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List of bibliographic references

Number of relevant bibliographic references: 9. **** probable Xml problem ****
Ident.Authors (with country if any)Title
000992 (2015) Norintan Ab-Murat [Malaisie, Royaume-Uni] ; Aubrey Sheiham [Royaume-Uni] ; Richard Watt [Royaume-Uni] ; Georgios Tsakos [Royaume-Uni]Treatment needs and skill mix workforce requirements for prosthodontic care: a comparison of estimates using normative and sociodental approaches
000C16 (2015) Paolo G. Arduino [Italie] ; Crispian Scully [Royaume-Uni] ; Luigi Chiusa [Italie] ; Roberto Broccoletti [Italie]Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Arising in a Patient after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation with Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws
001150 (2014) Eduardo Bernabé [Royaume-Uni] ; Aubrey Sheiham [Royaume-Uni]Tooth Loss in the United Kingdom – Trends in Social Inequalities: An Age-Period-and-Cohort Analysis
001178 (2014) Catriona M. Steele [Australie, Canada] ; Woroud Abdulrahman Alsanei [Royaume-Uni] ; Sona Ayanikalath [Émirats arabes unis] ; Carly E. A. Barbon [Canada] ; Jianshe Chen [Australie, République populaire de Chine] ; Julie A. Y. Cichero [Australie] ; Kim Coutts [Afrique du Sud] ; Roberto O. Dantas [Australie, Brésil] ; Janice Duivestein [Australie] ; Lidia Giosa ; Ben Hanson [Australie, Royaume-Uni] ; Peter Lam [Australie] ; Caroline Lecko [Australie, Royaume-Uni] ; Chelsea Leigh ; Ahmed Nagy [Égypte] ; Ashwini M. Namasivayam [Canada] ; Weslania V. Nascimento [Brésil] ; Inge Odendaal [Afrique du Sud] ; Christina H. Smith [Royaume-Uni] ; Helen WangThe Influence of Food Texture and Liquid Consistency Modification on Swallowing Physiology and Function: A Systematic Review
001303 (2014) Fang Liu ; Sejal Ranmal [Royaume-Uni] ; Hannah K. Batchelor [Royaume-Uni] ; Mine Orlu-Gul [Royaume-Uni] ; Terry B. Ernest ; Iwan W. Thomas ; Talia Flanagan ; Catherine Tuleu [Royaume-Uni]Patient-Centred Pharmaceutical Design to Improve Acceptability of Medicines: Similarities and Differences in Paediatric and Geriatric Populations
001C01 (2012) Waseem Jerjes [Royaume-Uni, Iraq] ; Tahwinder Upile [Royaume-Uni] ; Hani Radhi [Iraq] ; Aviva Petrie [Royaume-Uni] ; Jesuloba Abiola [Royaume-Uni] ; Aidan Adams [Royaume-Uni] ; Jacqueline Callear [Royaume-Uni] ; Panagiotis Kafas [Grèce] ; Syedda Abbas [Royaume-Uni] ; Kartic Rajaram [Royaume-Uni] ; Colin Hopper [Royaume-Uni]cTNM vs. pTNM: the effect of not applying ultrasonography in the identification of cervical nodal disease
002665 (2008) Se-Hwan Jung [Corée du Sud] ; Jae-In Ryu [Royaume-Uni] ; Georgios Tsakos [Royaume-Uni] ; Aubrey Sheiham [Royaume-Uni]A Korean version of the Oral Impacts on Daily Performances (OIDP) scale in elderly populations: Validity, reliability and prevalence