Serveur d'exploration sur la grippe au Canada - Curation (Accueil)

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Utilization Review < Vaccination < Vaccination Coverage  Facettes :

List of bibliographic references

Number of relevant bibliographic references: 212.
[0-20] [0 - 20][0 - 50][20-40]
Ident.Authors (with country if any)Title
000000 (2020) Karina A. Top [Canada] ; Kristine Macartney [Australie] ; Julie A. Bettinger [Canada] ; Ben Tan [Canada] ; Christopher C. Blyth [Australie] ; Helen S. Marshall [Australie] ; Wendy Vaudry [Canada] ; Scott A. Halperin [Canada] ; Peter Mcintyre [Australie]Active surveillance of acute paediatric hospitalisations demonstrates the impact of vaccination programmes and informs vaccine policy in Canada and Australia.
000003 (2020) Shannon E. Brent [Canada] ; Eleanor Pullenayegum [Canada] ; Margaret L. Russell [Canada] ; Mark Loeb [Canada]Effect of seasonal influenza vaccination on influenza symptom severity among children in Hutterite communities: Follow-up study of a randomized trial.
000011 (2019) Melissa K. Andrew [Canada] ; Vladimir Gilca [Canada] ; Nancy Waite [Canada] ; Jennifer A. Pereira [Canada]EXamining the knowledge, Attitudes and experiences of Canadian seniors Towards influenza (the EXACT survey).
000016 (2019) Maryse Guay [Canada] ; Virginie Gosselin [Canada] ; Geneviève Petit [Canada] ; Geneviève Baron [Canada] ; Arnaud Gagneur [Canada]Determinants of vaccine hesitancy in Quebec: a large population-based survey.
000018 (2019) Gokul Raj Pullagura ; Nancy M. Waite ; Sherilyn K D. Houle ; Richard Violette ; William W L. WongCost-utility analysis of offering a novel remunerated community pharmacist consultation service on influenza vaccination for seniors in Ontario, Canada.
000027 (2019) Danuta M. Skowronski [Canada] ; Siobhan Leir [Canada] ; Suzana Sabaiduc [Canada] ; Michelle Murti [Canada] ; James A. Dickinson [Canada] ; Romy Olsha [Canada] ; Jonathan B. Gubbay [Canada] ; Matthew A. Croxen [Canada] ; Hugues Charest [Canada] ; Tracy Chan [Canada] ; Nathalie Bastien [Canada] ; Yan Li [Canada] ; Mel Krajden [Canada] ; Gaston De Serres [Canada]Interim estimates of 2018/19 vaccine effectiveness against influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, Canada, January 2019.
000029 (2019) Sunita Mulpuru [Canada] ; Li Li [Canada] ; Lingyun Ye [Canada] ; Todd Hatchette [Canada] ; Melissa K. Andrew [Canada] ; Ardith Ambrose [Canada] ; Guy Boivin [Canada] ; William Bowie [Canada] ; Ayman Chit [Canada] ; Gael Dos Santos ; May Elsherif [Canada] ; Karen Green [Canada] ; Francois Haguinet [Belgique] ; Scott A. Halperin [Canada] ; Barbara Ibarguchi [Canada] ; Jennie Johnstone [Canada] ; Kevin Katz [Canada] ; Joanne M. Langley [Canada] ; Jason Leblanc [Canada] ; Mark Loeb [Canada] ; Donna Mackinnon-Cameron [Canada] ; Anne Mccarthy [Canada] ; Janet E. Mcelhaney [Canada] ; Allison Mcgeer [Canada] ; Jeff Powis [Canada] ; David Richardson [Canada] ; Makeda Semret [Canada] ; Vivek Shinde [États-Unis] ; Daniel Smyth [Canada] ; Sylvie Trottier [Canada] ; Louis Valiquette [Canada] ; Duncan Webster [Canada] ; Shelly A. Mcneil [Canada]Effectiveness of Influenza Vaccination on Hospitalizations and Risk Factors for Severe Outcomes in Hospitalized Patients With COPD.
000033 (2019) Andrew J. Leidner [États-Unis] ; Neil Murthy [États-Unis] ; Harrell W. Chesson [États-Unis] ; Matthew Biggerstaff [États-Unis] ; Charles Stoecker [États-Unis] ; Aaron M. Harris [États-Unis] ; Anna Acosta [États-Unis] ; Kathleen Dooling [États-Unis] ; Carolyn B. Bridges [États-Unis]Cost-effectiveness of adult vaccinations: A systematic review.
000035 (2019) Antoni Trilla [Espagne] ; Marta Aldea [Espagne]Influenza vaccination in health-care workers: Auctoritas and potestas.
