Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000030 (2020) |
Math Janssen [Pays-Bas] ; Beatrice Van Der Heijden [Pays-Bas, Belgique, République populaire de Chine, Royaume-Uni] ; Josephine Engels [Pays-Bas] ; Hubert Korzilius [Pays-Bas] ; Pascale Peters [Pays-Bas] ; Yvonne Heerkens [Pays-Bas] | Effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Training on Healthcare Professionals' Mental Health: Results from a Pilot Study Testing Its Predictive Validity in a Specialized Hospital Setting. |
000061 (2020) |
Luisa Weiner [France] ; Fabrice Berna [France] ; Nathalie Nourry [France] ; François Severac [France] ; Pierre Vidailhet [France] ; Amaury C. Mengin [France] | Efficacy of an online cognitive behavioral therapy program developed for healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: the REduction of STress (REST) study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. |
000070 (2020) |
Benoit Pétré [Belgique] ; Jean-Christophe Servotte [Belgique] ; Justine Piazza [Belgique] ; Alexandre Ghuysen [Belgique] ; Aurore Margat [France] ; Remi Gagnayre [France] ; Dieudonné Leclercq [France, Belgique] | CEdRIC: Strategy for Patient Education During COVID-19 Triage. |
000154 (2020) |
Liesbet Van Bulck [Belgique] ; Eva Goossens [Belgique] ; Koen Luyckx [Belgique, Afrique du Sud] ; Silke Apers [Belgique] ; Erwin Oechslin [Canada] ; Corina Thomet [Suisse] ; Werner Budts [Belgique] ; Junko Enomoto [Japon] ; Maayke A. Sluman [Pays-Bas] ; Chun-Wei Lu [Taïwan] ; Jamie L. Jackson [États-Unis] ; Paul Khairy [Canada] ; Stephen C. Cook [États-Unis] ; Shanthi Chidambarathanu [Inde] ; Luis Alday [Argentine] ; Katrine Eriksen [Norvège] ; Mikael Dellborg [Suède] ; Malin Berghammer [Suède] ; Bengt Johansson [Suède] ; Andrew S. Mackie [Canada] ; Samuel Menahem [Australie] ; Maryanne Caruana [Malte] ; Gruschen Veldtman [États-Unis] ; Alexandra Soufi [France] ; Susan M. Fernandes [États-Unis] ; Kamila White [États-Unis] ; Edward Callus [Italie] ; Shelby Kutty [États-Unis] ; Philip Moons [Belgique, Suède, Afrique du Sud] | Healthcare system inputs and patient-reported outcomes: a study in adults with congenital heart defect from 15 countries. |
000157 (2020) |
Nicole Vidal [Royaume-Uni] ; Montserrat Le N-García [Royaume-Uni, Espagne] ; Marta Jiménez [Royaume-Uni] ; Keven Bermúdez [Royaume-Uni] ; Pol De Vos [Royaume-Uni, Belgique] | Community and health staff perceptions on non-communicable disease management in El Salvador's health system: a qualitative study. |
000173 (2020) |
W. El-Hage [France] ; C. Hingray [France] ; C. Lemogne [France] ; A. Yrondi [France] ; P. Brunault [France] ; T. Bienvenu [France] ; B. Etain [France] ; C. Paquet [France] ; B. Gohier [France] ; D. Bennabi [France] ; P. Birmes [France] ; A. Sauvaget [France] ; E. Fakra [France] ; N. Prieto [France] ; S. Bulteau [France] ; P. Vidailhet [France] ; V. Camus [France] ; M. Leboyer [France] ; M-O Krebs [France] ; B. Aouizerate [France] | [Health professionals facing the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic: What are the mental health risks?] |
000186 (2020) |
Sibila Marques [Portugal] ; João Mariano [Portugal] ; Joana Mendonça [Portugal] ; Wouter De Tavernier [Belgique] ; Moritz Hess [Allemagne] ; Laura Naegele [Allemagne] ; Filomena Peixeiro [Portugal] ; Daniel Martins [Royaume-Uni] | Determinants of Ageism against Older Adults: A Systematic Review. |
000188 (2020) |
Damir Ivankovic [Pays-Bas] ; Mircha Poldrugovac [Pays-Bas] ; Pascal Garel [Belgique] ; Niek S. Klazinga [Pays-Bas] ; Dionne S. Kringos [Pays-Bas] | Why, what and how do European healthcare managers use performance data? Results of a survey and workshop among members of the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation. |
000372 (2019) |
Luiza Siqueira Do Prado [France] ; Camille Carpentier [France] ; Marie Preau [France] ; Anne-Marie Schott [France] ; Alexandra Lelia Dima [France] | Behavior Change Content, Understandability, and Actionability of Chronic Condition Self-Management Apps Available in France: Systematic Search and Evaluation. |
000384 (2020) |
