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Le cluster interface - patient




33interface - patient
33electronic - records
33electronic - patient
22modeling - process
22modeling - patient
22knowledge - patient
22knowledge - modeling
22electronic - interface
22consensual - patient
22consensual - interface
22consensual - electronic

Documents par ordre de pertinence
000329 (2001) M. C. Beuscart-Zéphir [France] ; F. Anceaux [France] ; V. Crinquette [France] ; J. M. Renard [France]Integrating users’ activity modeling in the design and assessment of hospital electronic patient records: the example of anesthesia
000495 (1998) L. Labreze [France] ; P. Lagouarde [France] ; C. Dakin [France] ; J.-L. Renaud-Salis [France]A web interface for multimedia electronic patient record : consensual validation of the Aquitaine Health Information Network prototypes
000827 (????) L. Labreze [France] ; P. Lagouarde ; C. Dakin ; J L Renaud-SalisA web interface for multimedia electronic patient record: consensual validation of the Aquitaine Health Information Network prototypes.
000092 (2011) Julien Souvignet [France] ; Cédric Bousquet [France] ; Pierre Lewalle [France] ; Béatrice Trombert-Paviot [France] ; Jean Marie Rodrigues [France]Modeling Patient Safety Incidents Knowledge with the Categorial Structure Method
000239 (2004-12-31) Anna Zhdanova [Autriche] ; Matteo Bonifacio [Italie] ; Stamatia Dasiopoulou [Grèce] ; Jérôme Euzenat [France] ; Rose Dieng-Kuntz [France] ; Loredana Laera [Royaume-Uni] ; David Manzano-Macho [Espagne] ; Diana Maynard [Royaume-Uni] ; Diego Ponte [Italie] ; Valentina Tamma [Royaume-Uni]Specification of knowledge acquisition and modeling of the process of the consensus
000599 (1995) M. C. Chambrin [France] ; P. Ravaux [France] ; A. Jaborska [France] ; C. Beugnet [France] ; P. Lestavel [France] ; C. Chopin [France] ; M. Boniface [France]Introduction of knowledge bases in patient's data management system: Role of the user interface
000018 (2015) Georges De Moor [Belgique] ; Mats Sundgren [Suède] ; Dipak Kalra [Royaume-Uni] ; Andreas Schmidt [Suisse] ; Martin Dugas [Allemagne] ; Brecht Claerhout [Belgique] ; Töresin Karakoyun [Allemagne] ; Christian Ohmann [Allemagne] ; Pierre-Yves Lastic [France] ; Nadir Ammour [France] ; Rebecca Kush [États-Unis] ; Danielle Dupont [Suisse] ; Marc Cuggia [France] ; Christel Daniel [France] ; Geert Thienpont [Belgique] ; Pascal Coorevits [Belgique]Using electronic health records for clinical research: the case of the EHR4CR project.
000052 (2013) Preciosa M. Coloma [Pays-Bas] ; Martijn J. Schuemie [Pays-Bas] ; Gianluca Trifir [Pays-Bas, Italie] ; Laura Furlong [Espagne] ; Erik Van Mulligen [Pays-Bas] ; Anna Bauer-Mehren [Espagne] ; Paul Avillach [France] ; Jan Kors [Pays-Bas] ; Ferran Sanz [Espagne] ; Jordi Mestres [Espagne] ; José Luis Oliveira [Portugal] ; Scott Boyer [Suède] ; Ernst Ahlberg Helgee [Suède] ; Mariam Molokhia [Royaume-Uni] ; Justin Matthews [Royaume-Uni] ; David Prieto-Merino [Royaume-Uni] ; Rosa Gini [Italie] ; Ron Herings [Pays-Bas] ; Giampiero Mazzaglia [Italie] ; Gino Picelli [Italie] ; Lorenza Scotti [Italie] ; Lars Pedersen [Danemark] ; Johan Van Der Lei [Pays-Bas] ; Miriam Sturkenboom [Pays-Bas]Drug-Induced Acute Myocardial Infarction: Identifying ‘Prime Suspects’ from Electronic Healthcare Records-Based Surveillance System
000701 (1992) Frédéric Fournier [France]The MINI software factory: Development of kernel mechanisms around process modeling and software bus techniques
000015 (2015-04-03) Bernard Kamsu-Foguem [France] ; Pierre Tiako [États-Unis] ; Laure Fotso [France] ; Clovis Foguem [France]Modeling for effective collaboration in telemedicine
000074 (2012) Paul Avillach [France] ; Preciosa M. Coloma [Pays-Bas] ; Rosa Gini [Italie] ; Martijn Schuemie [Pays-Bas] ; Fleur Mougin [France] ; Jean-Charles Dufour [France] ; Giampiero Mazzaglia [Italie] ; Carlo Giaquinto [Italie] ; Carla Fornari [Italie] ; Ron Herings [Pays-Bas] ; Mariam Molokhia [Royaume-Uni] ; Lars Pedersen [Danemark] ; Annie Fourrier-Réglat [France] ; Marius Fieschi [France] ; Miriam Sturkenboom [Pays-Bas] ; Johan Van Der Lei [Pays-Bas] ; Antoine Pariente [France] ; Gianluca Trifir [Pays-Bas, Italie]Harmonization process for the identification of medical events in eight European healthcare databases: the experience from the EU-ADR project
