Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000334 (2019) |
Andrea Miranda-Mendizabal [Espagne] ; Pere Castellví [Espagne] ; Itxaso Alayo [Espagne] ; Gemma Vilagut [Espagne] ; Maria Jesús Blasco [Espagne] ; Aina Torrent [Espagne] ; Laura Ballester [Espagne] ; José Almenara [Espagne] ; Carolina Lagares [Espagne] ; Miquel Roca [Espagne] ; Albert Sesé [Espagne] ; José Antonio Piqueras [Espagne] ; Victoria Soto-Sanz [Espagne] ; Jesús Rodríguez-Marín [Espagne] ; Enrique Echeburúa [Espagne] ; Andrea Gabilondo [Espagne] ; Ana Isabel Cebrià [Espagne] ; Ronny Bruffaerts [Belgique] ; Randy P. Auerbach [États-Unis] ; Philippe Mortier [Espagne] ; Ronald C. Kessler [États-Unis] ; Jordi Alonso [Espagne] | Gender commonalities and differences in risk and protective factors of suicidal thoughts and behaviors: A cross-sectional study of Spanish university students. |
000628 (2019) |
Janie Houle ; Stephanie Radziszewski ; Préscilla Labelle ; Simon Coulombe ; Matthew Menear ; Pasquale Roberge ; Catherine Hudon ; Marie-Thérèse Lussier ; Claire Gamache ; Annie Beaudin ; Brigitte Lavoie ; Martin D. Provencher ; Guylaine Cloutier | Getting better my way: Feasibility study of a self-management support tool for people with mood and anxiety disorders. |
000647 (2019) |
Jane Mccusker [Canada] ; Sylvie D. Lambert [Canada] ; Jeannie Haggerty [Canada] ; Mark J. Yaffe [Canada] ; Eric Belzile [Canada] ; Antonio Ciampi [Canada] | Self-management support in primary care is associated with improvement in patient activation. |
000765 (2019) |
Maria Jesús Blasco [Espagne] ; Gemma Vilagut [Espagne] ; José Almenara [Espagne] ; Miquel Roca [Espagne] ; José Antonio Piqueras [Espagne] ; Andrea Gabilondo [Espagne] ; Carolina Lagares [Espagne] ; Victoria Soto-Sanz [Espagne] ; Itxaso Alayo [Espagne] ; Carlos G. Forero [Espagne] ; Enrique Echeburúa [Espagne] ; Margalida Gili [Espagne] ; Ana Isabel Cebrià [Espagne] ; Ronny Bruffaerts [Belgique] ; Randy P. Auerbach [États-Unis] ; Matthew K. Nock [États-Unis] ; Ronald C. Kessler [États-Unis] ; Jordi Alonso [Espagne] | Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors: Prevalence and Association with Distal and Proximal Factors in Spanish University Students. |
000924 (2018) |
Kazuhiko Arima [Japon] ; Shaloo Gupta [États-Unis] ; Abhijit Gadkari [États-Unis] ; Takaaki Hiragun [Japon] ; Takeshi Kono [Japon] ; Ichiro Katayama [Japon] ; Sven Demiya [Japon] ; Laurent Eckert [France] | Burden of atopic dermatitis in Japanese adults: Analysis of data from the 2013 National Health and Wellness Survey. |
000928 (2018) |
I Aki Lete [Espagne] ; Paloma Lobo [Espagne] ; Rossella E. Nappi [Italie] ; Axelle Pintiaux [Belgique] ; Christian Fiala [Autriche, Suède] ; Günther H Usler [Autriche] ; Nathalie Chabbert-Buffet [France] | Male perception about the inconveniences associated with monthly bleeding for their partner - an international survey. |
000949 (2018) |
P. De Jonge [Pays-Bas] ; K J Wardenaar [Pays-Bas] ; H R Hoenders [Pays-Bas] ; S. Evans-Lacko [Royaume-Uni] ; V. Kovess-Masfety [France] ; S. Aguilar-Gaxiola [États-Unis] ; A. Al-Hamzawi [Iraq] ; J. Alonso [Espagne] ; L H Andrade [Brésil] ; C. Benjet [Mexique] ; E J Bromet [États-Unis] ; R. Bruffaerts [Belgique] ; B. Bunting [Royaume-Uni] ; J M Caldas-De-Almeida [Portugal] ; R V Dinolova [Bulgarie] ; S. Florescu [Roumanie] ; G. De Girolamo [Italie] ; O. Gureje [Nigeria] ; J M Haro [Espagne] ; C. Hu [République populaire de Chine] ; Y. Huang [République populaire de Chine] ; E G Karam [Liban] ; G. Karam [Liban] ; S. Lee [Hong Kong] ; J-P Lépine [France] ; D. Levinson [Israël] ; V. Makanjuola [Nigeria] ; F. Navarro-Mateu [Espagne] ; B-E Pennell [États-Unis] ; J. Posada-Villa [Colombie] ; K. Scott [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; H. Tachimori [Japon] ; D. Williams [États-Unis] ; B. Wojtyniak [Pologne] ; R C Kessler [États-Unis] ; G. Thornicroft [Royaume-Uni] | Complementary and alternative medicine contacts by persons with mental disorders in 25 countries: results from the World Mental Health Surveys. |
