Serveur d'exploration sur la paléopathologie - Checkpoint (Ncbi)

Index « Mesh.i » - entrée « Prevalence »
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List of bibliographic references

Number of relevant bibliographic references: 53.
[0-20] [0 - 20][0 - 50][20-40]
Ident.Authors (with country if any)Title
000081 (2000) S. Hukuda [Japon] ; K. Inoue ; M. Nakai ; K. KatayamaDid ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the spine evolve in the modern period? A paleopathologic study of ancient human skeletons in Japan.
000086 (2001) K. Inoue [Japon] ; S. Hukuda ; P. Fardellon ; Z Q Yang ; M. Nakai ; K. Katayama ; T. Ushiyama ; Y. Saruhashi ; J. Huang ; A. Mayeda ; I. Catteddu ; C. ObryPrevalence of large-joint osteoarthritis in Asian and Caucasian skeletal populations.
000100 (2001) D J Ortner [États-Unis] ; W. Butler ; J. Cafarella ; L. MilliganEvidence of probable scurvy in subadults from archeological sites in North America.
000122 (2001) J L Boldsen [Danemark]Epidemiological approach to the paleopathological diagnosis of leprosy.
000131 (2001) Bruce M. Rothschild (médecin) [Japon]Reply to a letter by Inoue et al.
000397 (2001) M. Arnay-De-La-Rosa ; J. Velasco-Vázquez ; E. González-Reimers ; F. Santolaria-FernándezAuricular exostoses among the prehistoric population of different islands of the Canary archipelago.
000400 (????) J R Lukacs [États-Unis] ; S R Walimbe ; B. FloydEpidemiology of enamel hypoplasia in deciduous teeth: explaining variation in prevalence in western India.
000410 (2001) V B Christensen ; J L Boldsen[Medieval leprosy].
000420 (2002) Patricia M. Lambert [États-Unis]Rib lesions in a prehistoric Puebloan sample from southwestern Colorado.
000566 (2003) A. Czarnetzki ; N. Blin ; C M PuschDown's syndrome in ancient Europe.
000599 (????) E A O'Sullivan [Royaume-Uni] ; S A Williams ; M E CurzonDental caries in relation to nutritional stress in early English child populations.
000656 (2005) Luigi L. Capasso [Italie]Antiquity of cancer.
000658 (1992) J R LukacsDental paleopathology and agricultural intensification in south Asia: new evidence from Bronze Age Harappa.
000660 (2004) Ludovic Debono [France] ; Bertrand Mafart ; Elise Jeusel ; Gaspard GuipertIs the incidence of elbow osteoarthritis underestimated? Insights from paleopathology.
000683 (2005) Jesper L. Boldsen [Danemark]Testing conditional independence in diagnostic palaeoepidemiology.
000689 (2005) J-C Chazel [France] ; J. Valcarcel ; P. Tramini ; B. Pelissier ; B. MafartCoronal and apical lesions, environmental factors: study in a modern and an archeological population.
000711 (2006) S A Mays [Royaume-Uni]Age-related cortical bone loss in women from a 3rd-4th century AD population from England.
000716 (2006) Christina Torres-Rouff [États-Unis] ; María Antonietta Costa JunqueiraInterpersonal violence in prehistoric San Pedro de Atacama, Chile: behavioral implications of environmental stress.
000718 (2006) Marija P. Djuri [Serbie] ; Charlotte A. Roberts ; Zoran B. Rakocevi ; Danijela D. Djoni ; Aleksandar R. LesiFractures in late medieval skeletal populations from Serbia.
000720 (2006) Jesper L. Boldsen [Danemark] ; Lene MollerupOutside St. Jørgen: leprosy in the medieval Danish city of Odense.
000727 (2006) S. Mays [Royaume-Uni] ; G. Turner-Walker ; U. SyversenOsteoporosis in a population from medieval Norway.

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