Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000004 (2014) |
Florent Valour [France] ; Laurent Cotte [France] ; Nicolas Voirin [France] ; Matthieu Godinot [France] ; Florence Ader [France] ; Tristan Ferry [France] ; Philippe Vanhems [France] ; Christian Chidiac [France] | Vaccination coverage against hepatitis A and B viruses, Streptococcus pneumoniae, seasonal flu, and A(H1N1)2009 pandemic influenza in HIV-infected patients |
000015 (2014) |
Carlo Davila-Payan [États-Unis] ; Julie Swann [États-Unis] ; Pascale M. Wortley [États-Unis] | System factors to explain H1N1 state vaccination rates for adults in US emergency response to pandemic |
000016 (2014) |
Carlo Davila-Payan [États-Unis] ; Julie Swann [États-Unis] ; Pascale M. Wortley [États-Unis] | System factors to explain 2009 pandemic H1N1 state vaccination rates for children and high-risk adults in US emergency response to pandemic |
000066 (2014) |
Rodrigo Jimenez-Garcia [Espagne] ; Cristina Rodriguez-Rieiro [Espagne] ; Valentín Hernandez-Barrera [Espagne] ; Pilar Carrasco Garrido [Espagne] ; Ana Lopez De Andres [Espagne] ; María D. Esteban-Vasallo [Espagne] ; Maria Felicitas Dominguez-Berjon [Espagne] ; Jenaro Astray-Mochales [Espagne] | Negative trends from 2008/9 to 2011/12 seasons in influenza vaccination coverages among high risk subjects and health care workers in Spain |
000115 (2014) |
Carol Yuet Sheung Yuen [Hong Kong] ; Marie Tarrant [Hong Kong] | Determinants of uptake of influenza vaccination among pregnant women - A systematic review |
000146 (2014) |
M. M. Böhmer [Allemagne] ; D. Walter ; J. Ehrhardt ; S. Reiter ; G. Krause ; O. Wichmann | Saisonale und pandemische Influenzaimpfung: Impfquoten und Einstellung niedergelassener Ärzte in Deutschland |
000240 (2013) |
Meral Akcay Ciblak [Turquie] ; Grip Platformu [Turquie] | Influenza vaccination in Turkey: Prevalence of risk groups, current vaccination status, factors influencing vaccine uptake and steps taken to increase vaccination rate |
000516 (2012) |
000577 (2012) |
J. Mereckiene [Irlande (pays)] ; S. Cotter [Irlande (pays)] ; J. T. Weber [États-Unis] ; A. Nicoll [Suède] ; F. D'Ancona [Italie] ; P. L. Lopalco [Suède] ; K. Johansen [Suède] ; A. M. Wasley [Danemark] ; P. Jorgensen [Danemark] ; D. Levy-Bruhl [France] ; C. Giambi [Italie] ; P. Stefanoff [Pologne] ; L. Dematte [Italie] ; D. O'Flanagan [Irlande (pays)] | Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 vaccination policies and coverage in Europe |
000724 (2012) |
H. Honda [Japon] ; S. Padival [Japon] ; Y. Shimamura [Japon] ; H. M. Babcock [États-Unis] | Changes in influenza vaccination rates among healthcare workers following a pandemic influenza year at a Japanese tertiary care centre |
000766 (2012) |
Yeon-Kyeng Lee [Corée du Sud] ; YUNHYUNG KWON [Corée du Sud] ; Dong-Wook Kim [Corée du Sud] ; KYUNG MIN SONG [États-Unis] ; HEEYEON CHO [Corée du Sud] ; Chang-Hoon Kim [Corée du Sud] ; Un-Yeong Go [Corée du Sud] ; Geun-Ryang Bae [Corée du Sud] ; Jong-Koo Lee [Corée du Sud] | 2009-2010 novel influenza A (H1N1) vaccination coverage in the Republic of Korea |
000841 (2011) |