000A31 (2018) |
Ilios Kotsou [France] ; Christophe Leys [Belgique] ; Pierre Fossion [Belgique] | Acceptance alone is a better predictor of psychopathology and well-being than emotional competence, emotion regulation and mindfulness. |
000C74 (2017) |
John W. Burns [États-Unis] ; Stephen Bruehl [États-Unis] ; Christopher R. France [États-Unis] ; Erik Schuster [États-Unis] ; Daria Orlowska [États-Unis] ; Asokumar Buvanendran [États-Unis] ; Melissa Chont [États-Unis] ; Rajnish K. Gupta [États-Unis] | Psychosocial factors predict opioid analgesia through endogenous opioid function. |
000D70 (2017) |
Davy Vancampfort [Belgique] ; Brendon Stubbs [Royaume-Uni] | Physical activity and metabolic disease among people with affective disorders: Prevention, management and implementation. |
000E26 (2016) |
Franca Warmenhoven [Belgique] ; Peter Lucassen [Pays-Bas] ; Mieke Vermandere [Belgique] ; Bert Aertgeerts [Belgique] ; Chris Van Weel [Pays-Bas] ; Kris Vissers [Pays-Bas] ; Judith Prins [Pays-Bas] | 'Life is still worth living': a pilot exploration of self-reported resources of palliative care patients. |
001005 (2016) |
Elodie Baer [France] ; Carole Barré [France] ; Carole Fleury [France] ; Claire De Montchenu [France] ; Jean-Bernard Garré [France] ; Nicolas Lerolle [France] ; Bénédicte Gohier [France] | Mechanical ventilation as an indicator of somatic severity of self-poisoning: implications for psychiatric care and long-term outcomes. |
001122 (2015) |
O. Revol [France] ; N. Milliez [France] ; D. Gerard [France] | Psychological impact of acne on 21st-century adolescents: decoding for better care. |
001657 (2012) |
Renaud De Beaurepaire [France] ; Pascal Rat ; Patrick Beauverie ; Michèle Houery ; Philippe Niel ; Sophie Castéra ; Odile Dagorne ; Renaud Espaze ; Patrick Giroult ; Georges Mahuzier ; Isabelle Matheron ; Pierre Padovani ; Nicole Poisson ; Jean-Paul Richier ; Jérôme Rocher ; Odile Ruetsh ; Didier Touzeau ; André Visinoni ; Robert Molimard | Is smoking linked to positive symptoms in acutely ill psychiatric patients? |
001751 (2011) |
C. Le Péchoux [France] ; A. Laplanche [France] ; C. Faivre-Finn [Royaume-Uni] ; T. Ciuleanu [Roumanie] ; R. Wanders [Pays-Bas] ; D. Lerouge [France] ; R. Keus [Pays-Bas] ; M. Hatton [Royaume-Uni] ; G M Videtic [États-Unis] ; S. Senan [Pays-Bas] ; A. Wolfson [États-Unis] ; R. Jones [Royaume-Uni] ; R. Arriagada [Suède] ; E. Quoix [France] ; A. Dunant [France] | Clinical neurological outcome and quality of life among patients with limited small-cell cancer treated with two different doses of prophylactic cranial irradiation in the intergroup phase III trial (PCI99-01, EORTC 22003-08004, RTOG 0212 and IFCT 99-01). |
001832 (2010) |
Nadine Larivière [Canada] ; Johanne Desrosiers ; Michel Tousignant ; Richard Boyer | Who benefits the most from psychiatric day hospitals? A comparison of three clinical groups. |
001933 (2009) |
Suzanne Yang [États-Unis] ; Alane Kadouri ; Anne Révah-Lévy ; Edward P. Mulvey ; Bruno Falissard | Doing time: a qualitative study of long-term incarceration and the impact of mental illness. |
001993 (2008) |
E G Hantouche [France] ; C. Demonfaucon | [Resistant Obsessive Compulsive disorder (ROC): clinical picture, predictive factors and influence of affective temperaments]. |
001A24 (2009) |
Leen Van Vlierberghe [Belgique] ; Caroline Braet ; Lien Goossens ; Yves Rosseel ; Saskia Mels | Psychological disorder, symptom severity and weight loss in inpatient adolescent obesity treatment. |
001B64 (2006) |
Ivan Berlin [France] ; Lirio S. Covey | Pre-cessation depressive mood predicts failure to quit smoking: the role of coping and personality traits. |
001D07 (2005) |
Kareen K. Akiskal [France] ; Mario Savino ; Hagop S. Akiskal | Temperament profiles in physicians, lawyers, managers, industrialists, architects, journalists, and artists: a study in psychiatric outpatients. |