Serveur d'exploration sur la COVID en France

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Le cluster narrative - review




21.000narrative - review
21.000ensuring - review
21.000ensuring - narrative
20.632mental - review
20.632mental - narrative
20.632ensuring - mental
40.539health - mental
30.452health - public
20.447public - response
20.426health - review
20.426health - narrative
20.426ensuring - health
20.270health - response

Documents par ordre de pertinence
000045 (2020) A. Chevance [France] ; D. Gourion [France] ; N. Hoertel [France] ; P-M Llorca [France] ; P. Thomas [France] ; R. Bocher [France] ; M-R Moro [France] ; V. Laprévote [France] ; A. Benyamina [France] ; P. Fossati [France] ; M. Masson [France] ; E. Leaune [France] ; M. Leboyer [France] ; R. Gaillard [France][Ensuring mental health care during the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in France: A narrative review].
000169 (2020) A. Chevance [France] ; D. Gourion [France] ; N. Hoertel [France] ; P-M Llorca [France] ; P. Thomas [France] ; R. Bocher [France] ; M-R Moro [France] ; V. Laprévote [France] ; A. Benyamina [France] ; P. Fossati [France] ; M. Masson [France] ; E. Leaune [France] ; M. Leboyer [France] ; R. Gaillard [France]Ensuring mental health care during the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in France: A narrative review.
000076 (2020) Jean-Paul Moatti [France]The French response to COVID-19: intrinsic difficulties at the interface of science, public health, and policy.
000155 (2020) Laëtitia Atlani-Duault [France] ; Franck Chauvin [France] ; Yazdan Yazdanpanah [France] ; Bruno Lina [France] ; Daniel Benamouzig [France] ; Lila Bouadma [France] ; Pierre Louis Druais [France] ; Aymeril Hoang [France] ; Marie-Aleth Grard [France] ; Denis Malvy [France] ; Jean-François Delfraissy [France]France's COVID-19 response: balancing conflicting public health traditions.
000033 (2020) T. Fovet [France] ; C. Lancelevée [France] ; M. Eck [France] ; T. Scouflaire [France] ; E. Bécache [France] ; D. Dandelot [France] ; P. Giravalli [France] ; A. Guillard [France] ; P. Horrach [France] ; M. Lacambre [France] ; T. Lefebvre [France] ; A-H Moncany [France] ; D. Touitou [France] ; M. David [France] ; P. Thomas [France][Mental health care in French correctional facilities during the Covid-19 pandemic].
000039 (2020) W. El-Hage [France] ; C. Hingray [France] ; C. Lemogne [France] ; A. Yrondi [France] ; P. Brunault [France] ; T. Bienvenu [France] ; B. Etain [France] ; C. Paquet [France] ; B. Gohier [France] ; D. Bennabi [France] ; P. Birmes [France] ; A. Sauvaget [France] ; E. Fakra [France] ; N. Prieto [France] ; S. Bulteau [France] ; P. Vidailhet [France] ; V. Camus [France] ; M. Leboyer [France] ; M-O Krebs [France] ; B. Aouizerate [France][Health professionals facing the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic: What are the mental health risks?]
000120 (2020) K. Barro [France] ; A. Malone [France] ; A. Mokede [France] ; C. Chevance [France]Management of the COVID-19 epidemic by public health establishments-Analysis by the Fédération Hospitalière de France.
000012 (2020) Jean-Luc Cracowski [France] ; Mathieu Molimard [France] ; Vincent Richard [France]Ultrafast response of the French Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics to the COVID-19 pandemic.
000036 (2020) H. Javelot [France] ; P-M Llorca [France] ; D. Drapier [France] ; E. Fakra [France] ; C. Hingray [France] ; G. Meyer [France] ; S. Dizet [France] ; A. Egron [France] ; C. Straczek [France] ; M. Roser [France] ; M. Masson [France] ; R. Gaillard [France] ; P. Fossati [France] ; E. Haffen [France][Informations on psychotropics and their adaptations for patients suffering from mental disorders in France during the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic].
