Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000069 (2020) |
Jacqueline Brassey [Pays-Bas, Espagne] ; Arjen Van Witteloostuijn [Pays-Bas, Belgique] ; Csaba Huszka [Pays-Bas] ; Tobias Silberzahn [Allemagne] ; Nick Van Dam [Espagne, Pays-Bas] | Emotional flexibility and general self-efficacy: A pilot training intervention study with knowledge workers. |
000216 (2019) |
Céline Blanchard [Canada] ; Amanda Baker [Canada] ; Dominique Perreault [Canada] ; Lisa Mask [Canada] ; Maxime Tremblay [Canada] | The importance of keeping employees satisfied. |
000252 (2020) |
Ellen Mcdonald [Canada] ; Nicole Zytaruk ; Diane Heels-Ansdell ; Orla Smith [Canada] ; Debbie Borges [Canada] ; Lori Hand [Canada] ; France Clarke [Canada] ; Aussama Nassar [États-Unis] ; Michael Bennardo ; Deborah Cook | Motivators and Stressors for Canadian Research Coordinators in Critical Care: The MOTIVATE Survey. |
000321 (2019) |
Zakaria Belrhiti [Maroc, Belgique] ; Wim Van Damme [Belgique] ; Abdelmounim Belalia [Maroc] ; Bruno Marchal [Belgique] | Does public service motivation matter in Moroccan public hospitals? A multiple embedded case study. |
000373 (2019) |
Salomé Tonna [France] | [Professional stress and social support feelings, coping strategies, and burn-out of caregivers in care facilities for dependent elderly people]. |
000430 (2019) |
Nicolas Gillet [France] ; Amélie Le Gouge [France] ; Rémi Pierre [France] ; Justin Bongro [France] ; Véronique Méplaux [France] ; Paul Brunault [France] ; Sophie Guyetant [France] ; Catherine Fremont [France] ; Vincent Camus [France] ; Philippe Colombat [France] ; Evelyne Fouquereau [France] ; Pierre Cheyroux [France] | Managerial style and well-being among psychiatric nurses: A prospective study. |
000496 (2019) |
Maura Galletta [Italie] ; Christian Vandenberghe [Canada] ; Igor Portoghese [Italie] ; Elisabetta Allegrini [Italie] ; Luisa Saiani [Italie] ; Adalgisa Battistelli [France] | A cross-lagged analysis of the relationships among workgroup commitment, motivation and proactive work behaviour in nurses. |
000596 (2019) |
Jessy Barré [France] ; Daphné Michelet [France] ; Jennifer Truchot [France] ; Erwan Jolivet [France] ; Thomas Recanzone [France] ; Sabrina Stiti [France] ; Antoine Tesnière [France] ; Guillaume Pourcher [France] | Virtual Reality Single-Port Sleeve Gastrectomy Training Decreases Physical and Mental Workload in Novice Surgeons: An Exploratory Study. |
000723 (2019) |
Guillaume Picquendar [France] ; Antoine Guedon [France] ; Fanny Moulinet [France] ; Matthieu Schuers [France] | Influence of medical shortage on GP burnout: a cross-sectional study. |
000764 (2018) |
Annick Parent-Lamarche [Canada] ; Alain Marchand [Canada] | Work stress, personality traits, and cortisol secretion: Testing a model for job burnout. |
000A36 (2018) |
Johanne Déry [Canada] ; Sean P. Clarke [États-Unis] ; Danielle D'Amour [Canada] ; Régis Blais [Canada] | Scope of Nursing Practice in a Tertiary Pediatric Setting: Associations With Nurse and Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction. |
000A66 (2017) |
Vincent Gouttebarge [Pays-Bas, Afrique du Sud] ; Ruud Jonkers [Pays-Bas] ; Maarten Moen [Pays-Bas] ; Evert Verhagen [Pays-Bas, Afrique du Sud, Australie] ; Paul Wylleman [Pays-Bas, Belgique] ; Gino Kerkhoffs [Pays-Bas] | A prospective cohort study on symptoms of common mental disorders among Dutch elite athletes. |
000B96 (2018) |
Tiphaine Huyghebaert [France] ; Nicolas Gillet [France] ; Claude Fernet [Canada] ; Fadi-Joseph Lahiani ; Séverine Chevalier ; Evelyne Fouquereau | Investigating the longitudinal effects of surface acting on managers' functioning through psychological needs. |
000C30 (2017) |
Sophie Witter [Royaume-Uni] ; Patrick G. Ilboudo [Burkina Faso] ; Nadia Cunden [Royaume-Uni] ; Chakib Boukhalfa [Maroc] ; Patrick Makoutode [Bénin] ; Zoumana Daou [Mali] | Delivery fee exemption and subsidy policies: how have they affected health staff? Findings from a four-country evaluation. |
000D24 (2016) |
Vincent Finger [Oman] ; Karine Baumstarck ; Rafika Boufercha ; Marie Pascale Lehucher-Michel ; Anderson Loundou ; Pascal Auquier ; Irene Sari-Minodier | Psychosocial risks assessment at hospital: development of a French questionnaire. |
000D39 (2016) |
B. Le Floch [France] ; H. Bastiaens [Belgique] ; J Y Le Reste [France] ; H. Lingner [Allemagne] ; R D Hoffman [Israël] ; S. Czachowski [Pologne] ; R. Assenova [Bulgarie] ; T H Koskela [Finlande] ; Z. Klemenc-Ketis [Slovénie] ; P. Nabbe [France] ; A. Sowinska [Pologne] ; T. Montier [France] ; L. Peremans [Belgique] | Which positive factors determine the GP satisfaction in clinical practice? A systematic literature review. |
000E15 (2016) |
Eva Van Gerven [Belgique] ; Tinne Vander Elst ; Sofie Vandenbroeck ; Sigrid Dierickx ; Martin Euwema ; Walter Sermeus ; Hans De Witte ; Lode Godderis ; Kris Vanhaecht | Increased Risk of Burnout for Physicians and Nurses Involved in a Patient Safety Incident. |
000F51 (2016) |
Mélanie Lavoie-Tremblay [Canada] ; Claude Fernet [Canada] ; Geneviève L. Lavigne [Canada] ; Stéphanie Austin [Canada] | Transformational and abusive leadership practices: impacts on novice nurses, quality of care and intention to leave. |
001015 (2015) |
Thomas Van Waeyenberg [Belgique] ; Adelien Decramer [Belgique] ; Frederik Anseel [Belgique] | Home nurses' turnover intentions: the impact of informal supervisory feedback and self-efficacy. |
001016 (2016) |
Anneleen Viona Mortier [Belgique] ; Peter Vlerick [Belgique] ; Els Clays [Belgique] | Authentic leadership and thriving among nurses: the mediating role of empathy. |
001128 (2016) |
Adalgisa Battistelli [France] ; Maura Galletta [Italie] ; Christian Vandenberghe [Canada] ; Carlo Odoardi [Italie] | Perceived organisational support, organisational commitment and self-competence among nurses: a study in two Italian hospitals. |