Dilib, module Explor, Explor en

De Wicri Outils
Révision datée du 7 octobre 2016 à 17:56 par imported>Jacques Ducloy (Page links)
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Panneau travaux.png
Bibliothèque Dilib (ressources numériques)
Module Explor

Cette page introduit la table de base pour le paramétrage de la navigation dans une plateforme de curation et d'exploration (Dilib, module Explor).


Table of root definitions

type rubrique valeur
interwikiLink Area wicri.en
php#messLenghtListBiblio Area
echo "<i>Number of relevant bibliographic references: ".$ExplorLenghtListBiblio.".</i>\n";
php#headerLine2@indexHead.php Area
echo "Index head: « <i>".$ExplorParamIndexName." »</i>\n";
php#titleListBiblio Area
echo "<h2>List of bibliographic references</h2>";
php#titleRefBiblio Area
echo "<h2>$ExplorBiblioRecordTitle</h2>";
echo "<h4>Bibliographic reference number <i>";
echo $ExplorParamRecordNumber."</i></h4>\n";
titleIdentCol Area Ident.
titleAuthorCol Area Authors (with country if any)
titleTitleCol Area Title
nameRoot Area Area root page
shortNameRoot Area Area root
shortName Area/Main/mainPage Main Page
shortName Area/Main/Exploration/mainPage Exploration
titleRecordXml Area

Record in Xml Format

titleRecordWikiLink Area

Linking on this page in Wicri network

titleRecordShell Area

Handling this record by shell

titleRecordWikiLink Area

Linking this record in a wiki

titleLinkCuration Area

Links toward previous steps (curation, corpus...)

titleLinkExploration Area

Links to Exploration step

titleSeeAlso Area

See also

introMainPageStep Area


streamIntroExploration Area

Exploration starting page

wiki#introduction Area/mainPage

Curation and exploration area

wiki#areaOperationsIntroduction Area

Area operation page

For: Modèle:Explor include.

wiki#areaRootIntroduction Area

Curation and exploration area, root page

For: [[Modèle:Explor include]].

wiki#streamIntroduction Area

Curation stream

For: [[Modèle:Explor include]], stream Modèle:Explor include.

wiki#upStreamIntroduction Area

Curation stream

For: [[Modèle:Explor include]], stream Modèle:Explor include.

wiki#streamIntroduction Area/Main

Curation and exploration stream

For: [[Modèle:Explor include]].

wiki#streamMainAccess Area

The main entry is point is: <a href="Analysis/index.html">Analysis Main Page</a>

wiki#streamMainAccess Area/Main

The main entry is point is: <a href="Exploration/index.html">Exploration Main Page</a>

wiki#streamCurationEntries Area

Curation entries

wiki#stepIntroduction Area

Modèle:Explor include step

For: [[Modèle:Explor include]], stream Modèle:Explor include.

wiki#bottomDilibMessage Area

This area was generated with Dilib version Modèle:Explor include.
Data generation: Modèle:Explor include. Site generation: Modèle:Explor include

headerWarning Area Warning, this site is under development
wiki#introduction Area
messBibRecAuthors Area Authors:
messBibRecKeywords Area Keywords:
messLinkToCorpus Area Link to Corpus step:
messLinkToCuration Area Link to Curation step:
messIndexHeadClusters Area

List of clusters's sets (frequency and cosinus):

