Le SIDA en Afrique subsaharienne (serveur d'exploration) - Checkpoint (Pmc)

Index « Pays » - entrée « Burkina Faso »
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Bulgarie < Burkina Faso < Burundi  Facettes :

List of bibliographic references

Number of relevant bibliographic references: 29.
[0-20] [0 - 20][0 - 29][20-28][20-40]
Ident.Authors (with country if any)Title
000036 (2017) Manso M. Koroma [Sierra Leone] ; Samuel S. Kamara [Sierra Leone] ; Evelyn A. Bangura [Sierra Leone] ; Mohamed A. Kamara [Sierra Leone] ; Virgil Lokossou [Burkina Faso] ; Namoudou Keita [Burkina Faso]The quality of free antenatal and delivery services in Northern Sierra Leone
000074 (2017) Vincent Duclos [États-Unis] ; Maurice Yé [Burkina Faso] ; Kagoné Moubassira [Burkina Faso] ; Hamidou Sanou [Burkina Faso] ; N. Hélène Sawadogo [Burkina Faso] ; Gilles Bibeau ; Ali Sié [Burkina Faso]Situating mobile health: a qualitative study of mHealth expectations in the rural health district of Nouna, Burkina Faso
000375 (2016) Drissa Sia ; Yentéma Onadja [Burkina Faso] ; Mohammad Hajizadeh ; S. Jody Heymann [États-Unis] ; Timothy F. Brewer [États-Unis] ; Arijit Nandi [Canada]What explains gender inequalities in HIV/AIDS prevalence in sub-Saharan Africa? Evidence from the demographic and health surveys
000390 (2016) Ursula Panzner [Corée du Sud] ; Gi Deok Pak [Corée du Sud] ; Peter Aaby [Guinée-Bissau] ; Yaw Adu-Sarkodie [Ghana] ; Mohammad Ali [Corée du Sud, États-Unis] ; Abraham Aseffa [Éthiopie] ; Stephen Baker [Viêt Nam] ; Morten Bjerregaard-Andersen [Guinée-Bissau, Danemark] ; John A. Crump [Tanzanie, Nouvelle-Zélande, États-Unis] ; Jessica Deerin [Corée du Sud] ; Ligia Maria Cruz Espinoza [Corée du Sud] ; Nagla Gasmelseed [Soudan] ; Jean Noël Heriniaina [Madagascar] ; Julian T. Hertz [Tanzanie, États-Unis] ; Justin Im [Corée du Sud] ; Vera Von Kalckreuth [Corée du Sud] ; Karen H. Keddy [Afrique du Sud] ; Bruno Lankoande [Burkina Faso] ; Sandra L Fberg [Guinée-Bissau] ; Christian G. Meyer [Allemagne] ; Michael Munishi Oresto [Tanzanie] ; Jin Kyung Park [Corée du Sud] ; Se Eun Park [Corée du Sud] ; Raphaël Rakotozandrindrainy [Madagascar] ; Nimako Sarpong ; Abdramane Bassiahi Soura [Burkina Faso] ; Amy Gassama Sow [Sénégal] ; Adama Tall ; Mekonnen Teferi [Éthiopie] ; Alemayehu Worku [Éthiopie] ; Biruk Yeshitela [Éthiopie] ; Thomas F. Wierzba [Corée du Sud] ; Florian Marks [Corée du Sud]Utilization of Healthcare in the Typhoid Fever Surveillance in Africa Program
000605 (2016) Leyla Ismayilova [États-Unis] ; Eleni Gaveras [États-Unis] ; Austin Blum [États-Unis] ; Alexice Tô-Camier [Burkina Faso] ; Rachel Nanema [Burkina Faso]Maltreatment and Mental Health Outcomes among Ultra-Poor Children in Burkina Faso: A Latent Class Analysis
000A25 (2015) Samuelina S. Arthur [Ghana, Afrique du Sud] ; Bongiwe Nyide [Ghana, Afrique du Sud] ; Abdramane Bassiahi Soura [Ghana, Burkina Faso] ; Kathleen Kahn [Ghana, Afrique du Sud, Suède] ; Mark Weston [Tanzanie] ; Osman Sankoh [Ghana, Afrique du Sud, Viêt Nam]Tackling malnutrition: a systematic review of 15-year research evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance systems
