Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000099 (2017) |
Emanuela Pileri [Espagne] ; Gerard E. Martín-Valls [Espagne] ; Ivan Díaz [Espagne] ; Alberto Allepuz [Espagne] ; Meritxell Simon-Grifé [Espagne] ; Ariadna García-Saenz [Espagne] ; Jordi Casal [Espagne] ; Enric Mateu [Espagne] | Estimation of the transmission parameters for swine influenza and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome viruses in pigs from weaning to slaughter under natural conditions. |
000118 (2017) |
Henrique Meiroz De Souza Almeida [Brésil] ; Gabriel Yuri Storino [Brésil] ; Daniele Araújo Pereira [Brésil] ; Igor Renan Honorato Gatto [Brésil] ; Luis Antonio Mathias [Brésil] ; Hélio José Montassier [Brésil] ; Luís Guilherme De Oliveira [Brésil] | A cross-sectional study of swine influenza in intensive and extensive farms in the northeastern region of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. |
000191 (2014) |
David Risco [Espagne] ; Emmanuel Serrano [Espagne] ; Pedro Fernández-Llario [Espagne] ; Jesús M. Cuesta [Espagne] ; Pilar Gonçalves [Espagne] ; Waldo L. García-Jiménez [Espagne] ; Remigio Martínez [Espagne] ; Rosario Cerrato [Espagne] ; Roser Velarde [Espagne] ; Luis G Mez [Espagne] ; Joaquím Segalés [Espagne] ; Javier Hermoso De Mendoza [Espagne] | Severity of bovine tuberculosis is associated with co-infection with common pathogens in wild boar. |
000194 (2014) |
Francisco J. Cano-Manuel [Espagne] ; Jorge L Pez-Olvera [Espagne] ; Paulino Fandos [Espagne] ; Ram N C. Soriguer [Espagne] ; Jesús M. Pérez [Espagne] ; José E. Granados [Espagne] | Long-term monitoring of 10 selected pathogens in wild boar (Sus scrofa) in Sierra Nevada National Park, southern Spain. |
000211 (2014) |
Gerard E. Martín-Valls [Espagne] ; Meritxell Simon-Grifé [Espagne] ; Sander Van Boheemen [Pays-Bas] ; Miranda De Graaf [Pays-Bas] ; Theo M. Bestebroer [Pays-Bas] ; Núria Busquets [Espagne] ; Margarita Martín [Espagne] ; Jordi Casal [Espagne] ; Ron A M. Fouchier [Pays-Bas] ; Enric Mateu [Espagne] | Phylogeny of Spanish swine influenza viruses isolated from respiratory disease outbreaks and evolution of swine influenza virus within an endemically infected farm. |
000221 (2014) |
Massimiliano Baratelli [Espagne] ; Lorena C Rdoba [Espagne] ; Lester J. Pérez [Cuba] ; Jaime Maldonado [Espagne] ; Lorenzo Fraile [Espagne] ; José I. Nú Ez [Espagne] ; Maria Montoya [Espagne] | Genetic characterization of influenza A viruses circulating in pigs and isolated in north-east Spain during the period 2006-2007. |
000243 (2014) |
E. Serrano [Espagne] ; S. L Pez-Soria [Espagne] ; L. Trinchera [France] ; J. Segalés [Espagne] | The use of null models and partial least squares approach path modelling (PLS-PM) for investigating risk factors influencing post-weaning mortality in indoor pig farms. |
000260 (2013) |
G. Tic [Espagne] ; J. Segalés ; J. Martínez | The blurred border between porcine circovirus type 2-systemic disease and porcine respiratory disease complex. |
000275 (2013) |
M. Aramouni [Espagne] ; J. Martínez [Espagne] ; D. Nieto [Espagne] ; T. Kekarainen [Espagne] ; J. Segalés [Espagne] | Exploratory study of Torque teno sus viruses in pulmonary inflammatory lesions in pigs. |
