CIDE (2009) Marcoux : Différence entre versions

imported>Jacques Ducloy
imported>Jacques Ducloy
Ligne 30 : Ligne 30 :
In a structured document (XML, SGML, etc.), what is the “meaning” of the various tags (the markup) present in the document? How is the meaning of the document augmented—or otherwise affected—by the presence of markup?
In a structured document (XML, [[A pour norme citée::Standard Generalized Markup Language|SGML]], etc.), what is the “meaning” of the various tags (the markup) present in the document? How is the meaning of the document augmented—or otherwise affected—by the presence of markup?
Fundamentally, there are two possible avenues to give an answer to that question: the formal one and the informal one. One can devise a framework in which the meaning of a marked-up document is represented by a set of formal statements, for example in first-order logic. Or, one can seek a framework in which the meaning of a marked-up document is represented by a set of sentences in an informal language, for example a natural language.
Fundamentally, there are two possible avenues to give an answer to that question: the formal one and the informal one. One can devise a framework in which the meaning of a marked-up document is represented by a set of formal statements, for example in first-order logic. Or, one can seek a framework in which the meaning of a marked-up document is represented by a set of sentences in an informal language, for example a natural language.
Ligne 48 : Ligne 48 :
In this article, we present a complete implementation, in XSLT 1.0, of the intertextual semantics generation mechanism. The transformation is model-independent in that it reads the peritexts from an XML document encoding the IS specification for a given model. It implements attribute handling as defined in [{{CIDE lien citation|2}}]; hyperlinks in peritexts or as attribute or element content, as described in [{{CIDE lien citation|1}}]; and local element definitions, also as described in [{{CIDE lien citation|1}}]. In addition, it performs indentation of the output (in the same line as [{{CIDE lien citation|3}}], but more elaborate), for increased readability, and handles exceptions, elements for which no peritext exists in the IS specification and unexpected attributes.
In this article, we present a complete implementation, in XSLT 1.0, of the intertextual semantics generation mechanism. The transformation is model-independent in that it reads the peritexts from an XML document encoding the IS specification for a given model. It implements attribute handling as defined in [{{CIDE lien citation|2}}]; hyperlinks in peritexts or as attribute or element content, as described in [{{CIDE lien citation|1}}]; and local element definitions, also as described in [{{CIDE lien citation|1}}]. In addition, it performs indentation of the output (in the same line as [{{CIDE lien citation|3}}], but more elaborate), for increased readability, and handles exceptions, elements for which no peritext exists in the IS specification and unexpected attributes.
==General approach==
==General approach==

Version du 18 juillet 2016 à 08:23

Intertextual semantics generation for structured documents:a complete implementation in XSLT


Intertextual semantics generation for structured documents:a complete implementation in XSLT
Yves Marcoux.
GRDS, EBSI, Université de Montréal.
CIDE.12 (Montréal), 2009
CIDE (2009) Marcoux.pdf.pdf
Sémantique intertextuelle, documents structurés, langages de balisage, XML, XSLT, descriptions formelles de jeux de balises.
Intertextual semantics, structured documents, markup languages, XML, XSLT, formal tag-set descriptions.
La sémantique intertextuelle (SI) [1] [4] attribue aux documents balisés un sens en langue naturelle. Alors que les sémantiques formelles visent une représentation du sens des documents pour la machine, la SI vise l’humain. Dans la forme actuelle de l’approche, la SI d’un modèle (DTD, schéma) est donnée par deux péritextes associés à chaque élément: un texte-avant et un texte- après. La SI d’un document est la concaténation des péritextes et des contenus d’élément dans l’ordre du document. Nous présentons une implantation complète, en XSLT 1.0, de la génération de SI. L’implantation traite les attributs tel que décrit dans [2], et les hyperliens et éléments locaux tel que décrit dans [1]. Elle indente aussi l’extrant pour une meilleure lisibilité tel que suggéré dans [3] et gère les exceptions que sont les éléments et attributs inconnus.