Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000010 (2020) |
M. Abdessater [France] ; M. Rouprêt [France] ; V. Misrai [France] ; X. Matillon [France] ; B. Gondran-Tellier [France] ; L. Freton [France] ; M. Vallée [France] ; I. Dominique [France] ; M. Felber [France] ; Z-E Khene [France] ; E. Fortier [France] ; F. Lannes [France] ; C. Michiels [France] ; T. Grevez [France] ; N. Szabla [France] ; J. Boustany [France] ; F. Bardet [France] ; K. Kaulanjan ; E. Seizilles De Mazancourt [France] ; G. Ploussard [France] ; U. Pinar [France] ; B. Pradere [Autriche] | COVID19 pandemic impacts on anxiety of French urologist in training: Outcomes from a national survey. |
000020 (2020) |
David Lebeaux [France] ; Matthieu Revest [France] | No evidence of clinical benefits of early treatment of COVID-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: Comment on "Early treatment of COVID-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: A retrospective analysis of 1061 cases in Marseille, France". |
000033 (2020) |
T. Fovet [France] ; C. Lancelevée [France] ; M. Eck [France] ; T. Scouflaire [France] ; E. Bécache [France] ; D. Dandelot [France] ; P. Giravalli [France] ; A. Guillard [France] ; P. Horrach [France] ; M. Lacambre [France] ; T. Lefebvre [France] ; A-H Moncany [France] ; D. Touitou [France] ; M. David [France] ; P. Thomas [France] | [Mental health care in French correctional facilities during the Covid-19 pandemic]. |
000036 (2020) |
H. Javelot [France] ; P-M Llorca [France] ; D. Drapier [France] ; E. Fakra [France] ; C. Hingray [France] ; G. Meyer [France] ; S. Dizet [France] ; A. Egron [France] ; C. Straczek [France] ; M. Roser [France] ; M. Masson [France] ; R. Gaillard [France] ; P. Fossati [France] ; E. Haffen [France] | [Informations on psychotropics and their adaptations for patients suffering from mental disorders in France during the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic]. |
000040 (2020) |
C. Akladios [France] ; H. Azais [France] ; M. Ballester [France] ; S. Bendifallah [France] ; P-A Bolze [France] ; N. Bourdel [France] ; A. Bricou [France] ; G. Canlorbe [France] ; X. Carcopino [France] ; P. Chauvet [France] ; P. Collinet [France] ; C. Coutant [France] ; Y. Dabi [France] ; L. Dion [France] ; T. Gauthier [France] ; O. Graesslin [France] ; C. Huchon [France] ; M. Koskas [France] ; F. Kridelka [Belgique] ; V. Lavoue [France] ; L. Lecointre [France] ; M. Mezzadri [France] ; C. Mimoun [France] ; L. Ouldamer [France] ; E. Raimond [France] ; C. Touboul [Belgique] | [Guidelines for surgical management of gynaecological cancer during pandemic COVID-19 period - FRANCOGYN group for the CNGOF]. |
000050 (2020) |
Joseph Gligorov [France] ; Thomas Bachelot [France] ; Jean-Yves Pierga [France] ; Eric-Charles Antoine [France] ; Corinne Balleyguier [France] ; Emmanuel Barranger [France] ; Yazid Belkacemi [France] ; Hervé Bonnefoi [France] ; François-Clément Bidard [France] ; Luc Ceugnart [France] ; Jean-Marc Classe [France] ; Paul Cottu [France] ; Charles Coutant [France] ; Bruno Cutuli [France] ; Florence Dalenc [France] ; Emile Darai [France] ; Veronique Dieras [France] ; Nadine Dohollou [France] ; Sylvie Giacchetti [France] ; Anthony Goncalves [France] ; Anne-Claire Hardy-Bessard [France] ; Gilles Houvenaeghel [France] ; Jean-Philippe Jacquin [France] ; William Jacot [France] ; Christelle Levy [France] ; Carole Mathelin [France] ; Israel Nisand [France] ; Thierry Petit [France] ; Thierry Petit [France] ; Edouard Poncelet [France] ; Sofia Rivera [France] ; Roman Rouzier [France] ; Rémy Salmon [France] ; Florian Scotté [France] ; Jean-Philippe Spano [France] ; Catherine Uzan [France] ; Laurent Zelek [France] ; Marc Spielmann [France] ; Frédérique Penault-Llorca [France] ; Moise Namer [France] ; Suzette Delaloge [France] | [COVID-19 and people followed for breast cancer: French guidelines for clinical practice of Nice-St Paul de Vence, in collaboration with the Collège Nationale des Gynécologues et Obstétriciens Français (CNGOF), the Société d'Imagerie de la Femme (SIFEM), the Société Française de Chirurgie Oncologique (SFCO), the Société Française de Sénologie et Pathologie Mammaire (SFSPM) and the French Breast Cancer Intergroup-UNICANCER (UCBG)]. |
