Aleph : Historical Studies in Science & Judaism

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Contact : M. Freudenthal Gad
Téléphone : 972.2.658.56
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Aleph : Historical Studies in Science & Judaism
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Aleph explores the interface between Judaism and science and studies the interactions between science and Judaism throughout history. Science is conceived broadly and includes the social sciences and the humanities. Likewise, the history of science is broadly construed within the journal's purview and includes the social and the cultural dimensions.

Aleph also publishes studies on related subjects that allow a comparative view, such as the place of science in other cultures. It regularly includes full-length articles and brief communications, as well as notes on recently published books.

Informations bibliographiques :

  • Date de création :
  • Périodicité : annuelle
  • Langue(s) :


  • Supports : papier et électronique
  • Identifiant(s) :

Ligne éditoriale (extrait du site) :      

Le comité de rédaction

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