MediaWiki API result

This is the HTML representation of the JSON format. HTML is good for debugging, but is unsuitable for application use.

Specify the format parameter to change the output format. To see the non-HTML representation of the JSON format, set format=json.

See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

    "xmlns:Foaf": "",
    "xmlns:Owl": "",
    "query": {
        "_PVAL": {
            "label": "Allows value",
            "key": "_PVAL"
        "_ATTCH_LINK": {
            "label": "Attachment link",
            "key": "_ATTCH_LINK"
        "_CONV": {
            "label": "Corresponds to",
            "key": "_CONV"
        "_CDAT": {
            "label": "Creation date",
            "key": "_CDAT"
        "_PREC": {
            "label": "Display precision of",
            "key": "_PREC"
        "_DTITLE": {
            "label": "Display title of",
            "key": "_DTITLE"
        "_UNIT": {
            "label": "Display units",
            "key": "_UNIT"
        "End_date": {
            "label": "End date",
            "key": "End_date"
        "_URI": {
            "label": "Equivalent URI",
            "key": "_URI"
        "Foaf:homepage": {
            "label": "Foaf:homepage",
            "key": "Foaf:homepage"
        "Foaf:knows": {
            "label": "Foaf:knows",
            "key": "Foaf:knows"
        "Foaf:name": {
            "label": "Foaf:name",
            "key": "Foaf:name"
        "Has_PC_member": {
            "label": "Has PC member",
            "key": "Has_PC_member"
        "Has_author": {
            "label": "Has author",
            "key": "Has_author"
        "Has_contributor": {
            "label": "Has contributor",
            "key": "Has_contributor"
        "_LIST": {
            "label": "Has fields",
            "key": "_LIST"
        "Has_first_author": {
            "label": "Has first author",
            "key": "Has_first_author"
        "_ERRP": {
            "label": "Has improper value for",
            "key": "_ERRP"
        "Has_invited_speaker": {
            "label": "Has invited speaker",
            "key": "Has_invited_speaker"
        "_ASK": {
            "label": "Has query",
            "key": "_ASK"
        "Has_quoted_author": {
            "label": "Has quoted author",
            "key": "Has_quoted_author"
        "Has_quoted_person": {
            "label": "Has quoted person",
            "key": "Has_quoted_person"
        "Has_speaker": {
            "label": "Has speaker",
            "key": "Has_speaker"
        "Has_title": {
            "label": "Has title",
            "key": "Has_title"
        "Has_translator": {
            "label": "Has translator",
            "key": "Has_translator"
        "_TYPE": {
            "label": "Has type",
            "key": "_TYPE"
        "Homepage": {
            "label": "Homepage",
            "key": "Homepage"
        "_IMPO": {
            "label": "Imported from",
            "key": "_IMPO"
        "_NEWP": {
            "label": "Is a new page",
            "key": "_NEWP"
        "_LCODE": {
            "label": "Language code",
            "key": "_LCODE"
        "_LEDT": {
            "label": "Last editor is",
            "key": "_LEDT"
        "_MDAT": {
            "label": "Modification date",
            "key": "_MDAT"
        "Owl:differentFrom": {
            "label": "Owl:differentFrom",
            "key": "Owl:differentFrom"
        "_PPLB": {
            "label": "Preferred property label",
            "key": "_PPLB"
        "_PDESC": {
            "label": "Property description",
            "key": "_PDESC"
        "_SERV": {
            "label": "Provides service",
            "key": "_SERV"
        "_ASKDE": {
            "label": "Query depth",
            "key": "_ASKDE"
        "_ASKFO": {
            "label": "Query format",
            "key": "_ASKFO"
        "_ASKPA": {
            "label": "Query parameters",
            "key": "_ASKPA"
        "_ASKSI": {
            "label": "Query size",
            "key": "_ASKSI"
        "_ASKSC": {
            "label": "Query source",
            "key": "_ASKSC"
        "_ASKST": {
            "label": "Query string",
            "key": "_ASKST"
        "_SCHEMA_DEF": {
            "label": "Schema definition",
            "key": "_SCHEMA_DEF"
        "_SCHEMA_TAG": {
            "label": "Schema tag",
            "key": "_SCHEMA_TAG"
        "_SCHEMA_TYPE": {
            "label": "Schema type",
            "key": "_SCHEMA_TYPE"
        "Start_date": {
            "label": "Start date",
            "key": "Start_date"
        "_SUBC": {
            "label": "Subcategory of",
            "key": "_SUBC"
        "_SUBP": {
            "label": "Subproperty of",
            "key": "_SUBP"
        "_TEXT": {
            "label": "Text",
            "key": "_TEXT"
        "_uri": {
            "label": "URL",
            "key": "_uri"
    "version": 2,
    "query-continue-offset": 50,
    "meta": {
        "limit": 50,
        "count": 50