Page links

titleListIndex Area All indexes
shortTitleListIndex Area Indexes
pageIndexPerson Area indexItem.php?index=Author.i
pageIndexWicri.i Area indexItem.php?index=Wicri.i
pageIndexKwAut.i Area indexItem.php?index=KwAut.i
pageIndexTitle.i Area indexItem.php?index=Title.i
pageIndexTitre.i Area indexItem.php?index=Titre.i
pageIndexAbsFr.i Area indexItem.php?index=AbsFr.i
pageIndexAbsEn.i Area indexItem.php?index=AbsEn.i
pageIndexAutAff.i Area autAff.php?index=AutAff.i
pageIndexWicri Area indexItem.php?index=Wicri.i
pageIndexCountry Area indexItem.php?index=AffPays.i
pageIndexAuthor.i Area indexItem.php?index=Author.i
pageIndexISSN.i Area indexItem.php?index=ISSN.i
pageIndexRBID.i Area indexItem.php?index=RBID.i
pageIndexPMID.i Area indexItem.php?index=PMID.i
pageIndexAffPays.i Area indexItem.php?index=AffPays.i
pageIndexAffRegion.i Area indexItem.php?index=AffRegion.i
pageIndexAffVille.i Area indexItem.php?index=AffVille.i
pageIndexAffOrg.i Area indexItem.php?index=AffOrg.i
pageIndexAffPaysInc.i Area indexItem.php?index=AffPaysInc.i
pageIndexAffRegInc.i Area indexItem.php?index=AffRegInc.i
pageIndexKwdEn.i Area indexItem.php?index=KwdEn.i
pageIndexKwdFr.i Area indexItem.php?index=KwdFr.i
pageIndexBHA.i Area indexItem.php?index=BHA.i
pageIndexMESH.i Area indexItem.php?index=Mesh.i
shortNameIndexAuthor.i Area Authors
shortNameIndex@Author.i Area Authors
nameIndex@Author.i Area Authors
shortNameIndexAffPays.i Area Country
shortNameIndexAffRegion.i Area Region
shortNameIndexAffVille.i Area Ville
shortNameIndexAffOrg.i Area Organisme
shortNameIndexAffPaysInc.i Area Pays inc.
shortNameIndexAffRegInc.i Area Region inc.
shortNameIndexRBID.i Area Ref Bib Id
shortNameIndexTitle.i Area Title
shortNameIndexTitre.i Area Title (fr)
shortNameIndexAbsFr.i Area Abs (fr)
shortNameIndexAbsEn.i Area Abs (en)
shortNameIndexPMID.i Area PubMed Id
shortNameIndex@ISSN.i Area ISSN
shortNameIndexKwAut.i Area Keywords (author)
shortNameIndexWicri.i Area Wicri (KW)
shortNameIndexKwdEn.i Area Keywords (en)
shortNameIndexKwdFr.i Area Keywords (fr)
shortNameIndexBHA.i Area BHA (fr)
shortNameIndexAutAff.i Area AutAff
pageIndexMESH Area indexItem.php?index=Mesh.i
type item value
shortNameStepCorpus Area Corpus
shortNameStepCuration Area Curation
shortNameStepAnalysis Area Analysis
shortNameStepExploration Area Exploration
shortNameStepRepository Area Repository
shortNameStepMerge Area Merge


type rubrique valeur
headerLogoStep@Exploration Area Common/icons/ExplorationIcon.png
headerLogoStep@Corpus Area Common/icons/CorpusIcon.png
headerLogoStepCorpus Area Common/icons/CorpusIcon.png
headerLogoStep@Curation Area Common/icons/CurationIcon.png
headerLogoStepCuration Area Common/icons/CurationIcon.png
headerLogoRoot Area Common/icons/ExplorTreeRoot.png
headerLogoStepCheckpoint Area Common/icons/CheckpointIcon.png
headerLogoStepAnalysis Area Common/icons/AnalyseIcon.png
headerLogoStepMerge Area Common/icons/MergingIcon.png
headerLogoStepRepository Area Common/icons/RepositoryIcon.png
headerLogoStepExtraction Area Common/icons/ExtractionIcon.png

Messages et paragraphes de type titre

type rubrique valeur
titleListStreams Area

List of data streams of the area

titleListUpStreams Area

List of data upstreams of the area

titleListZooms Area

List of zoom streams of the area

php#titleListBiblio Area/Main/Exploration/indexItem.php
echo "<h2>List of bibliographic references indexed by <i>";
echo $ExplorParamKey."</i></h2>\n";

To be deprecated

type item value
shortNameIndexISSN.i Area ISSN
shortName Area/mainPage Root
headerLogoStepExploration Area Common/icons/ExplorationIcon.png
wiki#introduction Area/Main/mainPage

Exploration and curation main stream

wiki#introduction Area/Main/Exploration/mainPage

Exploration main page

html#mainAccessIntro Area/mainPage
<h2>Main access</h2>
<ul><li><a href="Main/index.html">Main Page</a></li></ul>


WicriGetPage -l wicri-outils.fr -p "Dilib, module Explor, Explor en" \
 > $DILIB_IMPORT/Explor/Data/ExplorParam.en.wiki