000D34 (2015) Manuela De Allegri [Allemagne] ; Isabelle Agier [Canada] ; Justin Tiendrebeogo [Burkina Faso] ; Valerie Renée Louis [Allemagne] ; Maurice Yé [Burkina Faso] ; Olaf Mueller [Allemagne] ; Malabika Sarker [Bangladesh]Factors Affecting the Uptake of HIV Testing among Men: A Mixed-Methods Study in Rural Burkina Faso
001144 (2014) Fidèle Bakiono [Belgique] ; Laurent Ouédraogo [Burkina Faso] ; Mahamoudou Sanou [Burkina Faso] ; Sékou Samadoulougou [Belgique] ; Patrice Wendpouiré Laurent Guiguemdé [Burkina Faso] ; Fati Kirakoya-Samadoulougou [Belgique] ; Annie Robert [Belgique]Quality of life in people living with HIV: a cross-sectional study in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
001216 (2014) Clémentine Rossier [Suisse, France] ; Abdramane Bassiahi Soura [Burkina Faso] ; Géraldine Duthé [France] ; Sally Findley [États-Unis]Non-Communicable Disease Mortality and Risk Factors in Formal and Informal Neighborhoods, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: Evidence from a Health and Demographic Surveillance System
001246 (2014) P. Kim Streatfield [Bangladesh, Ghana] ; Wasif A. Khan [Bangladesh, Ghana] ; Abbas Bhuiya [Ghana, Bangladesh] ; Syed M. A. Hanifi [Ghana, Bangladesh] ; Nurul Alam [Ghana, Bangladesh] ; Eric Diboulo [Ghana, Burkina Faso] ; Ali Sié [Ghana, Burkina Faso] ; Maurice Yé [Ghana, Burkina Faso] ; Yacouba Compaoré [Ghana, Burkina Faso] ; Abdramane B. Soura [Ghana, Burkina Faso] ; Bassirou Bonfoh [Ghana] ; Fabienne Jaeger [Ghana, Suisse] ; Eliezer K. Ngoran [Ghana] ; Juerg Utzinger [Ghana, Suisse] ; Yohannes A. Melaku [Ghana, Éthiopie] ; Afework Mulugeta [Ghana, Éthiopie] ; Berhe Weldearegawi [Ghana, Éthiopie] ; Pierre Gomez [Ghana, Gambie] ; Momodou Jasseh [Ghana, Gambie] ; Abraham Hodgson [Ghana] ; Abraham Oduro [Ghana] ; Paul Welaga [Ghana] ; John Williams [Ghana] ; Elizabeth Awini [Ghana] ; Fred N. Binka [Ghana] ; Margaret Gyapong [Ghana] ; Shashi Kant [Ghana, Inde] ; Puneet Misra [Ghana, Inde] ; Rahul Srivastava [Ghana, Inde] ; Bharat Chaudhary [Ghana, Inde] ; Sanjay Juvekar [Ghana, Inde] ; Abdul Wahab [Ghana, Indonésie] ; Siswanto Wilopo [Ghana, Indonésie] ; Evasius Bauni [Ghana, Kenya] ; George Mochamah [Ghana, Kenya] ; Carolyne Ndila [Ghana, Kenya] ; Thomas N. Williams [Ghana, Kenya, Royaume-Uni] ; Mary J. Hamel [Ghana, Kenya] ; Kim A. Lindblade [Ghana, Kenya] ; Frank O. Odhiambo [Ghana, Kenya] ; Laurence Slutsker [Ghana, Kenya] ; Alex Ezeh [Ghana, Kenya] ; Catherine Kyobutungi [Ghana, Kenya] ; Marylene Wamukoya [Ghana, Kenya] ; Valérie Delaunay [Ghana, Sénégal] ; Aldiouma Diallo [Ghana, Sénégal] ; Laetitia Douillot [Ghana, Sénégal] ; Cheikh Sokhna [Ghana, Sénégal] ; F. Xavier G Mez-Olivé [Ghana, Afrique du Sud] ; Chodziwadziwa W. Kabudula [Ghana, Afrique du Sud] ; Paul Mee [Ghana, Afrique du Sud] ; Kobus Herbst [Ghana, Afrique du Sud] ; Joël Mossong [Ghana, Afrique du Sud, Luxembourg (pays)] ; Nguyen T. K. Chuc [Ghana, Viêt Nam] ; Samuelina S. Arthur [Ghana] ; Osman A. Sankoh [Ghana, Afrique du Sud, Viêt Nam] ; Marcel Tanner [Suède] ; Peter Byass [Afrique du Sud]Malaria mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites
001258 (2014) William K. Bosu [Burkina Faso]Learning lessons from operational research in infectious diseases: can the same model be used for noncommunicable diseases in developing countries?
