Serveur d'exploration sur la paléopathologie - Checkpoint (Ncbi)

Index « Mesh.i » - entrée « Epidemiology »
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Epidemiologic Studies < Epidemiology < Epidermal Cyst  Facettes :

List of bibliographic references

Number of relevant bibliographic references: 9.
Ident.Authors (with country if any)Title
000226 (1995) S. Hummel ; B. HerrmannaDNA analysis in paleopathology: mini-review and prospects.
000255 (1969) S J KunitzDisease and death among the Anasazi: some notes on Southwestern paleoepidemiology.
000266 (1989) R L Blakely ; B. Detweiler-BlakelyThe impact of European diseases in the sixteenth-century southeast: a case study.
000327 (2000) G. Palfi ; Olivier Dutour [France] ; J. Berato ; J P Brun[Syphilis in Europe in antiquity: the fetus of Costebelle and other new gifts from osteoarchaeology].
000492 (1992) G J Armelagos ; T. Leatherman ; M. Ryan ; L. SibleyBiocultural synthesis in medical anthropology.
000549 (1965) L. J. Bruce-ChwattPaleogenesis and paleo-epidemiology of primate malaria*
000735 (2006) Andreas G. Nerlich [Allemagne] ; Helmut Rohrbach ; Beatrice Bachmeier ; Albert ZinkMalignant tumors in two ancient populations: An approach to historical tumor epidemiology.
000999 (1991) R L MillerPalaeoepidemiology, literacy, and medical tradition among necropolis workmen in New Kingdom Egypt.
001361 (1967) E R Kerley ; W M BassPaleopathology: meeting ground for many disciplines.

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