000037 (2019) Eve Dubé [Canada] ; Dominique Gagnon ; Kyla Kaminsky ; Courtney R. Green ; Manale Ouakki ; Julie A. Bettinger ; Nicholas Brousseau ; Eliana Castillo ; Natasha S. Crowcroft ; S Michelle Driedger [Canada] ; Devon Greyson ; Deshayne Fell ; William Fisher ; Arnaud Gagneur ; Maryse Guay ; Donna Halperin ; Scott A. Halperin ; Shannon Macdonald ; Samantha B. Meyer ; Nancy M. Waite ; Kumanan Wilson ; Holly O. Witteman [Canada] ; Mark Yudin ; Jocelynn L. CookVaccination Against Influenza in Pregnancy: A Survey of Canadian Maternity Care Providers.
000038 (2018) Caitlin N. Dodd [Pays-Bas] ; Maria De Ridder [Pays-Bas] ; Wan-Ting Huang [Taïwan] ; Daniel Weibel [Pays-Bas] ; Maria Giner-Soriano [Espagne] ; Silvia Perez-Vilar [Pays-Bas, Espagne] ; Javier Diez-Domingo [Espagne] ; Lawrence W. Svenson [Canada] ; Salahddin M. Mahmud [Canada] ; Bruce Carleton [Canada] ; Monika Naus [Canada] ; Jeffrey C. Kwong [Canada] ; Brian J. Murray [Canada] ; Lisen Arnheim-Dahlstrom [Suède] ; Lars Pedersen [Danemark] ; Rosa Morros [Espagne] ; Francisco Javier Puertas [Espagne] ; Steven Black [États-Unis] ; Miriam Sturkenboom [Pays-Bas]Incidence rates of narcolepsy diagnoses in Taiwan, Canada, and Europe: The use of statistical simulation to evaluate methods for the rapid assessment of potential safety issues on a population level in the SOMNIA study.
000041 (2019) Mark G. Thompson [Géorgie (pays)] ; Jeffrey C. Kwong [Canada] ; Annette K. Regan [Australie] ; Mark A. Katz [Israël] ; Steven J. Drews [Canada] ; Eduardo Azziz-Baumgartner [Géorgie (pays)] ; Nicola P. Klein ; Hannah Chung ; Paul V. Effler [Australie] ; Becca S. Feldman ; Kimberley Simmonds [Canada] ; Brandy E. Wyant [États-Unis] ; Fatimah S. Dawood [Géorgie (pays)] ; Michael L. Jackson [États-Unis] ; Deshayne B. Fell [Canada] ; Avram Levy [Australie] ; Noam Barda ; Lawrence W. Svenson [Canada] ; Rebecca V. Fink [États-Unis] ; Sarah W. Ball [États-Unis] ; Allison Naleway [États-Unis]Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness in Preventing Influenza-associated Hospitalizations During Pregnancy: A Multi-country Retrospective Test Negative Design Study, 2010-2016.
000042 (2018) Fatima Etbaigha ; Allan R Willms ; Zvonimir PoljakAn SEIR model of influenza A virus infection and reinfection within a farrow-to-finish swine farm.
000043 (2018) Stephanie O. Keeling [Canada] ; Zainab Alabdurubalnabi [Canada] ; Antonio Avina-Zubieta [Canada] ; Susan Barr [Canada] ; Louise Bergeron [Canada] ; Sasha Bernatsky [Canada] ; Josiane Bourre-Tessier [Canada] ; Ann Clarke [Canada] ; Alexandra Baril-Dionne [Canada] ; Jan Dutz [Canada] ; Stephanie Ensworth [Canada] ; Aurore Fifi-Mah [Canada] ; Paul R. Fortin [Canada] ; Dafna D. Gladman [Canada] ; Derek Haaland [Canada] ; John G. Hanly [Canada] ; Linda T. Hiraki [Canada] ; Sara Hussein [Canada] ; Kimberly Legault [Canada] ; Deborah Levy [Canada] ; Lily Lim [Canada] ; Mark Matsos [Canada] ; Emily G. Mcdonald [Canada] ; Jorge Medina-Rosas [Canada] ; Jordi Pardo Pardi [Canada] ; Christine Peschken [Canada] ; Christian Pineau [Canada] ; Janet Pope [Canada] ; Tamara Rader [Canada] ; Jen Reynolds [Canada] ; Earl Silverman [Canada] ; Konstantinos Tselios [Canada] ; Manon Suitner [Canada] ; Murray Urowitz [Canada] ; Zahi Touma [Canada] ; Evelyne Vinet [Canada] ; Nancy Santesso [Canada]Canadian Rheumatology Association Recommendations for the Assessment and Monitoring of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
000047 (2018) Sarah A. Buchan [Canada] ; Stephanie Booth [Canada] ; Allison N. Scott [Canada] ; Kimberley A. Simmonds [Canada] ; Lawrence W. Svenson [Canada] ; Steven J. Drews [Canada] ; Margaret L. Russell [Canada] ; Natasha S. Crowcroft [Canada] ; Mark Loeb [Canada] ; Bryna F. Warshawsky [Canada] ; Jeffrey C. Kwong [Canada]Effectiveness of Live Attenuated vs Inactivated Influenza Vaccines in Children During the 2012-2013 Through 2015-2016 Influenza Seasons in Alberta, Canada: A Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN) Study.
