Cahiers Elisabéthains

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Cahiers Elisabéthains
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An English-language journal, Cahiers Élisabéthains publishes articles and reviews on all aspects of the English Renaissance. The term is given its broadest connotation: subjects have ranged from Chaucer to Restoration drama and beyond. The literature and drama of the Elizabethan period is, however, the focal point of our interests.

Each issue includes articles (4-5), a unique section of international theatre reviews, illustrated with colour and black-and-white photographs, book reviews, and a listing of books received. Notes are regularly published.

Cahiers Élisabéthains is published twice yearly, in the spring and the autumn.

Informations bibliographiques :

  • Date de création : 1972
  • Périodicité : semestriel (2/an)
  • Langue(s) :


  • Supports : papier
  • Identifiant(s) :

Ligne éditoriale (extrait du site) : An English-language journal, Cahiers Élisabéthains publishes articles and reviews on all aspects of the English Renaissance. The term is given its broadest connotation: subjects have ranged from Chaucer to Restoration drama and beyond. The literature and drama of the Elizabethan period is, however, the focal point of our interests.

Each issue includes articles (4-5), a unique section of international theatre reviews, illustrated with colour and black-and-white photographs, book reviews, and a listing of books received. Notes are regularly published.

Cahiers Élisabéthains is published twice yearly, in the spring and the autumn.

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