Ferralic properties (WRB)

From Wicri Urban Soils

Ferralic properties is one of the diagnostic properties used, in the WRB system, to discriminate some soils from others.


The term "Ferralic properties" (from Latin ferrum, iron, and alumen, alum) refers to mineral soil material that has a relatively low CEC. It also includes soil materials that fulfil the requirements of a ferralic horizon except texture.


Ferralic properties require in some subsurface layer :

  • a CEC (by 1 M NH4OAc) of less than 24 cmolc kg-1 clay

or :

  • a CEC (by 1 M NH4OAc) of less than 4 cmolc kg-1 soil and a Munsell chroma of 5 or more, moist.

RSG in which ferralic properties can be observed

See also