ToSIA indicators

From Wicri Forest
Revision as of 19:00, 21 November 2011 by imported>Thierry Daunois
Type of indicator Indicators
Indicators of economic sustainability
Indicators of social sustainability
Indicators of environmental sustainability

See also

Notes and sources

Gross value added (GVA)

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units GVA at factor cost and contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) GVA at factor cost € Contribution to GDP % of GDP

Production cost

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Average production cost (APC) and share of cost of wood-based materials APC total € Share of cost of wood-based materials % of APC

Trade balance

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Imports and exports of wood and products derived from wood, and net trade Imports of wood and products derived from wood

a) volume b) value c) share of imports kg; m3; etc. € %

Resource use (including recycled material)

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Use of renewable and non-renewable materials, classified by virgin and recycled material Volume of renewable materials in total, of which a) wood-based material in total - of i) virgin and ii) recycled origin b) other renewable materials in total - of i) virgin and ii) recycled origin kg Volume of non-renewable materials in total - of i) virgin and ii) recycled origin kg

Forest sector enterprise structure

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Number of forest holdings and forest-based enterprises classified by size classes Number of forest holdings classified as a) public and b) private Number Average forest holding size classified by a) public and b) private Ha Forest based enterprises classified by size: a) micro and small (0-49 employees) b) medium (50-249 employees) c) large (more than 250 employees) Number

Investment and research and development

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Investment (gross fixed capital formation) and R&D expenditure Investment (gross fixed capital formation) € R&D expenditure in total, and classified by a) private expenditure and b) public expenditure €

Total production

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Production of goods and services Goods classified by a) volume and b) value tonnes; kg; m3 Forest services (marketed) €


Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Labour productivity Annual production per employee of total forest sector, and per sub-sector m3 per employee or tonnes per employee


Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Share of forest-based enterprises with new or significantly improved products or processes, and share of turnover (for the total forest-based sector and per NACE category) Share of forest-based enterprises with new or significantly improved goods or services % Share of forest-based enterprises with new or significantly improved production process, distribution method, or support activity for goods or services (for the total forest-based sector and per NACE category) % Share of turnover from new or significantly improved products as a share of total turnover %


Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Number of persons employed in total and by gender Number of persons employed in total and classified by a) gender categories - i. male or ii. female b) employment on enterprise sites - i. in rural areas or ii. in urban areas absolute number and % of total (in full-time equivalents in reference year)

Wages and salaries

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Wages and salaries (gross earnings) classified by gender and in relative terms Wages and salaries classified by gender (male/female) € Average wages and salaries per employee relative to a) country average b)weighted purchasing power parity relative to ???

Occupational safety and health

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Frequency of occupational accidents and occupational diseases Occupational accidents classified by: non-fatal occupational accidents fatal occupational accidents absolute number per 1000 employees Occupational diseases frequency of cases per number of persons exposed multiplied by number of years of exposure and in absolute numbers per 1000 employees

Education and training

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Education levels and training Highest level of education of employees a) up to lower secondary education b) post secondary and tertiary education number of employees per class and share of total a)ISCED classes 1-2 ISCED classes 3-6 Average training time per employee hours per year per employee

Corporate social responsibility

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Forest holdings and forest-based enterprises with third-party certified management and share of wood sourced from third-party certified sustainable production Forest holdings and forest-based enterprises with third-party certified management a) forest certification schemes b) environmental management system number of enterprises Share of wood sourced from third-party certified sustainable production per NACE category % of total volume sourced

Quality of employment

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Persons employed part-time, temporarily employed persons, and self-employed persons Persons employed part-time and employees with a contract of limited duration (annual average) in total (male/female) % of total persons employed self-employed persons % of total persons employed

Provision of public forest services

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Provision of public forest services Forest area designated for a) recreational use b) protective services Ha Number of visits to forests numbers per ha per year

Consumer behaviour attitudes

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Consumption of wood per capita and consumer attitudes towards forests and forest industry Apparent consumption of wood per capita m3 per capita Share of population perceiving as stable or increasing a)forest area b)forest biodiversity c)forest health % of ordinal classes per country Share of population perceiving forest industry to be a)environmentally friendly b)an attractive employer % of ordinal classes per country

Energy generation and use

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units On-site energy generation (from renewables) and energy use classified by origin including the share of self-sufficiency On-site energy generation from renewables in total and classified into a) heat b) electricity c) fuel terajoule (TJ) Energy use in total and classified by a) heat in total classified by origin (renewable/non-renewable) b) electricity in total classified by origin (renewable/non-renewable) c) fuel in total classified by origin (renewable/non-renewable) terajoule (TJ) Share of self-sufficiency %

Greenhouse gas emissions and carbon stock

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Greenhouse gas emissions and carbon stock Greenhouse gas emissions in total CO2 equivalents Carbon stock in a) forests [classes as per IPCC guidelines] b) wood products c) landfill CO2 equivalents


Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Transport volume and distance per mode of transport Total tonnes and share of modal split tonnes, % total tonne-km and share of modal split tonne-km, %

Water use

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Water use Water use (freshwater intake by industry) m3 Water use of the forest ecosystem a) evapotranspiration from the forest ecosystem Groundwater recharge m3 per ha

Forest resources

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Area of forest and other wooded land and related growing stock classified by type and by availability of wood supply as well as balance of increment and fellings Area of forest and area of other wooded land Ha Growing stock classified by: a) forest types (predominantly conifers, predominantly broadleaved, mixed) b) forest available for wood supply (as defined by UNECE/FAO) m3 (growing stock is measured over bark) Net increment (balance between increment and fellings) m3

Soil condition

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Soil condition as expressed by chemical soil properties and soil compaction Chemical soil properties related to soil acidity and eutrophication classified by main soil types a) pH b) CEC c) C:N ratio d) organic C e) base saturation f) site nutrient budget averaged over total rotation period (N, P, K, Ca, Mg)

a) pH classes b) cmol per kg c) ratio d) g per kg e) % (calculated as sum base cations CEC)*100 f) % difference over total rotation period Soil compaction from machine operations soil density in kg per dm3

Water and air pollution

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Water pollution classified by organic substances and nutrients and non-greenhouse gas emissions into air Water pollution a) organic substances (biochemical oxygen demand b) nutrients (N, P) c) acidity a) kg BOD5 b) kg c) pH classes Non-greenhouse gas emissions into air (CO, NOx, SO2, NMVOC) kg

Forest biodiversity

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Area of forest and other wooded land (OWL) classified by number of tree species occurring and by forest type and by protection status Area of forest and OWL classified by a) number of tree species occurring b)forest types (predominantly conifers, predominantly broadleaved, mixed) total number per 1000 ha Total volume of deadwood on forest and OWL and classified by a) standing deadwood b) lying deadwood m3 per ha Protection status of area of forest and OWL area per 1000 ha (according to MCPFE assessment guidelines)

Forest damage

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Forest area with damage and damage induced wood supply Area with damage classified by damaging agent a) biotic - i. insects and diseases or ii. wildlife and grazing b) abiotic - i. fire; storm,wind; snow, drought, mudflow and other identifiable abiotic factors c) human induced ha Damage-induced wood supply m3

Generation of waste

Full indicator name Sub-indicators Units Generation of waste - total, hazardous, and categorised by type of waste management Generation of waste in total, and the proportion of which is hazardous waste kg Waste management a) waste to material recycling b) waste to incineration c) waste to landfill m3