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Le cluster dimensional - infinite




40.571dimensional - infinite
20.338infinite - zeta
20.392functions - values
30.372functions - zeta
20.338dimensional - zeta
20.277functions - sums
20.277functions - monodromy

Documents par ordre de pertinence
000288 (2004) Marcus Du Sautoy [Royaume-Uni] ; François Loeser [France]Motivic zeta functions of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras
000217 (2006) E. Kowalski [France]The large sieve, monodromy and zeta functions of curves
000277 (2004) Sylvie Paycha [France]Zeta-Regularized Traces Versus the Wodzicki Residue as Tools in Quantum Field Theory and Infinite Dimensional Geometry
000140 (2009) Alice Barbara Tumpach [France]On the classification of infinite-dimensional irreducible Hermitian-symmetric affine coadjoint orbits
000189 (2007) Régis Blache [Polynésie française, France]On certain character sums over p ‐adic rings and their L ‐functions
000291 (2004) Nicole Bopp [France] ; Hubert Rubenthaler [France]Local zeta functions for a class of symmetric spaces
000370 (2001) Alexandru Dimca [France]Monodromy and Hodge Theory of Regular Functions
000759 (1980) Pierre Deligne [France] ; Kenneth A. Ribet [France]Values of abelian L -functions at negative integers over totally real fields
000769 (1979) B. Mazur [France]On the arithmetic of special values of L functions
000771 (1979) C. R. Matthews [France]Gauss sums and elliptic functions: II. The quartic sum
000831 (1969) Moshé Flato [France] ; Daniel Sternheimer [France]On an infinite-dimensional group
000045 (2012) Eddy Godelle [France] ; Luis Paris [France]K ( π , 1) and word problems for infinite type Artin–Tits groups, and applications to virtual braid groups
000082 (2011) Alexei Panchishkin [France]Families of Siegel modular forms, L -functions and modularity lifting conjectures
000112 (2010) Krzysztof Gawe Dzki [France] ; Rafał R. Suszek [Allemagne] ; Konrad Waldorf [États-Unis]Global Gauge Anomalies in Two-Dimensional Bosonic Sigma Models
000152 (2008) Pierre-Antoine Desrousseaux [France] ; Marvin D. Tretkoff [France] ; Paula Tretkoff [France, États-Unis]Zariski-density of exceptional sets for hypergeometric functions
000240 (2005) Lorenzo Ramero [France]Local monodromy in non-Archimedean analytic geometry
000246 (2005) John J. Millson [États-Unis] ; Valerio Toledano Laredo [France]Casimir Operators and Monodromy Representations of Generalised Braid Groups
000294 (2004) Paula B. Cohen [États-Unis, France]Interactions between number theory and operator algebras in the study of the Riemann zeta function (d’après Bost-Connes and Connes)
000305 (2003) A. A. Panchishkin [France]Two variable p -adic L functions attached to eigenfamilies of positive slope
000332 (2002) L. Clozel [France]Automorphic forms and the distribution of points on odd-dimensional spheres
000369 (2001) John Coates [Royaume-Uni] ; Ramdoria Sujatha [États-Unis] ; Jean-Pierre Wintenberger [France]On the Euler-Poincaré characteristics of finite dimensional p -adic galois representations
000389 (2000) Joël Blot [France] ; Naïla Hayek [France]Sufficient conditions for infinite-horizon calculusof variations problems
000591 (1994) Daniel Alpay [Israël] ; Laurent Baratchart [France] ; Andrea Gombani [Italie]On the differential structure of matrix-valued rational inner functions
000596 (1994) Arnaud Beauville [France] ; Yves Laszlo [France]Conformal blocks and generalized theta functions
000641 (1991) J. Denef [Belgique] ; F. Loeser [France]Weights of exponential sums, intersection cohomology, and Newton polyhedra
000706 (1987) Solomon Friedberg [France, États-Unis]Poincaré series for GL( n ): Fourier expansion, kloosterman sums, and algebreo-geometric estimates
000736 (1983) John Coates [France]Infinite Descent on Elliptic Curves with Complex Multiplication


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