000053 (2020) Luc Ceugnart [France] ; Suzette Delaloge [France] ; Corinne Balleyguier [France] ; Michel Deghaye [France] ; Lucie Veron [France] ; Aldis Kaufmanis [France] ; Audrey Mailliez [France] ; Edouard Poncelet [France] ; Gregory Lenczner [France] ; Laurent Verzaux [France] ; Joseph Gligorov [France] ; Isabelle Thomassin-Naggara [France][Breast cancer screening and diagnosis at the end of the COVID-19 confinement period, practical aspects and prioritization rules: recommendations of 6 French health professionals societies].
000103 (2020) Alexandre J. Vivanti [France] ; Philippe Deruelle [France] ; Olivier Picone ; Sophie Guillaume [France] ; Jean-Christophe Roze [France] ; Blandine Mulin [France] ; Fabienne Kochert [France] ; Isabelle De Beco [France] ; Sophie Mahut [France] ; Adrien Gantois [France] ; Chloé Barasinski [France] ; Karine Petitprez [France] ; Anne-Françoise Pauchet-Traversat [France] ; Alcyone Droy [France] ; Alexandra Benachi [France]Post-natal follow-up for women and neonates during the COVID-19 pandemic: French National Authority for Health recommendations.
000147 (2020) G. Solé [France] ; E. Salort-Campana [France] ; Y. Pereon [France] ; T. Stojkovic [France] ; K. Wahbi [France] ; P. Cintas [France] ; D. Adams [France] ; P. Laforet [France] ; V. Tiffreau [France] ; I. Desguerre [France] ; L I Pisella [France] ; A. Molon [France] ; S. Attarian [France]Guidance for the care of neuromuscular patients during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak from the French Rare Health Care for Neuromuscular Diseases Network.
000149 (2020) Louis Larrouquere [France] ; Manon Gabin [France] ; Emmanuelle Poingt [France] ; Amelle Mouffak [France] ; Alex Hlavaty [France] ; Marion Lepelley [France] ; Charles Khouri [France] ; Alexandre Bellier [France] ; Joachim Alexandre [France] ; Pierrick Bedouch [France] ; Laurent Bertoletti [France] ; Regis Bordet [France] ; Béatrice Bouhanick [France] ; Annie-Pierre Jonville-Bera [France] ; Silvy Laporte [France] ; Claire Le Jeunne [France] ; Louis Letinier [France] ; Joëlle Micallef [France] ; Florian Naudet [France] ; Matthieu Roustit [France] ; Mathieu Molimard [France] ; Vincent Richard [France] ; Jean-Luc Cracowski [France]Genesis of an emergency public drug information website by the French Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics during the COVID-19 pandemic.
000156 (2020) Alexandre J. Vivanti [France] ; Philippe Deruelle [France] ; Olivier Picone ; Sophie Guillaume [France] ; Jean-Christophe Roze [France] ; Blandine Mulin [France] ; Fabienne Kochert [France] ; Isabelle De Beco [France] ; Sophie Mahut [France] ; Adrien Gantois [France] ; Chloé Barasinski [France] ; Karine Petitprez [France] ; Anne-Françoise Pauchet-Traversat [France] ; Alcyone Droy [France] ; Alexandra Benachi [France]Follow-up for pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic: French national authority for health recommendations.
000172 (2020) Naceur Essid [Tunisie] ; Mohamed Allouche [Tunisie] ; Mounira Lazzem [Tunisie] ; Abdel Halim Harrath [Arabie saoudite] ; Lamjed Mansour [Arabie saoudite] ; Saleh Alwasel [Arabie saoudite] ; Ezzeddine Mahmoudi [Tunisie] ; Hamouda Beyrem [Tunisie] ; Fehmi Boufahja [Tunisie]Ecotoxic response of nematodes to ivermectin, a potential anti-COVID-19 drug treatment.
000191 (2020) Gavin D. Perkins [Royaume-Uni] ; Keith Couper [Royaume-Uni]COVID-19: long-term effects on the community response to cardiac arrest?


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