From Wicri Music
LilyPond is a computer program and file format for music engraving.
A first sample
Au clair de la lune
The LilyPond version
This score was produced with following LilyPond commands:
\relative c'' {
\key c \major
\time 2/2
c4 c4 c4 d4 e2 d2 c4 e4 d4 d4 c1 \break
c4 c c d e2 d c4 e d d c1 \break
d4 d d d a2 a d4 c b a g1 \break
c4 c c d e2 d c4 e d d c1 \break
\bar "|."
} |
In this part, notes are entered with a « |
\addlyrics {
\lyricmode {
Au clair de la lu -- ne,
Mon a -- mi Pier -- rot,
Prê -- te -- moi ta plu -- me
Pour é -- crire un mot.
Ma chan -- delle est mor -- te,
Je n'ai plus de feu_;
Ou -- vre -- moi ta por -- te,
Pour l'a -- mour de Dieu.
} } |
This part introduces the text of this song in French. |
English translation: In the silver moonlight
This translation comes from The green duet book[2].
\addlyrics {
\lyricmode {
In the sil -- ver moon -- light,
Oh Pier -- rot my friend,
I would now a word write,
Thy pen pri -- thee lend!.
Can -- dle -- light has va -- nished,
And no fire I see,
O -- pen wide the door, then,
If thou lo -- vest me.
} } |
Now the translation in English. |
See also
- References