Serveur d'exploration sur la COVID en France - Analysis (France)

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List of bibliographic references

Number of relevant bibliographic references: 19.
Ident.Authors (with country if any)Title
000008 (2020) F. Michel [France] ; S. Gaillet [France] ; J N Cornu [France] ; G. Robert [France] ; X. Game [France] ; V. Phé [France] ; G. Karsenty [France][French Association of Urology. COVID-19: Recommendations for functional urology].
000010 (2020) M. Abdessater [France] ; M. Rouprêt [France] ; V. Misrai [France] ; X. Matillon [France] ; B. Gondran-Tellier [France] ; L. Freton [France] ; M. Vallée [France] ; I. Dominique [France] ; M. Felber [France] ; Z-E Khene [France] ; E. Fortier [France] ; F. Lannes [France] ; C. Michiels [France] ; T. Grevez [France] ; N. Szabla [France] ; J. Boustany [France] ; F. Bardet [France] ; K. Kaulanjan ; E. Seizilles De Mazancourt [France] ; G. Ploussard [France] ; U. Pinar [France] ; B. Pradere [Autriche]COVID19 pandemic impacts on anxiety of French urologist in training: Outcomes from a national survey.
000011 (2020) Pascale Grosclaude [France] ; David Azria [France] ; Rosine Guimbaud [France] ; Séverine Thibault [France] ; Laetitia Daubisse-Marliac [France] ; Guillaume Cartron [France] ; Marie-José Renaudie [France] ; Pierre-Adrien Dalbies [France] ; Jean-Pierre Delord [France] ; Eric Bauvin [France][COVID-19 impact on the cancer care structuration: Example of the multidisciplinary team meeting dedicated to oncology in Occitanie].
000017 (2020) François Montastruc [France] ; Charles Romano [France] ; Jean-Louis Montastruc [France] ; Stein Silva [France] ; Thierry Seguin [France] ; Vincent Minville [France] ; Bernard Georges [France] ; Béatrice Riu-Poulenc [France] ; Olivier Fourcade [France]Pharmacological characteristics of patients infected with SARS-Cov-2 admitted to Intensive Care Unit in South of France.
000021 (2020) Maryse Lapeyre-Mestre [France] ; Alexandra Boucher [France] ; Amélie Daveluy [France] ; Valérie Gibaja [France] ; Emilie Jouanjus [France] ; Michel Mallaret [France] ; Helene Peyrière [France] ; Joëlle Micallef [France]Addictovigilance contribution during COVID-19 epidemic and lockdown in France.
000029 (2020) A. Sauvaget [France] ; R. Dumont [France] ; N. Bukowski [France] ; O. Bonnot [France] ; R. Auffret [France] ; E. Poulet [France] ; D. Szekely [France] ; C. Quiles [France] ; A. Yrondi [France] ; M. Plaze [France] ; W. De Carvalho [France] ; A. Amad [France] ; S. Bulteau [France][Recommendations for a gradual and controlled resumption of electroconvulsive therapy in France during the period of lifting of the containment and of the COVID-19 pandemic linked to SARS-CoV-2].
000033 (2020) T. Fovet [France] ; C. Lancelevée [France] ; M. Eck [France] ; T. Scouflaire [France] ; E. Bécache [France] ; D. Dandelot [France] ; P. Giravalli [France] ; A. Guillard [France] ; P. Horrach [France] ; M. Lacambre [France] ; T. Lefebvre [France] ; A-H Moncany [France] ; D. Touitou [France] ; M. David [France] ; P. Thomas [France][Mental health care in French correctional facilities during the Covid-19 pandemic].
000039 (2020) W. El-Hage [France] ; C. Hingray [France] ; C. Lemogne [France] ; A. Yrondi [France] ; P. Brunault [France] ; T. Bienvenu [France] ; B. Etain [France] ; C. Paquet [France] ; B. Gohier [France] ; D. Bennabi [France] ; P. Birmes [France] ; A. Sauvaget [France] ; E. Fakra [France] ; N. Prieto [France] ; S. Bulteau [France] ; P. Vidailhet [France] ; V. Camus [France] ; M. Leboyer [France] ; M-O Krebs [France] ; B. Aouizerate [France][Health professionals facing the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic: What are the mental health risks?]
