Diagnostic horizons (WRB)
From Wicri Urban Soils
World Reference Base for soil resources |
A diagnostic horizon is a soil layer containing a combination of characteristics typical of that kind of soil. These characteristics may be of structure, origin.
The World Reference Base for soil resources refers to 39 diagnostic horizons.
The WRB diagnostic horizons
- Albic horizon
- Anthraquic horizon
- Anthric horizon
- Argic horizon
- Calcic horizon
- Cambic horizon
- Cryic horizon
- Duric horizon
- Ferralic horizon
- Ferric horizon
- Folic horizon
- Fragic horizon
- Fulvic horizon
- Gypsic horizon
- Histic horizon
- Hortic horizon
- Hydragric horizon
- Irragric horizon
- Melanic horizon
- Mollic horizon
- Natric horizon
- Nitic horizon
- Petrocalcic horizon
- Petroduric horizon
- Petrogypsic horizon
- Petroplinthic horizon
- Pisoplinthic horizon
- Plaggic horizon
- Plinthic horizon
- Salic horizon
- Sombric horizon
- Spodic horizon
- Takyric horizon
- Terric horizon
- Thionic horizon
- Umbric horizon
- Vertic horizon
- Voronic horizon
- Yermic horizon
- The FAO's WRB 2007 report