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Le cluster Riemannian - Riemannian manifold


7Riemannian manifold
21Tensor product


70.764Riemannian - Riemannian manifold
90.671Metric - Metrics
90.462Metric - Tensor
70.452Metric - Riemannian
90.451Tensor - Tensor product
70.391Metric - Topological
90.450Topological - Topology
70.306Tensor product - Topology

Documents par ordre de pertinence
000594 (1994) Carlos T. Simpson [France]Moduli of representations of the fundamental group of a smooth projective variety. II
000615 (1992) Carlos T. Simpson [France]Higgs bundles and local systems
000598 (1993) Michel Cahen [Belgique] ; Simone Gutt [France] ; Andrzej Trautman [Pologne]Spin structures on real projective quadrics
000721 (1986) Jean-Michel Bismut [France]The Atiyah-Singer index theorem for families of Dirac operators: Two heat equation proofs
000433 (1998) Ivan Babenko [France] ; Mikhail Katz [France, Israël]Systolic freedom of orientable manifolds
000478 (1997) Wilderich Tuschmann [France]Collapsing, solvmanifolds and infrahomogeneous spaces
000550 (1996) Frederic Bidegain [France] ; Georges Pinczon [France]Quantization of Poisson-Lie groups and applications
000563 (1996) Indranil Biswas [Inde] ; Subhashis Nag [Inde] ; Dennis Sullivan [France]Determinant bundles, quillen metrics and mumford isomorphisms over the universal commensurability teichmüller space
000593 (1994) L. Bérard Bergery [France] ; M. Katz [France]On intersystolic inequalities in dimension 3
000620 (1992) Henri Gillet [États-Unis] ; Christophe Soulé [France]An arithmetic Riemann-Roch theorem
000691 (1988) Francis Bonahon [États-Unis, France]The geometry of Teichmüller space via geodesic currents
000712 (1987) Luis Alvarez-Gaumé [Suisse] ; Jean-Benoît Bost [France] ; Gregory Moore [États-Unis] ; Philip Nelson [États-Unis] ; Cumrun Vafa [États-Unis]Bosonization on higher genus Riemann surfaces
000379 (2001) Lawrence Breen [France] ; William MessingCombinatorial Differential Forms
000417 (1999) Meeyoung Kim [Allemagne] ; Laurent Manivel [France]ON BRANCHED COVERINGS OF SOME HOMOGENEOUS SPACES
000477 (1997) R. Léandre [France]Stochastic Wess-Zumino-Witten model over a symplectic manifold
000590 (1994) L. Saloff-Coste [France]Precise estimates on the rate at which certain diffusions tend to equilibrium
000592 (1994) H. Hida [États-Unis] ; J. Tilouine [France]On the anticyclotomic main conjecture for CM fields
000131 (2009) Bertrand Eynard [France] ; Nicolas Orantin [Suisse]Topological recursion in enumerative geometry and random matrices
000164 (2008) Bruno Vallette [France]Manin products, Koszul duality, Loday algebras and Deligne conjecture
000344 (2001) Denis Perrot [France]On the topological interpretation of gravitational anomalies
000345 (2001) A. El Kacimi Alaoui [France] ; G. Guasp [Espagne] ; M. Nicolau [Espagne]On deformations of transversely homogeneous foliations
000386 (2000) Ivan Kupka [France] ; Waldyr M. Oliva [Portugal]The Non-Holonomic Mechanics
000415 (1999) Michel Saint-Germain [France]Poisson algebras and transverse structures
000438 (1998) Michel Jambu [France] ; Stefan Papadima [France, Roumanie]A generalization of fiber-type arrangements and a new deformation method
000578 (1995) Jean Marion [France] ; Thierry Robart [Canada]Regular Fréchet-Lie groups of invertible elements in some inverse limits of unital involutive Banach algebras
000582 (1995) J. B. Bost [France] ; A. Connes [France]Hecke algebras, type III factors and phase transitions with spontaneous symmetry breaking in number theory
000596 (1994) Arnaud Beauville [France] ; Yves Laszlo [France]Conformal blocks and generalized theta functions