000042 (2020) Jean-Marc Classe [France] ; Gilles Dolivet [France] ; Serge Evrard [France] ; Gwenael Ferron [France] ; Fabrice Lécuru [France] ; Lea Leufflen [France] ; Michel Rivoire [France] ; Olivia Sgarbura [France][French Society for Surgical Oncology (SFCO) guidelines for the management of surgical oncology in the pandemic context of COVID 19].
000044 (2020) A. Amad [France] ; M. Magnat [France] ; C. Quilès [France] ; A. Yrondi [France] ; A. Sauvaget [France] ; S. Bulteau [France] ; M. Plaze [France] ; M. Rotharmel [France] ; M. Polosan [France] ; D. Lévy-Chavagnat [France] ; N. Jaafari [France] ; G. Vaiva [France] ; P. Thomas [France][Evolution of electro-convulsive therapy activity in France since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic].
000050 (2020) Joseph Gligorov [France] ; Thomas Bachelot [France] ; Jean-Yves Pierga [France] ; Eric-Charles Antoine [France] ; Corinne Balleyguier [France] ; Emmanuel Barranger [France] ; Yazid Belkacemi [France] ; Hervé Bonnefoi [France] ; François-Clément Bidard [France] ; Luc Ceugnart [France] ; Jean-Marc Classe [France] ; Paul Cottu [France] ; Charles Coutant [France] ; Bruno Cutuli [France] ; Florence Dalenc [France] ; Emile Darai [France] ; Veronique Dieras [France] ; Nadine Dohollou [France] ; Sylvie Giacchetti [France] ; Anthony Goncalves [France] ; Anne-Claire Hardy-Bessard [France] ; Gilles Houvenaeghel [France] ; Jean-Philippe Jacquin [France] ; William Jacot [France] ; Christelle Levy [France] ; Carole Mathelin [France] ; Israel Nisand [France] ; Thierry Petit [France] ; Thierry Petit [France] ; Edouard Poncelet [France] ; Sofia Rivera [France] ; Roman Rouzier [France] ; Rémy Salmon [France] ; Florian Scotté [France] ; Jean-Philippe Spano [France] ; Catherine Uzan [France] ; Laurent Zelek [France] ; Marc Spielmann [France] ; Frédérique Penault-Llorca [France] ; Moise Namer [France] ; Suzette Delaloge [France][COVID-19 and people followed for breast cancer: French guidelines for clinical practice of Nice-St Paul de Vence, in collaboration with the Collège Nationale des Gynécologues et Obstétriciens Français (CNGOF), the Société d'Imagerie de la Femme (SIFEM), the Société Française de Chirurgie Oncologique (SFCO), the Société Française de Sénologie et Pathologie Mammaire (SFSPM) and the French Breast Cancer Intergroup-UNICANCER (UCBG)].
000112 (2020) Fabien Huet [France] ; Cyril Prieur [France] ; Guillaume Schurtz [France] ; Edouard Gerbaud [France] ; Stéphane Manzo-Silberman [France] ; Gerald Vanzetto [France] ; Meyer Elbaz [France] ; Victoria Tea [France] ; Grégoire Mercier [France] ; Benoît Lattuca [France] ; Claire Duflos [France] ; François Roubille [France]One train may hide another: Acute cardiovascular diseases could be neglected because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
000113 (2020) Vincent Lavoué [France] ; Cherif Akladios [France] ; Laurence Gladieff [France] ; Jean-Marc Classe [France] ; Fabrice Lécuru [France] ; Pierre Collinet [France]Onco-gynecologic surgery in the COVID-19 era: Risks and precautions-A position paper from FRANCOGYN, SCGP, SFCO, and SFOG.