001407 (2014) Alice Desclaux [Sénégal] ; Odette Ky-Zerbo [Burkina Faso] ; Jean-François Somé [Togo] ; Carla Makhlouf Obermeyer [Liban]Ethical considerations of providers and clients on HIV testing campaigns in Burkina Faso
001470 (2014) Patrick G C. Ilboudo [Burkina Faso, Norvège] ; Giulia Greco [Royaume-Uni] ; Johanne Sundby [Norvège] ; Gaute Torsvik [Norvège]Costs and consequences of abortions to women and their households: a cross-sectional study in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
001500 (2014) Emanuele Focà [Italie] ; Silvia Odolini [Italie] ; Giorgia Sulis [Italie] ; Stefano Calza [Italie] ; Virginio Pietra [Italie, Burkina Faso] ; Paola Rodari [Italie] ; Pier Francesco Giorgetti [Italie] ; Alice Noris [Italie] ; Paul Ouedraogo [Burkina Faso] ; Jacques Simpore [Burkina Faso] ; Salvatore Pignatelli [Italie, Burkina Faso] ; Francesco Castelli [Italie]Clinical and immunological outcomes according to adherence to first-line HAART in a urban and rural cohort of HIV-infected patients in Burkina Faso, West Africa
001514 (2014) P. Kim Streatfield [Bangladesh, Ghana] ; Wasif A. Khan [Bangladesh, Ghana] ; Abbas Bhuiya [Ghana, Bangladesh] ; Nurul Alam [Ghana, Bangladesh] ; Ali Sié [Ghana, Burkina Faso] ; Abdramane B. Soura [Ghana, Burkina Faso] ; Bassirou Bonfoh [Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire] ; Eliezer K. Ngoran [Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire] ; Berhe Weldearegawi [Ghana, Éthiopie] ; Momodou Jasseh [Ghana, Gambie] ; Abraham Oduro [Ghana] ; Margaret Gyapong [Ghana] ; Shashi Kant [Ghana, Inde] ; Sanjay Juvekar [Ghana, Inde] ; Siswanto Wilopo [Ghana, Indonésie] ; Thomas N. Williams [Ghana, Kenya, Royaume-Uni] ; Frank O. Odhiambo [Ghana, Kenya] ; Donatien Beguy [Ghana, Kenya] ; Alex Ezeh [Ghana, Kenya] ; Catherine Kyobutungi [Ghana, Kenya] ; Amelia Crampin [Ghana, Malawi, Royaume-Uni] ; Valérie Delaunay [Ghana, Sénégal] ; Stephen M. Tollman [Ghana, Afrique du Sud, Suède] ; Kobus Herbst [Ghana, Afrique du Sud] ; Nguyen T. K. Chuc [Ghana, Viêt Nam] ; Osman A. Sankoh [Ghana, Afrique du Sud, Viêt Nam] ; Marcel Tanner [Suisse] ; Peter Byass [Afrique du Sud, Suède]Cause-specific mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites
001695 (2013) Carla Makhlouf Obermeyer [Liban] ; Melissa Neuman [Royaume-Uni] ; Anita Hardon [Pays-Bas] ; Alice Desclaux [Sénégal] ; Rhoda Wanyenze [Ouganda] ; Odette Kyzerbo [Burkina Faso] ; Peter Cherutich [Kenya] ; Ireen Namakhoma [Malawi]Socioeconomic determinants of HIV testing and counselling: A comparative study in four African countries
001794 (2013) Samia Laokri [Belgique] ; Maxime Koiné Drabo [Burkina Faso] ; Olivier Weil [Royaume-Uni] ; Benoît Kafando [Burkina Faso] ; Sary Mathurin Dembélé [Burkina Faso] ; Bruno Dujardin [Belgique]Patients Are Paying Too Much for Tuberculosis: A Direct Cost-Burden Evaluation in Burkina Faso
001981 (2013) Melissa Neuman [Royaume-Uni] ; Carla Makhlouf Obermeyer [Liban] ; Peter Cherutich [Kenya] ; Alice Desclaux [Sénégal] ; Anita Hardon [Pays-Bas] ; Odette Ky-Zerbo [Burkina Faso] ; Ireen Namakhoma [Malawi] ; Rhoda Wanyenze [Ouganda]Experiences of stigma, discrimination, care and support among people living with HIV: A four country study
001998 (2013) Patience Cofie [Ghana] ; Manuela De Allegri [Allemagne] ; Bocar Kouyaté [Burkina Faso] ; Rainer Sauerborn [Allemagne]Effects of information, education, and communication campaign on a community-based health insurance scheme in Burkina Faso
001A99 (2013) Antoine Jaquet [France] ; Franck Garanet [Burkina Faso] ; Eric Balestre [France] ; Didier K. Ekouevi [France, Côte d'Ivoire] ; Jean Claude Azani [Côte d'Ivoire] ; René Bognounou [Burkina Faso] ; Elias Dah [Burkina Faso] ; Jean Charlemagne Kondombo [Burkina Faso] ; François Dabis [France] ; Joseph Drabo [Burkina Faso]Antiretroviral treatment and quality of life in Africans living with HIV: 12-month follow-up in Burkina Faso
001C12 (2012) Helen Prytherch [Allemagne] ; Melkidezek T. Leshabari [Tanzanie] ; Christiane Wiskow [Suisse] ; Gifty A. Aninanya [Ghana] ; Deodatus C. V. Kakoko [Tanzanie] ; Moubassira Kagoné [Burkina Faso] ; Juliane Burghardt [Allemagne] ; Gisela Kynast-Wolf [Allemagne] ; Michael Marx [Allemagne] ; Rainer Sauerborn [Allemagne]The challenges of developing an instrument to assess health provider motivation at primary care level in rural Burkina Faso, Ghana and Tanzania

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