Serveur d'exploration sur la paléopathologie - Checkpoint (Ncbi)

Index « Mesh.i » - entrée « Incisor »
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Incidence < Incisor < Incus  Facettes :

List of bibliographic references

Number of relevant bibliographic references: 10.
Ident.Authors (with country if any)Title
000096 (2001) T. Anderson ; J. AndrewsDug-up roots.
000121 (2001) K. Nelsen [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; N. Tayles ; K. DomettMissing lateral incisors in Iron Age South-East Asians as possible indicators of dental agenesis.
000685 (1992) C P Owen [Afrique du Sud] ; R J Wilding ; L P AdamsDimensions of the temporal glenoid fossa and tooth wear in prehistoric human skeletons.
000799 (1991) C P Owen [Afrique du Sud] ; R J Wilding ; A G MorrisChanges in mandibular condyle morphology related to tooth wear in a prehistoric human population.
000932 (2009) E. Pomeroy [Niger]Labial talon cusps: a South American archaeological case in the deciduous dentition and review of a rare trait.
000A01 (2010) E Labajo González [Espagne] ; B Perea Pérez ; J A Sánchez Sánchez ; M Mar Robledo AcinasDental aesthetics as an expression of culture and ritual.
001126 (1978) C J GriffinThe prevalence of the maxillo-septal syndrome in Anglo-Saxon and Romano-British skulls and foetal specimens.
001176 (1985) M C DeanThe eruption pattern of the permanent incisors and first permanent molars in Australopithecus (Paranthropus) robustus.
001484 (1995) B. Sejrsen [Danemark] ; I. Kjaer ; J. JakobsenAgenesis of permanent incisors in a mediaeval maxilla and mandible: aetiological aspects.
001619 (1997) P S Ungar [États-Unis] ; K J Fennell ; K. Gordon ; E. TrinkausNeandertal incisor beveling.

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