List of bibliographic references
Number of relevant bibliographic references: 23.
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Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000018 (2013) |
Matthew R. Graham [États-Unis] ; Jef R. Jaeger [États-Unis] ; Lorenzo Prendini [États-Unis] ; Brett R. Riddle [États-Unis] | Phylogeography of the Arizona hairy scorpion (Hadrurus arizonensis) supports a model of biotic assembly in the Mojave Desert and adds a new Pleistocene refugium |
000024 (2013) |
Marti Louw ; Kevin Crowley | New Ways of Looking and Learning in Natural History Museums: The Use of Gigapixel Imaging to Bring Science and Publics Together |
000048 (2013) |
Lira Gaysina [Russie] ; Yvonne N Mcová [République tchèque] ; Pavel Škaloud [République tchèque] ; Tereza Šev Ková [République tchèque] ; Marek Eliáš [République tchèque] | Chloropyrula uraliensis gen. et sp. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta), a new green coccoid alga with a unique ultrastructure, isolated from soil in South Urals |
000069 (2012) |
Elizabeth Borda ; Jerry D. Kudenov ; Christina Bienhold ; Greg W. Rouse | Towards a revised Amphinomidae (Annelida, Amphinomida): description and affinities of a new genus and species from the Nile Deep‐sea Fan, Mediterranean Sea |
000112 (2012) |
Miko U. F. Kirschbaum [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; Michael S. Watt [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; Andrew Tait [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; Anne-Gaelle E. Ausseil [Nouvelle-Zélande] | Future wood productivity of Pinus radiata in New Zealand under expected climatic changes |
000132 (2012) |
Dirk Roorda [Pays-Bas] ; Charles Van Den Heuvel [Pays-Bas] | Annotation as a new paradigm in research archiving: Two case studies: Republic of letters ‐ hebrew text database |
000148 (2011) |
Erin M. Bertrand [États-Unis, Australie] ; Mak A. Saito [États-Unis] ; Young Jae Jeon [Australie] ; Brett A. Neilan [Australie] | Vitamin B12 biosynthesis gene diversity in the Ross Sea: the identification of a new group of putative polar B12 biosynthesizers |
000201 (2011) |
Yvonne N Mcová [République tchèque] ; Marek Eliáš [République tchèque] ; Pavel Škaloud [République tchèque] ; Ladislav Hoda [République tchèque] ; Ji Neustupa [République tchèque] | JENUFA GEN. NOV.: A NEW GENUS OF COCCOID GREEN ALGAE (CHLOROPHYCEAE, INCERTAE SEDIS) PREVIOUSLY RECORDED BY ENVIRONMENTAL SEQUENCING |
000255 (2011) |
| Balloting for new ASIS&T officers and directors underway |
000281 (2010) |
Marlon E. Pierce [États-Unis] ; Xiaoming Gao [États-Unis] ; Sangmi L. Pallickara [États-Unis] ; Zhenhua Guo [États-Unis] ; Geoffrey C. Fox [États-Unis] | The Quakesim portal and services: new approaches to science gateway development techniques |
000386 (2009) |
Chaomei Chen [États-Unis] | The New Invisible College: Science for Development |
000387 (2009) |
Kirk Borne [États-Unis] ; John Wallin [États-Unis] ; Robert Weigel [États-Unis] | The New Computational and Data Sciences Undergraduate Program at George Mason University |
000424 (2009) |
Min-Chun Ku [États-Unis] | How can academic libraries go beyond e‐Science: The emergence of the new contribution‐recognition system |
000433 (2009) |
Judith Wusteman [Irlande (pays)] ; Diane H. Sonnenwald [Suède] ; Monica Lassi [Suède] ; Nasrine Olson [Suède] ; Marisa Ponti [Suède] ; Annsofie Axelsson [Suède] | Exploring new ways of working using virtual research environments in library and information science |
000443 (2009) |
Paweł Wolniewicz [Pologne] | Easily-accessible digital palaeontological databases-a new perspective for the storage of palaeontological information |
000509 (2008) |
| New science on the Open Science Grid |
000515 (2008) |
Martha Kyrillidou ; Sayeed Choudhury [États-Unis] ; Martha Kyrillidou [États-Unis] ; Fred Heath [États-Unis] ; Colleen Cook [États-Unis] ; Bettina Koeper [Allemagne] ; Reinhold Decker [Allemagne] | LibQUAL library quality, ProSeBiCA development of new library services by means of conjoint analysis, and CAPM comprehensive access to printed materials |
000519 (2008) |
Mike Thelwall [Royaume-Uni] ; Paul Wouters [Pays-Bas] ; Jenny Fry [Royaume-Uni] | Information‐centered research for large‐scale analyses of new information sources |
000628 (2007) |
J. Bednasz [États-Unis] ; M. Gallo [États-Unis] ; Russ Miller [États-Unis] ; L. Ruby [États-Unis] ; M. Weeks [États-Unis] | Grid Computing in New York State, USA |
000647 (2007) |
Nicholas Joint [Royaume-Uni] | Data preservation, the new science and the practitioner librarian |
000648 (2007) |
Moira Paterson [Australie] ; David Lindsay [Australie] ; Ann Monotti [Australie] ; Anne Chin [Australie] | DART a new missile in Australia's eresearch strategy |
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