Serveur d'exploration sur la musique celtique

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Le cluster ireland - scotland




22ireland - scotland
11scotland - tradition
11supernatural - tradition
11scotland - supernatural
11ireland - tradition
11ireland - supernatural
11ireland - musical
22famine - great
11great - ireland
11famine - ireland

Documents par ordre de pertinence
000086 (2008-06-26) Dimitri Nikolai Boekhoorn [France]Mythical, legendary and supernatural bestiary in Celtic tradition : from oral to written literature : comparative study of the evolution of the role and function of animals in oral and written traditions from Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and Brittany from the beginning of the Middle Ages onwards, supported by written and iconographical documents from the continental Celts
000022 (2014) Erick Falc'Her-Poyroux [France]'The Great Famine in Ireland: a Linguistic and Cultural Disruption
000018 (2014) Erick Falc'Her-Poyroux [France]The Great Irish Famine in Songs
000068 (2010) Yann Bevant [France]The influence of Scotland and Ireland on Breton traditional music in the second part of the 20th Century
000125 (1996-12-15) Erick Falc'Her-Poyroux [France]Ireland's Musical Identity
000046 (2012) Erick Falc'Her-Poyroux [France]Is Irish music "between Tradition and Modernity"?
000070 (2009-10-09) Yann Bevant [France]Nations in Tune : the Influence of Irish Music on the Breton Musical Revival
000126 (1995-06-02) Anne-Marie O'Connell [France]Figurative elements of the supernatural in Irish mythology and folklore


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