000056 (2018) David Champredon [Canada] ; Marek Laskowski [Canada] ; Nathalie Charland [Canada] ; Seyed M. Moghadas [Canada]Assessing the benefits of early pandemic influenza vaccine availability: a case study for Ontario, Canada.
000057 (2018) Deepali Kumar [Canada] ; Victor H. Ferreira [Canada] ; Emily Blumberg [États-Unis] ; Fernanda Silveira [États-Unis] ; Elisa Cordero [Espagne] ; Pilar Perez-Romero [Espagne] ; Teresa Aydillo [Espagne] ; Lara Danziger-Isakov [États-Unis] ; Ajit P. Limaye [États-Unis] ; Jordi Carratala [Espagne] ; Patricia Munoz [Espagne] ; Miguel Montejo [Espagne] ; Francisco Lopez-Medrano [Espagne] ; Maria Carmen Farinas [Espagne] ; Joan Gavalda [Espagne] ; Asuncion Moreno [Espagne] ; Marilyn Levi ; Jesus Fortun [Espagne] ; Julian Torre-Cisneros [Espagne] ; Janet A. Englund [États-Unis] ; Yoichiro Natori [Canada] ; Shahid Husain [Canada] ; Gail Reid [États-Unis] ; Tanvi S. Sharma [États-Unis] ; Atul Humar [Canada]A 5-Year Prospective Multicenter Evaluation of Influenza Infection in Transplant Recipients.
000058 (2018) Charmaine M. Mcpherson [Canada] ; Donna M. Halperin [Canada] ; Bonnie Henry [Canada] ; Antonia M. Di Castri [Canada] ; Jeffrey C. Kwong [Canada]Examination of the British Columbia influenza prevention policy for healthcare workers: Phase 1 qualitative case study.
000059 (2018) Michaela K. Nichols [Canada] ; Melissa K. Andrew [Canada] ; Todd F. Hatchette [Canada] ; Ardith Ambrose [Canada] ; Guy Boivin [Canada] ; William Bowie [Canada] ; Ayman Chit [Canada] ; Gael Dos Santos [Belgique] ; May Elsherif [Canada] ; Karen Green [Canada] ; Francois Haguinet [Belgique] ; Scott A. Halperin [Canada] ; Barbara Ibarguchi [Canada] ; Jennie Johnstone [Canada] ; Kevin Katz [Canada] ; Phillipe Lagacé-Wiens [Canada] ; Joanne M. Langley [Canada] ; Jason Leblanc [Canada] ; Mark Loeb [Canada] ; Donna Mackinnon-Cameron [Canada] ; Anne Mccarthy [Canada] ; Janet E. Mcelhaney [Canada] ; Allison Mcgeer [Canada] ; Andre Poirier [Canada] ; Jeff Powis [Canada] ; David Richardson [Canada] ; Anne Schuind [États-Unis] ; Makeda Semret [Canada] ; Vivek Shinde [États-Unis] ; Stephanie Smith [Canada] ; Daniel Smyth [Canada] ; Grant Stiver [Canada] ; Geoffrey Taylor [Canada] ; Sylvie Trottier [Canada] ; Louis Valiquette [Canada] ; Duncan Webster [Canada] ; Lingyun Ye [Canada] ; Shelly A. Mcneil [Canada]Influenza vaccine effectiveness to prevent influenza-related hospitalizations and serious outcomes in Canadian adults over the 2011/12 through 2013/14 influenza seasons: A pooled analysis from the Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN) Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS Network).
000062 (2018) Andrew Stewart [Canada] ; Otto G. Vanderkooi [Canada] ; Raylene A. Reimer [Canada] ; Patricia K. Doyle-Baker [Canada]Immune response in highly active young men to the 2014/2015 seasonal influenza vaccine.
000067 (2018) Danuta M. Skowronski [Canada] ; Catharine Chambers [Canada] ; Gaston De Serres [Canada] ; James A. Dickinson [Canada] ; Anne-Luise Winter [Canada] ; Rebecca Hickman [Canada] ; Tracy Chan [Canada] ; Agatha N. Jassem [Canada] ; Steven J. Drews [Canada] ; Hugues Charest [Canada] ; Jonathan B. Gubbay [Canada] ; Nathalie Bastien [Canada] ; Yan Li [Canada] ; Mel Krajden [Canada]Early season co-circulation of influenza A(H3N2) and B(Yamagata): interim estimates of 2017/18 vaccine effectiveness, Canada, January 2018.

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