Budget : | 1 412 k€ |
Subventions : | FP7-KBBE (1 640 k€) |
Sous-programme : | Network of Third Countries National Information Points |
Type de contrat : | Support actions |
Début : | 1er octobre 2008 |
Fin : | 31 janvier 2011 |
BIO CIRCLE est l'acronyme du projet européen Creating a circle by extending the BIO NCP network to Third Country NIPs, qui a pour référence sur le service CORDIS 227204[1].
Note : Les objectifs suivants sont repris de la fiche du projet sur Cordis
- Objective
BIO CIRCLE will extend the network of National Contact Points for the FP7 theme Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and Biotechnology (BIO NCP) to National Information Points (NIP) from Third Countries over a two year period. The European Commission needs to implement the bilateral Scientific & Technological Agreements signed with Third Countries (TC), for increasing their participation in FAFB FP7 and strengthening the collaboration between European and TC researchers. The main focus of the project will be on identifying, sharing and implementing good practices between NCPs and NIPs. The expected results of BIO CIRCLE are:
- Capacities built for Third Country BIO NIPs (through SWOT analysis, training of NIPs and twinning);
- Strengthened consortium building in FAFB international cooperation projects (through mapping of Third Country research potential and the organisation of 2 international Brokerage Events);
- Capacities built for Third Country Researchers to participate in FP7 (through preparation of specific training materials, training and networking with EU researchers);
- Strengthened identification, development and sharing of Good Practices to enhance cooperation between the NCP and NIP networks (through 5 Regional Benchmarking Workshops, a Common Benchmarking Workshop and the design of a Good Practices Guide).
Les partenaires du projet
Coordinateur du projet
- Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea - Rome (Italie)
- Tudomanyos es Technologiai Alapitvany - Budapest (Hongrie)
- Bay Zoltan Alkalmazott Kutatasi Kozhasznu Nonprofit KFT - Budapest (Hongrie)
- Food Idustrial Research and Technological Development Company SA - Athènes (Grèce)
- A. N. Bach - Russian Academy of Sciences - Moscou (Russie)
- Independent Experts Consulting Board to promote Scientific Research Activity in Kazakhstan - Almaty (Kazakhstan)
- Forschungszentrum Juelich GMBH - Juelich (Allemagne)
- Senternovem - La Haye (Pays-Bas)
- Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria - Brasilia (Brésil)
- Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica - Santiago (Chili)
- China National Center for Biotechnology Development - Pékin (Chine)
- National Research Center - Le Caire (Égypte)
- Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa - Londres (Royaume-Uni)
- Jawaharlal Nehru University - New Dehli (Inde)
- Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico - Mexico (Mexique)
- Ministère de l'éducation nationale, de l'enseignement supérieur, de la formation des cadres et de la recherche scientifique - Rabat (Maroc)
- Association de coordination technique pour l'industrie agroalimentaire - Paris (France)
- National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine - Kiev (Ukraine)
- Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion Productiva - Buenos Aires (Argentine)
- Centre de Biotechnologie Borj Cedria - Hammam-Lif (Tunisie)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research - Pretoria (Afrique du Sud)
- Thailand National Science and Technology Development Agency - Bangkok (Thaïlande)
- Coût total du projet : 1 639 643 €
- Subvention de la Commission européenne (programme FP7-KBBE) : 1 412 680 €
Dates importantes
- Date de début : 1er octobre 2008
- Date de fin : 31 janvier 2011
- ↑ La fiche du projet sur CORDIS