Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
001925 (2013) |
Elena A. Govorkova [États-Unis] ; Tatiana Baranovich [États-Unis] ; Patrick Seiler [États-Unis] ; Jianling Armstrong [États-Unis] ; Andrew Burnham [États-Unis] ; YI GUAN [République populaire de Chine] ; Malik Peiris [République populaire de Chine] ; Richard J. Webby [États-Unis] ; Robert G. Webster [États-Unis] | Antiviral resistance among highly pathogenic influenza A (H5N1) viruses isolated worldwide in 2002-2012 shows need for continued monitoring |
002193 (2012) |
XIAOHUI FAN [République populaire de Chine] ; HUACHEN ZHU [République populaire de Chine] ; BOPING ZHOU [République populaire de Chine] ; David K. Smith [République populaire de Chine] ; XINCHUN CHEN [République populaire de Chine] ; Tommy T.-Y. Lam [Hong Kong] ; Leo L. M. Poon [Hong Kong] ; Malik Peiris [Hong Kong] ; YI GUAN [République populaire de Chine, Hong Kong] | Emergence and Dissemination of a Swine H3N2 Reassortant Influenza Virus with 2009 Pandemic H1N1 Genes in Pigs in China |
002B17 (2011) |
Renee W. Y. Chan [Hong Kong] ; Sara S. R. Kang [Hong Kong] ; Hui-Ling Yen [Hong Kong] ; Alan C. L. Li [Hong Kong] ; Lynsia L. S. Tang [Hong Kong] ; Wendy C. L. Yu [Hong Kong] ; Kit M. Yuen [Hong Kong] ; Icarus W. W. Chan [Hong Kong] ; Diana D. Y. Wong [Hong Kong] ; Wico W. Lai [Hong Kong] ; Dora L. W. Kwong [Hong Kong] ; Alan D. L. Sihoe [Hong Kong] ; Leo L. M. Poon [Hong Kong] ; YI GUAN [Hong Kong] ; John M. Nicholls [Hong Kong] ; J. S. Malik Peiris [Hong Kong] ; Michael C. W. Chan [Hong Kong] | Tissue Tropism of Swine Influenza Viruses and Reassortants in Ex Vivo Cultures of the Human Respiratory Tract and Conjunctiva |
002C23 (2011) |
Tommy Tsan-Yuk Lam [République populaire de Chine, Hong Kong] ; HUACHEN ZHU [République populaire de Chine, Hong Kong] ; JIA WANG [République populaire de Chine] ; David K. Smith [République populaire de Chine, Hong Kong] ; Edward C. Holmes [États-Unis] ; Robert G. Webster [États-Unis] ; Richard Webby [États-Unis] ; Joseph M. Peiris [Hong Kong] ; YI GUAN [République populaire de Chine, Hong Kong] | Reassortment Events among Swine Influenza A Viruses in China: Implications for the Origin of the 2009 Influenza Pandemic |
002D03 (2011) |
HUACHEN ZHU [République populaire de Chine, Hong Kong] ; BOPING ZHOU [République populaire de Chine] ; XIAOHUI FAN [République populaire de Chine] ; Tommy T. Y. Lam [Hong Kong] ; JIA WANG [République populaire de Chine, Hong Kong] ; Antony Chen [République populaire de Chine] ; XINCHUN CHEN [République populaire de Chine] ; HONGLIN CHEN [République populaire de Chine, Hong Kong] ; Robert G. Webster [États-Unis] ; Richard Webby [États-Unis] ; Joseph S. M. Peiris [Hong Kong] ; David K. Smith [République populaire de Chine, Hong Kong] ; YI GUAN [République populaire de Chine, Hong Kong] | Novel Reassortment of Eurasian Avian-Like and Pandemic/2009 Influenza Viruses in Swine: Infectious Potential for Humans |
002D36 (2011) |
Dhanasekaran Vijaykrishna [Hong Kong, République populaire de Chine, Singapour] ; Gavin J. D. Smith [Hong Kong, République populaire de Chine, Singapour] ; Oliver G. Pybus [Royaume-Uni] ; HUACHEN ZHU [Hong Kong, République populaire de Chine] ; Samir Bhatt [Royaume-Uni] ; Leo L. M. Poon [Hong Kong] ; Steven Riley [Hong Kong] ; Justin Bahl [Hong Kong, République populaire de Chine, Singapour] ; Siu K. Ma [Hong Kong] ; Chung L. Cheung [Hong Kong] ; Ranawaka A. P. M. Perera [Hong Kong] ; HONGLIN CHEN [Hong Kong, République populaire de Chine] ; Kennedy F. Shortridge [Hong Kong, République populaire de Chine] ; Richard J. Webby [États-Unis] ; Robert G. Webster [Hong Kong, États-Unis] ; YI GUAN [Hong Kong, République populaire de Chine] ; J. S. Malik Peiris [Hong Kong] | Long-term evolution and transmission dynamics of swine influenza A virus |
003850 (2010) |
Michael C. W. Chan [Hong Kong] ; Renee W. Y. Chan [Hong Kong] ; Wendy C. L. Yu [Hong Kong] ; Carol C. C. Ho [Hong Kong] ; Kit M. Yuen [Hong Kong] ; Joanne H. M. Fong [Hong Kong] ; Lynsia L. S. Tang [Hong Kong] ; Wico W. Lai [Hong Kong] ; Amy C. Y. Lo [Hong Kong] ; W. H. Chui [Hong Kong] ; Alan D. L. Sihoe [Hong Kong] ; Dora L. W. Kwong [Hong Kong] ; David S. H. Wong [Hong Kong] ; George S. W. Tao [Hong Kong] ; Leo L. M. Poon [Hong Kong] ; YI GUAN [Hong Kong] ; John M. Nicholls [Hong Kong] ; Joseph S. M. Peiris [Hong Kong] | Tropism and Innate Host Responses of the 2009 Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Virus in ex Vivo and in Vitro Cultures of Human Conjunctiva and Respiratory Tract |
