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List of bibliographic references

Number of relevant bibliographic references: 23.
[0-20] [0 - 20][0 - 23][20-22][20-40]
Ident.Authors (with country if any)Title
000400 (????) J R Lukacs [États-Unis] ; S R Walimbe ; B. FloydEpidemiology of enamel hypoplasia in deciduous teeth: explaining variation in prevalence in western India.
000476 (2003) A. Czarnetzki [Allemagne] ; T. Jakob ; C M PuschPalaeopathological and variant conditions of the Homo heidelbergensis type specimen (Mauer, Germany).
000571 (2003) Erik Trinkaus [États-Unis] ; Anthony E. Marks ; Jean Philip Brugal ; Shara E. Bailey ; W Jack Rink ; Daniel RichterLater Middle Pleistocene human remains from the Almonda Karstic system, Torres Novas, Portugal.
000710 (2006) Dale L. Hutchinson [États-Unis] ; Lynette NorrNutrition and health at contact in late prehistoric central Gulf Coast Florida.
000715 (2006) Michele R. Buzon [Canada]Health of the non-elites at Tombos: Nutritional and disease stress in New Kingdom Nubia.
000721 (2005) Marta Pilar Alfonso [États-Unis] ; Jennifer Louise Thompson ; Vivien Grace StandenReevaluating Harris lines--a comparison between Harris lines and enamel hypoplasia.
000796 (2007) R C Griffin [Royaume-Uni] ; D. DonlonDental enamel hypoplasias and health changes in the Middle Bronze Age - Early Iron Age transition at Pella in Jordan.
000834 (2008) Michele R. Buzon [États-Unis] ; Margaret A. JuddInvestigating health at Kerma: sacrificial versus nonsacrificial individuals.
000901 (2009) R C Griffin [Royaume-Uni] ; D. DonlonPatterns in dental enamel hypoplasia by sex and age at death in two archaeological populations.
000A08 (1991) E M During [Suède] ; L. NilssonMechanical surface analysis of bone: a case study of cut marks and enamel hypoplasia on a Neolithic cranium from Sweden.
000A81 (????) Christina Papageorgopoulou [Suisse] ; Susanne K. Suter ; Frank J. Rühli ; Frank SiegmundHarris lines revisited: prevalence, comorbidities, and possible etiologies.
000B12 (2011) Gretchen R. Dabbs [États-Unis]Health status among prehistoric Eskimos from Point Hope, Alaska.
000B41 (1990) D P Van Gerven ; R. Beck ; J R HummertPatterns of enamel hypoplasia in two medieval populations from Nubia's Batn el Hajar.
000B49 (2012) R L Gowland [Royaume-Uni] ; A G WesternMorbidity in the marshes: using spatial epidemiology to investigate skeletal evidence for Malaria in Anglo-Saxon England (AD 410-1050).
000F18 (1989) G. Y'Edynak [États-Unis]Yugoslav Mesolithic dental reduction.
000F72 (2016) Hua Zhang [Canada] ; Deborah C. Merrett [Canada] ; Zhichun Jing [Canada] ; Jigen Tang [République populaire de Chine] ; Yuling He [République populaire de Chine] ; Hongbin Yue [République populaire de Chine] ; Zhanwei Yue [République populaire de Chine] ; Dongya Y. Yang [Canada]Osteoarchaeological Studies of Human Systemic Stress of Early Urbanization in Late Shang at Anyang, China
001160 (1985) S. Molnar ; I. MolnarObservations of dental diseases among prehistoric populations of Hungary.
001410 (1980) S K ClarkeEarly childhood morbidity trends in prehistoric populations.
001423 (1980) A H Goodman ; G J Armelagos ; J C RoseEnamel hypoplasias as indicators of stress in three prehistoric populations from Illinois.
001476 (1975) C. WellsPrehistoric and historical changes in nutritional diseases and associated conditions.
001486 (1995) J M Bermúdez De Castro [Espagne] ; P J PérezEnamel hypoplasia in the middle pleistocene hominids from Atapuerca (Spain).

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