Serveur d'exploration sur la paléopathologie - Checkpoint (Ncbi)

Index « Mesh.i » - entrée « Prostatic Neoplasms »
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Prostatic Hyperplasia < Prostatic Neoplasms < Prostheses and Implants  Facettes :

List of bibliographic references

Number of relevant bibliographic references: 5.
Ident.Authors (with country if any)Title
000587 (1992) T. Anderson [Royaume-Uni] ; J. Wakely ; A. CarterMedieval example of metastatic carcinoma: a dry bone, radiological, and SEM study.
000812 (2007) Michael Schultz [Allemagne] ; Hermann Parzinger ; Dmitrij V. Posdnjakov ; Tatjana A. Chikisheva ; Tyede H. Schmidt-SchultzOldest known case of metastasizing prostate carcinoma diagnosed in the skeleton of a 2,700-year-old Scythian king from Arzhan (Siberia, Russia).
000837 (????) Thilo Schlott [Allemagne] ; Helmut Eiffert ; Tyede Schmidt-Schultz ; Melanie Gebhardt ; Hermann Parzinger ; Michael SchultzDetection and analysis of cancer genes amplified from bone material of a Scythian royal burial in Arzhan near Tuva, Siberia.
001386 (1984) I. Tkocz ; F. BierringA medieval case of metastasizing carcinoma with multiple osteosclerotic bone lesions.
001636 (1997) G. Grévin [France] ; R. Lagier ; C A BaudMetastatic carcinoma of presumed prostatic origin in cremated bones from the first century A.D.

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