimes and abuses of the natural world
Thematic priority(ies) Ecosystems and biodiversity, environmental crime and governance, global climate
Functions Forest investigations and lobbying, engagement in the REDD debate
Linkage(s) to policy processes, instruments and institutions UNFCCC, REDD, FLEGT, EU Timber Regulation
Keywords Forest loss, forest conversion, forest governance, forests and carbon, illegal logging
FOREST EUROPE criteria FOREST EUROPE indicators ToSIA indicators
Forest resources and carbon, Productive functions, Socio-economic functions Carbon stock, Forest damage, Trade in wood Greenhouse gas emissions and carbon stock, Forest resources, Forest damage