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Le cluster Object oriented - Software development


4Object oriented
8Software development
2Software architecture
2Unified modelling language


33Object oriented - Software development
33Astrophysics - Software development
22Software development - Telescope
22Software development - Spectrometer
22Software architecture - Software development
22Object oriented - Telescope
22Modeling - Unified modelling language
22Modeling - Software development
22Astrophysics - Telescope
22Astrophysics - Modeling
11Telescope - Unified modelling language
11Software development - Unified modelling language
11Software architecture - Spectrometer
11Object oriented - Spectrometer
11Object oriented - Software architecture
11Modeling - Telescope
11Astrophysics - Unified modelling language
11Astrophysics - Spectrometer
11Astrophysics - Software architecture
11Astrophysics - Object oriented

Documents par ordre de pertinence
000079 (2010) Peter J. Young [Australie] ; Mario J. Kiekebusch [Allemagne] ; Gianluca Chiozzi [Allemagne]Instrument Control Software Requirement Specification for Extremely Large Telescopes
000066 (2010) S. A. Mclay [Royaume-Uni] ; N. N. Bezawada [Royaume-Uni] ; D. C. Atkinson [Royaume-Uni] ; D. J. Ives [Allemagne]UCam: universal camera controller and data acquisition system
000068 (2010) Marcus Jütte [Allemagne] ; Volker Knierim [Allemagne] ; Kai Polsterer [Allemagne] ; Michael Lehmitz [Allemagne] ; Clemens Storz [Allemagne] ; Walter Seifert [Allemagne] ; Nancy Ageorges [Allemagne]The LUCIFER control software
000073 (2010) Eszter Pozna [Allemagne] ; Alain Smette [Chili] ; Ricardo Schmutzer [Chili] ; Roberto Abuter [Allemagne] ; THANH PHAN DUC [Allemagne] ; Paolo Santin [Italie]New direction in the development of the observation software framework (BOSS)
000077 (2010) Matias Mora [Chili] ; Jorge Ibsen [Chili] ; Gianluca Chiozzi [Allemagne] ; Nicolás Troncoso [Chili] ; Rodrigo Tobar [Allemagne] ; Mauricio Araya [France] ; Jorge Avarias [États-Unis] ; Arturo Hoffstadt [Chili]Integrating a university team in the ALMA software development process: A successful model for distributed collaborations
000082 (2010) Alexander Bell [Allemagne] ; Peter Barthol [Allemagne] ; Thomas Berkefeld [Allemagne] ; Bernhard Feger [Allemagne] ; Achim M. Gandorfer [Allemagne] ; Frank Heidecke [Allemagne] ; Michael Knoelker [États-Unis] ; Valentin M. Pillet [Espagne] ; Wolfgang Schmidt [Allemagne] ; Michael Sigwarth [Allemagne] ; Sami K. Solanki [Allemagne] ; Dirk Soltau [Allemagne] ; Alan M. Title [États-Unis]Flight control software for the wave-front sensor of SUNRISE 1m Balloon Telescope
000085 (2010) Michael Wegner [Allemagne] ; Bernard Muschielok [Allemagne]Achieving reusability in KMOS instrument software through design patterns
000087 (2010) Nicolás Troncoso [Chili] ; Horst H. Von Brand [Chili] ; Jorge Ibsen [Allemagne] ; Matias Mora [Chili] ; Victor Gonzalez [Chili] ; Gianluca Chiozzi [Allemagne] ; Bogdan Jeram [Allemagne] ; Heiko Sommer [Allemagne] ; Gabriel Zamora [Chili] ; Alexis Tejeda [Chili]A code generation framework for the ALMA common software
000067 (2010) José M. Ibanez Mengual [Espagne] ; Matilde Fernandez [Espagne] ; Julio F. Rodriguez Gomez [Espagne] ; Antonio J. Garcia Segura [Espagne] ; Clemens Storz [Allemagne]The PANIC software system
000069 (2010) J. Borelli [Allemagne] ; J. Trowitszch [Allemagne] ; M. Brix [Allemagne] ; M. Kürster [Allemagne] ; W. G Ssler [Allemagne] ; T. Bertram [Allemagne] ; F. Briegel [Allemagne]The LBT real-time based control software to mitigate and compensate vibrations
000071 (2010) Ole Möller-Nilsson [Allemagne] ; Alexey Pavlov [Allemagne] ; Markus Feldt [Allemagne]SPHERE data reduction software: first insights into data reduction software development for next-generation instruments
000074 (2010) Camilo E. Menay [Chili] ; Gabriel A. Zamora [Chili] ; Rodrigo J. Tobar [Allemagne] ; Jorge A. Avarias [États-Unis] ; Kevin R. Dahl-Skog [Chili] ; Horst H. Von Brand [Chili] ; Gianluca Chiozzi [Allemagne]New Architectures Support for ALMA Common Software: Lessons learned
000076 (2010) Jorge A. Avarias [États-Unis] ; Joao S. Lopez [Chili] ; Cristian Maureira [Chili] ; Heiko Sommer [Allemagne] ; Gianluca Chiozzi [Allemagne]Introducing high performance distributed logging service for ACS
000078 (2010) Alexey Pavlov [Allemagne] ; Jan Trowitzsch [Allemagne]Instrument-specific features within the observation preparation software for LINC-NIRVANA
000081 (2010) Kim K. Nilsson [Allemagne] ; Ole Möller-Nilsson [Allemagne]Future management needs of a "software-driven" science community
000083 (2010) Mario J. Kiekebusch [Allemagne] ; Gianluca Chiozzi [Allemagne] ; Jens Knudustrup [Allemagne] ; Dan Popovic [Allemagne] ; Gerard Zins [France]Evolution of the VLT instrument control system toward industry standards
000084 (2010) G. Filippi [Allemagne] ; S. Jaque [Chili] ; F. Liello [Italie] ; R. Chini [Allemagne] ; F. Utreras [Uruguay] ; A. Wright [Allemagne] ; R. Lemke [Allemagne] ; F. Heissenhuber [Allemagne]EVALSO: a high-bandwidth communication infrastructure to efficiently connect the ESO Paranal and the Cerro Armazones Observatories to Europe


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