000147 (2020) G. Solé [France] ; E. Salort-Campana [France] ; Y. Pereon [France] ; T. Stojkovic [France] ; K. Wahbi [France] ; P. Cintas [France] ; D. Adams [France] ; P. Laforet [France] ; V. Tiffreau [France] ; I. Desguerre [France] ; L I Pisella [France] ; A. Molon [France] ; S. Attarian [France]Guidance for the care of neuromuscular patients during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak from the French Rare Health Care for Neuromuscular Diseases Network.
000149 (2020) Louis Larrouquere [France] ; Manon Gabin [France] ; Emmanuelle Poingt [France] ; Amelle Mouffak [France] ; Alex Hlavaty [France] ; Marion Lepelley [France] ; Charles Khouri [France] ; Alexandre Bellier [France] ; Joachim Alexandre [France] ; Pierrick Bedouch [France] ; Laurent Bertoletti [France] ; Regis Bordet [France] ; Béatrice Bouhanick [France] ; Annie-Pierre Jonville-Bera [France] ; Silvy Laporte [France] ; Claire Le Jeunne [France] ; Louis Letinier [France] ; Joëlle Micallef [France] ; Florian Naudet [France] ; Matthieu Roustit [France] ; Mathieu Molimard [France] ; Vincent Richard [France] ; Jean-Luc Cracowski [France]Genesis of an emergency public drug information website by the French Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics during the COVID-19 pandemic.
000150 (2020) P. Schultz [France] ; J-B Morvan [France] ; N. Fakhry [France] ; S. Morinière [France] ; S. Vergez [France] ; C. Lacroix [France] ; S. Bartier [France] ; B. Barry [France] ; E. Babin [France] ; V. Couloigner [France] ; I. Atallah [France]French consensus regarding precautions during tracheostomy and post-tracheostomy care in the context of COVID-19 pandemic.
000151 (2020) N. Fakhry [France] ; P. Schultz [France] ; S. Morinière [France] ; I. Breuskin [France] ; A. Bozec [France] ; S. Vergez [France] ; L. De Garbory [France] ; D. Hartl [France] ; S. Temam [France] ; E. Lescanne [France] ; V. Couloigner [France] ; B. Barry [France]French consensus on management of head and neck cancer surgery during COVID-19 pandemic.
000156 (2020) Alexandre J. Vivanti [France] ; Philippe Deruelle [France] ; Olivier Picone ; Sophie Guillaume [France] ; Jean-Christophe Roze [France] ; Blandine Mulin [France] ; Fabienne Kochert [France] ; Isabelle De Beco [France] ; Sophie Mahut [France] ; Adrien Gantois [France] ; Chloé Barasinski [France] ; Karine Petitprez [France] ; Anne-Françoise Pauchet-Traversat [France] ; Alcyone Droy [France] ; Alexandra Benachi [France]Follow-up for pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic: French national authority for health recommendations.
000210 (2020) Gilles Kayem [France] ; Edouard Lecarpentier [France] ; Philippe Deruelle [France] ; Florence Bretelle [France] ; Elie Azria [France] ; Julie Blanc [France] ; Caroline Bohec [France] ; Marie Bornes [France] ; Pierre-François Ceccaldi [France] ; Yasmine Chalet [France] ; Céline Chauleur [France] ; Anne-Gael Cordier [France] ; Raoul Desbrière [France] ; Muriel Doret [France] ; Michel Dreyfus [France] ; Marine Driessen [France] ; Marion Fermaut [France] ; Denis Gallot [France] ; Charles Garabédian [France] ; Cyril Huissoud [France] ; Dominique Luton [France] ; Olivier Morel [France] ; Franck Perrotin [France] ; Olivier Picone [France] ; Patrick Rozenberg [France] ; Loïc Sentilhes [France] ; Jeremy Sroussi [France] ; Christophe Vayssière [France] ; Eric Verspyck [France] ; Alexandre J. Vivanti [France] ; Norbert Winer [France] ; Vivien Alessandrini [France] ; Thomas Schmitz [France]A snapshot of the Covid-19 pandemic among pregnant women in France.

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