000285 (2012) |
Llorenç Grau-Roma [Espagne] ; Anders Stockmarr ; Charlotte S. Kristensen ; Claes En E ; Sergio L Pez-Soria ; Miquel Nofrarías ; Vivi Bille-Hansen ; Charlotte K. Hjulsager ; Marina Sibila ; Sven E. Jorsal ; Lorenzo Fraile ; Poul Baekbo ; Hakan Vigre ; Joaquim Segalés ; Lars E. Larsen | Infectious risk factors for individual postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) development in pigs from affected farms in Spain and Denmark. |
000309 (2012) |
Meritxell Simon-Grifé [Espagne] ; Gerard E. Martín-Valls ; María J. Vilar ; Núria Busquets ; Mercedes Mora-Salvatierra ; Theo M. Bestebroer ; Ron Am Fouchier ; Margarita Martín ; Enric Mateu ; Jordi Casal | Swine influenza virus infection dynamics in two pig farms; results of a longitudinal assessment. |
000429 (2011) |
M. Simon-Grifé [Espagne] ; G E Martín-Valls ; M J Vilar ; I. García-Bocanegra ; M. Mora ; M. Martín ; E. Mateu ; J. Casal | Seroprevalence and risk factors of swine influenza in Spain. |
000459 (2010) |
S. L Pez-Soria [Espagne] ; J. Maldonado ; P. Riera ; M. Nofrarías ; A. Espinal ; O. Valero ; P. Blanchard ; A. Jestin ; J. Casal ; M. Domingo ; C. Artigas ; J. Segalés | Selected Swine viral pathogens in indoor pigs in Spain. Seroprevalence and farm-level characteristics. |
000530 (2009) |
B. Adiego Sancho [Espagne] ; M. Omenaca Teres ; S. Martinez Cuenca ; P. Rodrigo Val ; P. Sanchez Villanueva ; I. Casas ; F. Pozo ; P. Perez Brena | Human case of swine influenza A (H1N1), Aragon, Spain, November 2008. |
000582 (2007) |
Llorenç Grau-Roma [Espagne] ; Joaquim Segalés | Detection of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, porcine circovirus type 2, swine influenza virus and Aujeszky's disease virus in cases of porcine proliferative and necrotizing pneumonia (PNP) in Spain. |
000620 (2006) |
Jaime Maldonado [Espagne] ; Kristien Van Reeth ; Pere Riera ; Marta Sitjà ; Narcís Saubi ; Enric Espu A ; Carlos Artigas | Evidence of the concurrent circulation of H1N2, H1N1 and H3N2 influenza A viruses in densely populated pig areas in Spain. |
000648 (2002) |
Joaquín Vicente [Espagne] ; Luís Le N-Vizcaíno ; Christian Gortázar ; María José Cubero ; M Nica González ; Pablo Martín-Atance | Antibodies to selected viral and bacterial pathogens in European wild boars from southcentral Spain. |
000671 (2000) |
C B Gutiérrez-Martín [Espagne] ; O. Rodríguez-Delgado ; D. Alvarez-Nistal ; V A De La Puente-Redondo ; F. García-Rioja ; J. Martín-Vicente ; E F Rodríguez Ferri | Simultaneous serological evidence of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, PRRS, Aujeszky's disease and influenza viruses in Spanish finishing pigs. |
000734 (1992) |
E. Yus [Espagne] ; M L Sanjuan ; F. García ; J M Castro ; I. Simarro | Influenza A viruses: epidemiologic study in fatteners in Spain (1987-89). |
000748 (1989) |
E. Yus ; M D Laviada ; L. Moreno ; J M Castro ; J M Escribano ; I. Simarro | [The prevalence of antibodies to influenza virus and respiratory coronavirus in fattening pigs in Spain]. |
000750 (1988) |
J M Castro ; M. Del Pozo ; I. Simarro | Identification of H3N2 influenza virus isolated from pigs with respiratory problems in Spain. |