List of bibliographic references
Number of relevant bibliographic references: 11.
Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000034 (2011) |
Dejan Kovachev [Allemagne] ; Yiwei Cao [Allemagne] ; Ralf Klamma [Allemagne] ; Matthias Jarke [Allemagne] | Learn-as-you-go: New Ways of Cloud-Based Micro-learning for the Mobile Web |
000097 (2007) |
Patricia Trejo [Chili] ; Ricardo Anculef [Chili] ; Héctor Allende [Chili] ; Claudio Moraga [Espagne, Allemagne] | Probabilistic Aggregation of Classifiers for Incremental Learning |
000141 (2004) |
D. Lattner [Allemagne] ; Andrea Miene [Allemagne] ; Otthein Herzog [Allemagne] | A Combination of Machine Learning and Image Processing Technologies for the Classification of Image Regions |
000147 (2003) |
Bernhard Schölkopf [Allemagne] ; J. Smola [Australie] | A Short Introduction to Learning with Kernels |
000162 (2001) |
Daniel Keysers [Allemagne] ; Wolfgang Macherey [Allemagne] ; Jörg Dahmen [Allemagne] ; Hermann Ney [Allemagne] | Learning of Variability for Invariant Statistical Pattern Recognition |
000166 (2001) |
Friedhelm Schwenker [Allemagne] ; Hans A. Kestler [Allemagne] ; Günther Palm [Allemagne] | Three learning phases for radial-basis-function networks |
000174 (2001) |
K. R. Muller [Allemagne] ; S. Mika ; G. Ratsch ; K. Tsuda ; B. Scholkopf | An introduction to kernel-based learning algorithms |
000178 (2000) |
Markus Junker [Allemagne] ; Michael Sintek [Allemagne] ; Matthias Rinck [Allemagne] | Learning for Text Categorization and Information Extraction with ILP |
000198 (1999) |
Holger Gollan [Allemagne] ; Frank Lützenkirchen [Allemagne] ; Dieter Nastoll [Allemagne] | MILESS — A learning and teaching server for multi-media documents |
000301 (1993) |
J. Mieja [Allemagne] | Neural network constructive algorithms: Trading generalization for learning efficiency? |
000335 (1990) |
W. Wiemer [Allemagne, Royaume-Uni] ; U. Gro Mann [Allemagne, Royaume-Uni] ; W. Hall [Allemagne, Royaume-Uni] ; J. Heuser [Allemagne, Royaume-Uni] ; D. Kaack [Allemagne, Royaume-Uni] ; I. Lau [Allemagne, Royaume-Uni] ; J. Millard [Allemagne, Royaume-Uni] ; M. Schmidtmann [Allemagne, Royaume-Uni] | MILES/SMP, MILES/SIB, and MILES/tapis — Field specific applications of a common interdisciplinary multimedia database information system for teaching and learning |
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