Miguel Robichaud [Canada] ; France Talbot [Canada] ; Nickolai Titov [Australie] ; Blake F. Dear [Australie] ; Heather D. Hadjistavropoulos [Canada] ; Thomas Hadjistavropoulos [Canada] ; Jalila Jbilou [Canada] | Facilitating access to iCBT: a randomized controlled trial assessing a translated version of an empirically validated program using a minimally monitored delivery model. |
000448 (2019) |
Yvonne S. Butler Tobah [États-Unis] ; Annie Leblanc [Canada] ; Megan E. Branda [États-Unis] ; Jonathan W. Inselman [États-Unis] ; Megan A. Morris [États-Unis] ; Jennifer L. Ridgeway [États-Unis] ; Dawn M. Finnie [États-Unis] ; Regan Theiler [États-Unis] ; Vanessa E. Torbenson [États-Unis] ; Ellen M. Brodrick [États-Unis] ; Marnie Meylor De Mooij [États-Unis] ; Bobbie Gostout [États-Unis] ; Abimbola Famuyide [États-Unis] | Randomized comparison of a reduced-visit prenatal care model enhanced with remote monitoring. |
000537 (2019) |
Sarah Rahimaly [Canada] ; Michaël Beaudoin [Canada] ; Denis Bédard [Canada] ; Anne Hudon [Canada] ; Emmanuelle Jasmin [Canada] ; France Verville [Canada] ; Annie Carrier [Canada] | Social change agent training program tailored to occupational therapists' needs: a design-based study protocol. |
000586 (2019) |
Rekha Rachel Philip [Inde] ; Emilie Venables [Luxembourg (pays), Afrique du Sud] ; Abdulla Manima [Inde] ; Jaya Prasad Tripathy [France, Inde] ; Sairu Philip [Inde] | "Small small interventions, big big roles"- a qualitative study of patient, care-giver and health-care worker experiences of a palliative care programme in Kerala, India. |
000660 (2019) |
Pénélope Troude ; Christophe Segouin ; Christelle Duteil ; Marc Shelly [France] ; Elise De La Rochebrochard | Text Messaging After HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening: Do Patients' Profiles Matter? |
000728 (2018) |
Marion Roquet [France] ; Ronan Garlantezec [France] ; Olivier Remy-Neris [France] ; Elise Sacaze [France] ; Philippe Gallien [France] ; Juliette Ropars [France] ; Laetitia Houx [France] ; Christelle Pons [France] ; Sylvain Brochard [France] | From childhood to adulthood: health care use in individuals with cerebral palsy. |
000793 (2018) |
Vibian Angwenyi [Pays-Bas, Belgique, Espagne] ; Carolien Aantjes [Pays-Bas, Afrique du Sud] ; Murphy Kajumi [Afrique du Sud] ; Jeroen De Man [Belgique] ; Bart Criel [Belgique] ; Joske Bunders-Aelen [Pays-Bas] | Patients experiences of self-management and strategies for dealing with chronic conditions in rural Malawi. |
000999 (2018) |
Philip Moons [Suède] ; Adrienne H. Kovacs [États-Unis] ; Koen Luyckx [Belgique] ; Corina Thomet [Suisse] ; Werner Budts [Belgique] ; Junko Enomoto [Japon] ; Maayke A. Sluman [Pays-Bas] ; Hsiao-Ling Yang [Taïwan] ; Jamie L. Jackson [États-Unis] ; Paul Khairy [Canada] ; Stephen C. Cook [États-Unis] ; Raghavan Subramanyan [Inde] ; Luis Alday [Argentine] ; Katrine Eriksen [Norvège] ; Mikael Dellborg [Suède] ; Malin Berghammer [Suède] ; Bengt Johansson [Suède] ; Andrew S. Mackie [Canada] ; Samuel Menahem [Australie] ; Maryanne Caruana [Malte] ; Gruschen Veldtman [États-Unis] ; Alexandra Soufi [France] ; Susan M. Fernandes [États-Unis] ; Kamila White [États-Unis] ; Edward Callus [Italie] ; Shelby Kutty [États-Unis] ; Liesbet Van Bulck [Belgique] ; Silke Apers [Belgique] | Patient-reported outcomes in adults with congenital heart disease: Inter-country variation, standard of living and healthcare system factors. |
000E02 (2016) |
K. Beernaert [Belgique] ; K. Pardon [Belgique] ; L. Van Den Block [Belgique] ; D. Devroey [Belgique] ; M. De Laat [Belgique] ; K. Geboes [Belgique] ; V. Surmont [Belgique] ; L. Deliens [Belgique] ; J. Cohen [Belgique] | Palliative care needs at different phases in the illness trajectory: a survey study in patients with cancer. |
001625 (2012) |
Damien Léger [France] ; Charles M. Morin ; Makoto Uchiyama ; Zalmaï Hakimi ; Sandrine Cure ; James K. Walsh | Chronic insomnia, quality-of-life, and utility scores: comparison with good sleepers in a cross-sectional international survey. |
001644 (2012) |
M. Préau [France] ; C. Protopopescu ; F. Raffi ; D. Rey ; G. Chêne ; F. Marcellin ; C. Perronne ; J M Ragnaud ; C. Leport ; B. Spire | Satisfaction with care in HIV-infected patients treated with long-term follow-up antiretroviral therapy: the role of social vulnerability. |
001650 (2011) |
Christian Muller [France] | [The day hospital in search of its identity]. |