Tunis Med (2018) Zemni

From LIS History

Bibliometric profile of Tunisian medical publications written in English and indexed in Medline.


Imen Zemni, Mouna Safer, Imen Horrigue, Asma Ben Abdelaziz, Sonia Hammami, Ahmed Ben Abdelaziz(1)
  • (1) (null)
La Tunisie medicale, (2018)
On line



English is becoming nowadays the universal language of science. Rresearch published in English can be considered as a bibliometric indicator of the scientific productivity.


We sought to describe the evolution of the Tunisian medical publications written in English over the period from 2004 to 2014.


Medline's database was consulted using a research query associating the names of the country and the main university cities both in French and in English. The articles with a Tunisian health affiliation were retained but the articles of dentistry, pharmacy and non-medical fields were not included.


We counted 979 English language Tunisian medical articles published during the three tracer years of the study: 2004, 2009 and 2014. The increase rate was about 38% between 2004 and 2014. The contribution of medical fields in English language publications was important but showed a clear decrease over time. The retrieved articles did not have the same distribution according to the specialties and the institutions. The distribution according to the journals showed that these articles were mainly published by foreign journals with an increasing impact factors between 2004 and 2014.


The English language Tunisian medical productivity had shown an important increase over time but many specialties and institutions still not enough implicated in this production.Therefore, increasing research funding, improving the physicians' research methodology and English writing capacities are likely needed to improve the Tunisian medical output.

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