000137 (2009) Aljona Zorina [France, Russie] ; David Avison [France]Innovation Management in the Knowledge Economy: The Intersection of Macro and Micro Levels
000149 (2009) Thanos Athanasiadis [Grèce] ; Nikolaos Simou [Grèce] ; Georgios Papadopoulos [Grèce] ; Rachid Benmokhtar [France] ; Krishna Chandramouli [Royaume-Uni] ; Vassilis Tzouvaras [Grèce] ; Vasileios Mezaris [Grèce] ; Marios Phiniketos [Grèce] ; Yannis Avrithis [Grèce] ; Yiannis Kompatsiaris [Grèce] ; Benoit Huet [France] ; Ebroul Izquierdo [Royaume-Uni]Integrating Image Segmentation and Classification for Fuzzy Knowledge-Based Multimedia Indexing
000171 (2008) Malek Baklouti [France] ; Eric Monacelli [France] ; Vincent Guitteny [France] ; Serge Couvet [France]Intelligent Assistive Exoskeleton with Vision Based Interface
000193 (2007) Mossaab Hariz [France] ; Mahmoud Ghorbel [France] ; Mounir Mokhtari [France]Service Abstraction Model for Dynamic User Interface Presentation
000200 (2007) Seungkeun Lee [France]Context Modeling and Inference System for Heterogeneous Context Aware Service
000207 (2006) Thierry Vedel [France]The Idea of Electronic Democracy: Origins, Visions and Questions
000214 (2006) Petteri Nurmi [Finlande] ; Alfons Salden [Pays-Bas] ; Sian Lun Lau [Allemagne] ; Jukka Suomela [Finlande] ; Michael Sutterer [Allemagne] ; Jean Millerat [France] ; Miquel Martin [Allemagne] ; Eemil Lagerspetz [Finlande] ; Remco Poortinga [Pays-Bas]A System for Context-Dependent User Modeling
000223 (2005) B. Cambon-De-Lavalette [France] ; C. Tijus [France] ; C. Leproux [France] ; Olivier Bauer [France]Taxonomy based models for reasoning : making inferences from electronic road sign information
000250 (2004) Jean-Louis Baldinger [France] ; Jérôme Boudy [France] ; Bernadette Dorizzi [France] ; Jean-Pierre Levrey [France] ; Rodrigo Andreao [France] ; Christian Perpère [France] ; François Delavault [France] ; François Rocaries ; Christophe Dietrich ; Alain LacombeTele-surveillance System for Patient at Home: The MEDIVILLE System
000300 (2002) Stefan Trausan-Matu [Roumanie] ; Daniele Maraschi [France] ; Stefano Cerri [France]Ontology-Centered Personalized Presentation of Knowledge Extracted from the Web
000383 (2000) David M. Nichols [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; Duncan Pemberton [Royaume-Uni] ; Salah Dalhoumi [France] ; Omar Larouk [France] ; Claire Belisle [France] ; Michael B. Twidale [États-Unis]DEBORA: Developing an Interface to Support Collaboration in a Digital Library
000394 (2000) N. Demartines [Suisse] ; D. Mutter [France] ; M. Vix [France] ; J. Leroy [France] ; D. Glatz [Suisse] ; F. Rösel [Suisse] ; F. Harder [Suisse] ; J. Marescaux [France]Assessment of telemedicine in surgical education and patient care
000448 (1998-09-11) Luc Poittevin [France]A Knowledge Base Modelling and Cooperative Revision Tool based on the Concept of Situation.
000549 (1996) Brigitte Biébow [France] ; Thierry Charnois [France] ; Sylvie Szulman [France]ISDN supplementary services specifications: From informality to knowledge representation
000625 (1994) D. Montero [Espagne] ; N. Moore [France] ; R. Coulson [Royaume-Uni] ; J. L. Zabala [Espagne] ; F. De Abajo [Espagne] ; C. Kreft-Jais [France] ; K. Wigglesworth [Royaume-Uni] ; A. Biron [France] ; J. L. Monteagudo [Espagne]Electronic transmission of rapid alerts in pharmacovigilance: A pilot EC experiment
000659 (1994) P. Zweigenbaum [France]MENELAS : an access system for medical records using natural language
000692 (1992-01-12) Philippe Beaune [France]Interactive knowledge acquisition, by a telematic system, in the field of waste water treatment
000699 (1992) Reidar Conradi [Norvège] ; Christer Fernström [France] ; Alfonso Fuggetta [Italie] ; Robert Snowdon [Royaume-Uni]Towards a reference framework for process concepts


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