000064 (2020) |
François Bénézit [France] ; Paul Le Turnier [France] ; Charles Declerck [France] ; Cécile Paillé [France] ; Matthieu Revest [France] ; Vincent Dubée [France] ; Pierre Tattevin [France] | Utility of hyposmia and hypogeusia for the diagnosis of COVID-19. |
000092 (2020) |
Cherif Akladios [France] ; Henri Azais [France] ; Marcos Ballester [France] ; Sofiane Bendifallah [France] ; Pierre-Adrien Bolze [France] ; Nicolas Bourdel [France] ; Alexandre Bricou [France] ; Geoffroy Canlorbe [France] ; Xavier Carcopino [France] ; Pauline Chauvet [France] ; Pierre Collinet [France] ; Charles Coutant [France] ; Yohann Dabi [France] ; Ludivine Dion [France] ; Tristan Gauthier [France] ; Olivier Graesslin [France] ; Cyrille Huchon [France] ; Martin Koskas [France] ; Frederic Kridelka [France] ; Vincent Lavoue [France] ; Lise Lecointre [France] ; Matthieu Mezzadri [France] ; Camille Mimoun [France] ; Lobna Ouldamer [France] ; Emilie Raimond [France] ; Cyril Touboul [France] | Recommendations for the surgical management of gynecological cancers during the COVID-19 pandemic - FRANCOGYN group for the CNGOF. |
000113 (2020) |
Vincent Lavoué [France] ; Cherif Akladios [France] ; Laurence Gladieff [France] ; Jean-Marc Classe [France] ; Fabrice Lécuru [France] ; Pierre Collinet [France] | Onco-gynecologic surgery in the COVID-19 era: Risks and precautions-A position paper from FRANCOGYN, SCGP, SFCO, and SFOG. |
000145 (2020) |
Pierre Le Balc'H [France] ; Kieran Pinceaux [France] ; Charlotte Pronier [France] ; Philippe Seguin [France] ; Jean-Marc Tadié [France] ; Florian Reizine [France] | Herpes simplex virus and cytomegalovirus reactivations among severe COVID-19 patients. |
000149 (2020) |
Louis Larrouquere [France] ; Manon Gabin [France] ; Emmanuelle Poingt [France] ; Amelle Mouffak [France] ; Alex Hlavaty [France] ; Marion Lepelley [France] ; Charles Khouri [France] ; Alexandre Bellier [France] ; Joachim Alexandre [France] ; Pierrick Bedouch [France] ; Laurent Bertoletti [France] ; Regis Bordet [France] ; Béatrice Bouhanick [France] ; Annie-Pierre Jonville-Bera [France] ; Silvy Laporte [France] ; Claire Le Jeunne [France] ; Louis Letinier [France] ; Joëlle Micallef [France] ; Florian Naudet [France] ; Matthieu Roustit [France] ; Mathieu Molimard [France] ; Vincent Richard [France] ; Jean-Luc Cracowski [France] | Genesis of an emergency public drug information website by the French Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics during the COVID-19 pandemic. |
000168 (2020) |
Fabrice Denis [France] ; Simon Galmiche [France] ; Aurélien Dinh [France] ; Arnaud Fontanet [France] ; Arnaud Scherpereel [France] ; Francois Benezit [France] ; François-Xavier Lescure [France] | Epidemiological Observations on the Association Between Anosmia and COVID-19 Infection: Analysis of Data From a Self-Assessment Web Application. |
000193 (2020) |
Stylianos Tzedakis [France] ; Heithem Jeddou [France] ; Pauline Houssel-Debry [France] ; Laurent Sulpice [France] ; Karim Boudjema [France] | COVID-19: Thoughts and comments from a tertiary liver transplant center in France. |
000197 (2020) |
Nicolas André [France] ; Jérémie Rouger-Gaudichon [France] ; Benoît Brethon [France] ; Aurélie Phulpin [France] ; Éric Thébault [France] ; Sophie Pertuisel [France] ; Virginie Gandemer [France] | COVID-19 in pediatric oncology from French pediatric oncology and hematology centers: High risk of severe forms? |
000199 (2020) |
Frederic Di Fiore [France] ; Olivier Bouché [France] ; Come Lepage [France] ; David Sefrioui [France] ; Alice Gangloff [France] ; Lilian Schwarz [France] ; Jean Jacques Tuech [France] ; Thomas Aparicio [France] ; Thierry Lecomte [France] ; Camille Boulagnon-Rombi [France] ; Astrid Lièvre [France] ; Sylvain Manfredi [France] ; Jean Marc Phelip [France] ; Pierre Michel [France] | COVID-19 epidemic: Proposed alternatives in the management of digestive cancers: A French intergroup clinical point of view (SNFGE, FFCD, GERCOR, UNICANCER, SFCD, SFED, SFRO, SFR). |