003947 (2010) |
Leo L. M. Poon [Hong Kong] ; Polly W. Y. Mak [Hong Kong] ; Olive T. W. Li [Hong Kong] ; KWOK HUNG CHAN [Hong Kong] ; CHUNG LAM CHEUNG [Hong Kong] ; Edward S. Ma [Hong Kong] ; Hui-Ling Yen [Hong Kong] ; Dhanasekaran Vijaykrishna [Hong Kong] ; YI GUAN [Hong Kong] ; J. S. Malik Peiris [Hong Kong] | Rapid Detection of Reassortment of Pandemic H1N1/2009 Influenza Virus |
003C32 (2010) |
WENWEI TU [Hong Kong] ; HUAWEI MAO [Hong Kong] ; JIAN ZHENG [Hong Kong] ; YINPING LIU [Hong Kong] ; Susan S. Chiu [Hong Kong] ; GANG QIN [Hong Kong] ; Ping-Lung Chan [Hong Kong] ; Kwok-Tai Lam [Hong Kong] ; JING GUAN [Hong Kong] ; LIJUAN ZHANG [Hong Kong] ; YI GUAN [Hong Kong] ; Kwok-Yung Yuen [Hong Kong] ; J. S. Malik Peiris [Hong Kong] ; Yu-Lung Lau [Hong Kong] | Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes Established by Seasonal Human Influenza Cross-React against 2009 Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Virus |
003D11 (2010) |
YIXIN CHEN [République populaire de Chine] ; FEIHAI XU [République populaire de Chine] ; XUN GUI [République populaire de Chine] ; KUNYU YANG [République populaire de Chine] ; XINGRONG WU [République populaire de Chine] ; QINGBING ZHENG [République populaire de Chine] ; SHENGXIANG GE [République populaire de Chine] ; QUAN YUAN [République populaire de Chine] ; Anthony E. T. Yeo [République populaire de Chine] ; JUN ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] ; YI GUAN [Hong Kong] ; HONGLIN CHEN [Hong Kong] ; NINGSHAO XIA [République populaire de Chine] | A rapid test for the detection of influenza A virus including pandemic influenza A/H1N1 2009 |
003D18 (2010) |
JINXIA ZHANG [République populaire de Chine, Hong Kong] ; ZENGFENG ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] ; XIAOHUI FAN [République populaire de Chine] ; YUANSHENG LIU [République populaire de Chine] ; JIA WANG [République populaire de Chine, Hong Kong] ; ZUOYI ZHENG [République populaire de Chine] ; RIRONG CHEN [République populaire de Chine] ; PUI WANG [Hong Kong] ; WENJUN SONG [Hong Kong] ; HONGLIN CHEN [République populaire de Chine, Hong Kong] ; YI GUAN [République populaire de Chine, Hong Kong] | 2009 Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Virus Replicates in Human Lung Tissues |
004421 (2009) |
KA PUN MOK [Hong Kong] ; Charmaine H. K. Wong [Hong Kong] ; Chung Y. Cheung [Hong Kong] ; Michael C. Chan [Hong Kong] ; Suki M. Y. Lee [Hong Kong] ; John M. Nicholls [Hong Kong] ; YI GUAN [Hong Kong] ; Joseph S. M. Peiris [Hong Kong] | Viral Genetic Determinants of H5N1 Influenza Viruses That Contribute to Cytokine Dysregulation |
004542 (2009) |
Gavin J. D. Smith [Hong Kong] ; Dhanasekaran Vijaykrishna [Hong Kong] ; Justin Bahl [Hong Kong] ; Samantha J. Lycett [Royaume-Uni] ; Michael Worobey [États-Unis] ; Oliver G. Pybus [Royaume-Uni] ; SIU KIT MA [Hong Kong] ; CHUNG LAM CHEUNG [Hong Kong] ; Jayna Raghwani [Royaume-Uni] ; Samir Bhatt [Royaume-Uni] ; J. S. Malik Peiris [Hong Kong] ; YI GUAN [Hong Kong] ; Andrew Rambaut [Royaume-Uni] | Origins and evolutionary genomics of the 2009 swine-origin H1N1 influenza A epidemic |
005689 (2006) |
Taisuke Horimoto [Japon] ; Ayato Takada [Japon] ; Ken Fujii [Japon] ; Hideo Goto [Japon] ; Masato Hatta [États-Unis] ; Shinji Watanabe [États-Unis] ; Kiyoko Iwatsuki-Horimoto [Japon] ; Mutsumi Ito [Japon] ; Yuko Tagawa-Sakai [Japon] ; Shinya Yamada [Japon] ; Hirotoshi Ito [Japon] ; Toshihiro Ito [Japon] ; Masaki Imai [Japon] ; Shigeyuki Itamura [Japon] ; Takato Odagiri [Japon] ; Masato Tashiro [Japon] ; Wilina Lim [Hong Kong] ; YI GUAN [Hong Kong] ; Malik Peiris [Hong Kong] ; Yoshihiro Kawaoka [Japon, États-Unis] | The development and characterization of H5 influenza virus vaccines derived from a 2003 human isolate |
006034 (2000) |
K. F. Shortridge [Hong Kong] ; PENG GAO [États-Unis] ; YI GUAN [États-Unis] ; T. Ito [Japon] ; Yoshihiro Kawaoka [États-Unis] ; D. Markwell [Hong Kong] ; A. Takada [Japon] ; R. G. Webster [États-Unis] | Interspecies transmission of influenza viruses: H5N1 virus and a Hong Kong SAR perspective |