Catherine Weil-Olivier [France] ; Bruno Lina [France] | Vaccination coverage with seasonal and pandemic influenza vaccines in children in France, 2009-2010 season |
000932 (2011) |
Josette S. Y. Chor [République populaire de Chine] ; Surinder K. Pada [Singapour] ; Iain Stephenson [Royaume-Uni] ; William B. Goggins [République populaire de Chine] ; Paul A. Tambyah [Singapour] ; Tristan William Clarke [Royaume-Uni] ; Mariejo Medina [Royaume-Uni] ; Nelson Lee [République populaire de Chine] ; TING FUN LEUNG [République populaire de Chine] ; Karry L. K. Ngai [République populaire de Chine] ; SHU KEI LAW [République populaire de Chine] ; Timothy H. Rainer [République populaire de Chine] ; Sian Griffiths [République populaire de Chine] ; Paul K. S. Chan [République populaire de Chine] | Seasonal influenza vaccination predicts pandemic H1N1 vaccination uptake among healthcare workers in three countries |
000934 (2011) |
P. Tuppin [France] ; S. Samson [France] ; A. Weill [France] ; P. Ricordeau [France] ; H. Allemand [France] | Seasonal influenza vaccination coverage in France during two influenza seasons (2007 and 2008) and during a context of pandemic influenza A(H1N1) in 2009 |
000A11 (2011) |
Mohamed Ghaith Alkuwari [Qatar] ; Nagah A. Aziz [Qatar] ; Zaher A. S. Nazzal [Qatar] ; Saad A. Al-Nuaimi [Qatar] | Pandemic influenza A/H1N1 vaccination uptake among health care workers in Qatar: Motivators and barriers |
000A26 (2011) |
Mace M. Schuurmans [Suisse] ; Gabrielo Mauro Tini [Suisse] ; Levent Dalar [Suisse] ; Gregory Fretz [Suisse] ; Christian Benden [Suisse] ; Annette Boehler [Suisse] | Pandemic 2009 H1N1 influenza virus vaccination in lung transplant recipients: Coverage, safety and clinical effectiveness in the Zurich cohort |
000A66 (2011) |
Hana Hakim [États-Unis] ; Aditya H. Gaur [États-Unis] ; Jonathan A. Mccullers [États-Unis] | Motivating factors for high rates of influenza vaccination among healthcare workers |
000A71 (2011) |
Dietmar Walter [Allemagne] ; Merle M. Böhmer [Allemagne] ; Matthias An Der Heiden [Allemagne] ; Sabine Reiter [Allemagne] ; Gerard Krause [Allemagne] ; Ole Wichmann [Allemagne] | Monitoring pandemic influenza A(H1N1) vaccination coverage in Germany 2009/10- Results from thirteen consecutive cross-sectional surveys |
000B90 (2011) |
Alison Bish [Royaume-Uni] ; Lucy Yardley [Royaume-Uni] ; Angus Nicoll [Suède] ; Susan Michie [Royaume-Uni] | Factors associated with uptake of vaccination against pandemic influenza: A systematic review |
000D00 (2011) |
Cristina Rodriguez-Rieiro [Espagne] ; Maria D. Esteban-Vasallo [Espagne] ; Ma Felicitas Dominguez-Berjon [Espagne] ; Jenaro Astray-Mochales [Espagne] ; Domingo Iniesta-Fornies [Espagne] ; Dolores Barranco-Ordonez [Espagne] ; Moisés Cameno-Heras [Espagne] ; Rodrigo Jimenez-Garcia [Espagne] | Coverage and predictors of vaccination against 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza in Madrid, Spain |
000D53 (2011) |
Allen Krauta [Canada] ; Lesley Graff [Canada] ; Daria Mclean [Canada] | Behavioral change with influenza vaccination: Factors influencing increased uptake of the pandemic H1 N1 versus seasonal influenza vaccine in health care personnel |