Serveur d'exploration sur la paléopathologie - Checkpoint (PubMed)

Index « Mesh.i » - entrée « Parasitic Diseases »
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List of bibliographic references

Number of relevant bibliographic references: 14.
Ident.Authors (with country if any)Title
000187 (2014) Charles T. Faulkner [États-Unis] ; Karl J. ReinhardA retrospective examination of paleoparasitology and its establishment in the Journal of Parasitology.
000216 (2013) Evilena Anastasiou [Royaume-Uni] ; Piers D. MitchellPalaeopathology and genes: investigating the genetics of infectious diseases in excavated human skeletal remains and mummies from past populations.
000490 (2007) Niels Lynnerup [Danemark]Mummies.
000617 (2004) Bob Brier [États-Unis]Infectious diseases in ancient Egypt.
000650 (2003) Elizabeth Martinson [Niger] ; Karl J. Reinhard ; Jane E. Buikstra ; Katharina Dittmar De La CruzPathoecology of Chiribaya parasitism.
000651 (2003) Adauto Araújo [Brésil] ; Ana Maria Jansen ; Françoise Bouchet ; Karl Reinhard ; Luiz Fernando FerreiraParasitism, the diversity of life, and paleoparasitology.
000B68 (1990) K J ReinhardArchaeoparasitology in North America.
000B91 (1989) C T Faulkner ; S. Patton ; S S JohnsonPrehistoric parasitism in Tennessee: evidence from the analysis of desiccated fecal material collected from Big Bone Cave, Van Buren County, Tennessee.
000D67 (1984) P D Horne ; S Q KawasakiThe Prince of El Plomo: a paleopathological study.
000D95 (1983) M R ZimmermanEnterobiasis in precolumbian America.
000E54 (1981) D X Wei ; W Y Yang ; S Q Huang ; Y F Lu ; T C Su ; J H Ma ; W X Hu ; N F XieParasitological investigation on the ancient corpse of the Western Han Dynasty unearthed from tomb No. 168 on Phoenix Hill in Jiangling county.
000E74 (1981) A. CockburnAncient parasites on the West Bank of the Nile.
001046 (1975) C. WellsPrehistoric and historical changes in nutritional diseases and associated conditions.
001364 (????) E D Shields [Canada]Does a parasite have a better chance of survival if an Inuit or a Mayan spits on it?

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