Serveur d'exploration sur le patient édenté

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Le cluster during - tongue




44during - tongue
33speech - tongue
33production - tongue
33palate - tongue
33palate - production
33during - speech
33during - production
33during - palate
22teeth - tongue
22speech - teeth
22production - teeth
22production - speech
22palate - teeth
22palate - speech
22mechanical - tongue
22mechanical - teeth
22mechanical - speech
22mechanical - production
22mechanical - palate
22measure - tongue
22measure - teeth
22measure - speech
22measure - production
22measure - palate
22measure - mechanical
22during - teeth
22during - mechanical
22during - measure

Documents par ordre de pertinence
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000253 (2005) Christophe Jeannin [France] ; Pascal Perrier [France] ; Yohan Payan [France] ; André Dittmar [France] ; Brigitte Grosgogeat [France]A non-invasive device to measure mechanical interaction between tongue, palate and teeth during speech production
000193 (2007-12-21) Christophe Jeannin [France]An experimental study of biomechanical stress exerted by the tongue on the palate in edentulous patients during production.
000168 (2008) Christophe Jeannin [France] ; Pascal Perrier [France] ; Yohan Payan [France] ; André Dittmar [France] ; Brigitte Grosgogeat [France]Tongue pressure recordings during speech using complete denture
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