All pages
From Wicri ICS
- Abdel Belaïd
- Actors
- Africa
- Agadir
- Alice Hermann
- American Society for Information Science and Technology
- Americas
- Amos David
- Asia
- Bernard Dousset
- Brigitte Simonnot
- Brittany (administrative region)
- CIDE 10 Nancy
- CIDE 11 Rouen
- Carl Lagoze
- Catherine Kellner
- Centre de recherche sur les médiations
- Christine Vanoirbeek
- Claire François
- Claude Baltz
- DCMI 2008 Berlin
- DC 2001 Tokyo
- DC 2008
- DC 2008 Berlin
- DC 2009 Seoul
- DC 2010 Pittsburgh
- DC 2010 Wicri
- DC 2011 The Hague
- DC 2012 Kuching
- DC Conference
- Digital information actors
- Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
- Eric Brangier
- EuroVoc
- Europe
- European Union
- Eurovoc
- Fedora (software)
- France
- French translation of DC:contributor
- Germany
- Göttingen
- Göttingen State and University Library
- H2PTM 2009 Paris
- Imad Saleh
- Institut de l'information scientifique et technique
- International Data Kiosk for Sustainable Development
- International Islamic University Malaysia
- Jacques Ducloy
- Jane Greenberg
- Japan
- Jean-Charles Lamirel
- Jean-Paul Haton
- Jean-Pierre Thomesse
- Jon Phipps
- Journal Publishing Tag Set
- Journal Publishing Tag Suite
- Karen Coyle
- Khaldoun Zreik
- Kingdom of the Netherlands
- Laboratoire lorrain de recherche en informatique et ses applications
- Lausanne
- Loria
- Lorraine
- Lorraine (region)
- Luc Massou
- Luxembourg
- Main Page
- Marrakech
- Maryvonne Holzem
- Metadata
- Metadata for WICRI, a Network of Semantic Wikis for Communities in Research and Innovation
- Metadata for WICRI, a Network of Semantic Wikis for Communities in Research and Innovation/Prologue
- Metadata towards an e-research cyberinfrastructure: The case of French PhD theses
- Metz
- Michael K. Bergman
- Morocco
- Muriel Foulonneau
- Nancy
- National Taiwan Normal University
- Netherlands
- New Brunswick, New Jersey
- New Jersey
- O3D
- Oceania
- Online Computer Library Center
- Open Digital Space For the Mediterranean (inaugural conference)
- Pennsylvania
- Pittsburgh
- Projects:Antonín Dvořák
- Projects:Setting up the wiki
- RIAO 2010 Paris
- Rennes
- Research events
- Rutgers University
- SIIE 2011 Marrakech
- Scientific journal
- Scientific journals
- SemWiki 2009 Heraklion
- Semantic Web
- Sherry L. Vellucci
- Shigeo Sugimoto
- Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University
- Stuart A. Sutton
- Stéphane Sire
- Switzerland
- Sylvie Lainé-Cruzel
- Tei-Terri-NormS/Home Page
- The Hague
- Thierry Daunois
- Ticri en:Community Portal
- Ticri en:Community portal
- Ticri en:Current events
- Tim Berners-Lee
- Topics index
- Tsukuba, Ibaraki
- Type:Date
- Type:String
- Type:URL
- United Kingdom
- United States
- University of Lorraine
- University of Tsukuba
- Université Paul Verlaine
- VSST 2009 Nancy
- WISE 2007 Nancy
- Wikipedia, A quantitative analysis (thesis)
- École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Éric Trupin