Dilib, module Istex, commande IstexFlashCorpus

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Bibliothèque Dilib (ressources numériques)
Module Istex

Cette page décrit la commande IstexFlahsCorpus qui permet d'obtenir immédiatement un ensemble de données relatives au résultat d'une extraction de corpus ISTEX .



IstexFlashCorpus -q query [ -s size ] [ -e editor ] [-u url]


-e editor
Cette option permet de sélectionner un éditeur (ecco ou springer [1])
-q query
Cette option (obligatoire) permet de donner la requête d'extraction du corpus.
-s size
Cette option donne la taille du corpus à télécharger (valeur implicite 10).
-u url
Cette option précise l'URL d'accès.
La valeur implicite est : https://api.istex.fr
Une autre valeur utile en phase de test est : http://api-v1.istex.fr


La requête

IstexFlashCorpus -q "knowledge AND engineering" -s 100 -u http://api-v1.istex.fr

produit :

  "total": 120260,
=== dates (sur 100 documents) ===
13	2007
12	2005
8	2006
8	2004
8	2001
7	1992
5	2002
4	2009
3	2008
3	2003
3	1999
3	1993
3	1991
2	2010
2	2000
2	1998
2	1996
2	1994
2	1989
2	1987
1	1995
1	1990
1	1988
1	1985
1	1980
=== pays d'affilation ===
15	République populaire de Chine
9	Allemagne
8	Japon
7	États-Unis
6	Royaume-Uni
5	Canada
4	Espagne
3	France
3	Brésil
3	Australie
2	Suisse
2	Russie
2	Pologne
1	Thaïlande
1	République de Chine (Taïwan)
1	Pays-Bas
1	Mexique
1	Malaisie
1	Lituanie
1	Italie
1	Hong Kong
1	Grèce
1	Finlande
1	Danemark
1	Autriche
=== Subject Keywords ===
6	knowledge acquisition
3	knowledge-based systems
3	knowledge management
3	knowledge elicitation
2	knowledge model
2	knowledge engineering
2	knowledge acquisition tools
2	knowledge acquisition methods
2	expertise transfer
2	Workflow
2	Expert systems
1	web-based application
1	user interface
1	technology management
1	task quality
=== Primary Keywords (series) ===
98	Computer Science
71	Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics)
41	Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet)
24	Software Engineering
24	Information Storage and Retrieval
23	User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction
19	Management of Computing and Information Systems
19	Database Management
19	Computers and Society
17	Computer Communication Networks
17	Business Information Systems
14	Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
14	Computer Appl. in Administrative Data Processing
10	Pattern Recognition
9	Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems
=== 10 titles ===
 = Principles for Knowledge Engineering on the Web
 = Knowledge Engineering Technique for Cluster Development
 = Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems in Defence and Security
 = Knowledge Networks – Managing Collaborative Knowledge Spaces
 = Teaching knowledge engineering: Experiences
 = Knowledge processing: A semantics for the Klir hierarchy of general systems
 = Introduction to the special issue on knowledge based software engineering
 = The synthesis of knowledge engineering and software engineering
 = 10 Conclusions
 = Representation Method for Engineering Perspective

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