000609 (1992) Eric Charpentier [France] ; Krzysztof Gawe Dzki [France]Wess-Zumino-Witten conformal field theory for simply laced groups at level one
000708 (1987) Denis Bernard [France] ; Jean Thierry-Mieg [France]Level one representations of the simple affine Kac-Moody algebras in their homogeneous gradations
000728 (1985) G. Mazziotto [France]Two parameter optimal stopping and bi-Markov processes
000732 (1984) Robert Silhol [France]Real algebraic surfaces with rational or elliptic fiberings
000738 (1983) A. Borel [États-Unis, France] ; J-P. Serre [États-Unis, France]Corners and arithmetic groups
000196 (2007) Christophe Breuil [France] ; Peter Schneider [Allemagne]First steps towards p-adic Langlands functoriality
000218 (2006) David Hernandez [France]The Kirillov-Reshetikhin conjecture and solutions of T-systems
000346 (2001) Rutger Noot [France]On Mumford's families of abelian varieties
000404 (2000) M. Boileau [France]Uniformisation en dimension trois
000414 (1999) J.-B. Bost [France]Potential theory and Lefschetz theorems for arithmetic surfaces
000418 (1999) Christian Blanchet [France]Hecke algebras, modular categories and 3-manifolds quantum invariants
000423 (1999) Papalexiou Nikolaos [France]On the Orbit Method and the Homomorphism of Harish-Chandra
000435 (1998) R. Léandre [France]Stochastic gauge transform of the string bundle
000459 (1998) Elie Compoint [France]Differential Equations and Algebraic Relations
000475 (1997) Yves Laszlo [France] ; Christoph Sorger [France]The line bundles on the moduli of parabolic G-bundles over curves and their sections
000514 (1997) J. P. Bourguignon [France]Métriques d'Einstein-Kahler sur les variétés de Fano : Obstructions et existence
000522 (1997) I. Kupka [France]Géométrie sous-riemannienne
000524 (1997) G. Pisier [États-Unis, France]Espaces d'opérateurs : Une nouvelle dualité
000530 (1997) C. Soule [France]Classes caractéristiques secondaires des fibrés plats
000553 (1996) Yves André [France]On the Shafarevich and Tate conjectures for hyperkähler varieties
000558 (1996) E. Leuzinger [Suisse] ; C. Pittet [France]Isoperimetric inequalities for lattices in semisimple lie groups of rank 2
000560 (1996) Jean-Michel Kantor [France]Hubert’s problems and their sequels
000562 (1996) J. B. Zuber [France]Graphs and reflection groups
000602 (1993) Timothy J. Hodges [États-Unis] ; Thierry Levasseur [France]Primitive ideals of C q [ SL (3)]
000604 (1993) G. Laumon [France] ; M. Rapoport [Allemagne] ; U. Stuhler [Allemagne]$$D$$-elliptic sheaves and the langlands correspondence
000616 (1992) R. Silhol [France]Compactifications of moduli spaces in real algebraic geometry
000681 (1989) John D. S. Jones [Royaume-Uni] ; Christian Kassel [France]Bivariant cyclic theory
000682 (1989) Jean Dieudonné [France]A. Grothendieck's early work (1950–1960)
000690 (1988) Jean-Pierre Demailly [France]Vanishing theorems for tensor powers of an ample vector bundle
000692 (1988) Lluis Puig [France]Nilpotent blocks and their source algebras
000725 (1986) Carlos Moreno [France, Espagne]Invariant star products and representations of compact semisimple Lie groups
000759 (1980) Pierre Deligne [France] ; Kenneth A. Ribet [France]Values of abelian L -functions at negative integers over totally real fields
000768 (1979) D. J. A. Trotman [France]Stability of transversality to a stratification implies Whitney ( a )-regularity
000794 (1977) Paul J. Campbell [États-Unis] ; Daniel Reisz [France] ; A. WeilLetters to the editors
000831 (1969) Moshé Flato [France] ; Daniel Sternheimer [France]On an infinite-dimensional group


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