Discussion:Sci. Total Environ. (2005) Salvia

De Wicri Luxembourg
(Redirigé depuis Discussion:Arlon/05-0340526)

Notice Pascal

  <inist h6="B">
      <fA01 i1="01" i2="1">
      <fA02 i1="01">
      <fA03 i2="1">
        <s0>Sci. total environ.</s0>
      <fA08 i1="01" i2="1" l="ENG">
        <s1>Dissolved and particulate nutrient export from rural catchments : A case study from Luxembourg</s1>
      <fA09 i1="01" i2="1" l="ENG">
        <s1>Linking landscape sources of phosphorus and sediment to ecological impacts in surface waters</s1>
      <fA11 i1="01" i2="1">
        <s1>SALVIA-CASTELLVI (Mercè)</s1>
      <fA11 i1="02" i2="1">
        <s1>IFFLY (Jean Francois)</s1>
      <fA11 i1="03" i2="1">
        <s1>VANDER BORGHT (Paul)</s1>
      <fA11 i1="04" i2="1">
        <s1>HOFFMANN (Lucien)</s1>
      <fA12 i1="01" i2="1">
        <s1>HAYGARTH (P. M.)</s1>
      <fA14 i1="01">
        <s1>CRF-Gabriel Lippmann, 162A, av. de la Faiencerie, Grand-duchy of Luxembourg</s1>
        <s2>1511 Luxembourg</s2>
        <sZ>1 aut.</sZ>
        <sZ>2 aut.</sZ>
        <sZ>4 aut.</sZ>
      <fA14 i1="02">
        <s1>Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise, 185, av. de Longwy</s1>
        <s2>6700 Arlon</s2>
        <sZ>1 aut.</sZ>
        <sZ>3 aut.</sZ>
      <fA15 i1="01">
        <s1>Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research (IGER), North Wyke Research Station</s1>
        <s2>Okehampton, Devon EX20 2SB</s2>
        <sZ>1 aut.</sZ>
      <fA23 i1="01">
      <fA43 i1="01">
        <s1>© 2005 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.</s1>
        <s0>1 p.1/4</s0>
      <fA47 i1="01" i2="1">
      <fA64 i1="01" i2="1">
        <s0>Science of the total environment</s0>
      <fA66 i1="01">
      <fC01 i1="01" l="ENG">
        <s0>Nutrient enrichment of freshwaters continues to be one of the most serious problems facing the management of surface waters. Effective remediation/conservation measures require accurate qualitative and quantitative knowledge of nutrient sources, transport mechanisms, transformations and annual dynamics of different nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) forms. In this paper, nitrate (NO<sub>3</sub>-N), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations and loads are presented for two adjacent rural basins of 306 km<sup>2</sup>and 424 km<sup>2</sup>, and for five sub-basins differing in size (between 1 km<sup>2</sup>and 33 km<sup>2</sup>), land use (extent of forest cover between 20% and 93%) and household pressure (from 0 to 40 people/km<sup>2</sup>) with the aim of studying the influence of land use and catchment size on nutrient exports. The studied catchments are all situated on Devonian schistous substrates in the Ardennes region (Belgium-Luxembourg), and therefore have similar hydrological regimes. As the study period could not be the same for all basins, annual export coefficients were corrected with the 25 years normalized discharge of the Sûre River: two regression analyses (for dry and humid periods) relating monthly nutrient loads to monthly runoff were used to determine correction factors to be applied to each parameter and each basin. This procedure allows for the comparing annual export coefficients from basins sampled in different years. Results show a marked seasonal response and a large variability of NO<sub>3</sub>-N export loads between forested (4 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup>year<sup>-1</sup>), agricultural (27-33 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup>year<sup>-1</sup>) and mixed catchments (17-22 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup>year<sup>-1</sup>). For SRP and TP, no significant agricultural impact was found. Land and bank erosion control the total P massflow in the studied catchments (0.4-1.3 kg P ha<sup>-1</sup>year<sup>-1</sup>), which is mostly in a particulate form, detached and transported during storm events. Soluble reactive P fluxes ranged between 10% and 30% of the TP mass, depending on the importance of point sources in the basins studied. No relation was found between the size of the basins and the export of nitrate, SRP or TP. Nutrient export, specially for NO<sub>3</sub>-N and TP, shows significant inter-annual variations, closely linked to inter-annual discharge variations. Flow and load frequency data analysis confirm this association for all the basins on an annual basis. Seasonal or storm specific fluxes strongly deviate from their annual values.</s0>
      <fC02 i1="01" i2="X">
      <fC02 i1="02" i2="2">
      <fC02 i1="03" i2="X">
      <fC02 i1="04" i2="2">
      <fC03 i1="01" i2="X" l="FRE">
        <s0>Zone rurale</s0>
      <fC03 i1="01" i2="X" l="ENG">
        <s0>Rural area</s0>
      <fC03 i1="01" i2="X" l="SPA">
        <s0>Zona rural</s0>
      <fC03 i1="02" i2="X" l="FRE">
        <s0>Bassin versant</s0>
      <fC03 i1="02" i2="X" l="ENG">
      <fC03 i1="02" i2="X" l="SPA">
      <fC03 i1="03" i2="X" l="FRE">
        <s0>Eau surface</s0>
      <fC03 i1="03" i2="X" l="ENG">
        <s0>Surface water</s0>
      <fC03 i1="03" i2="X" l="SPA">
        <s0>Agua superficie</s0>
      <fC03 i1="04" i2="X" l="FRE">
        <s0>Pollution eau</s0>
      <fC03 i1="04" i2="X" l="ENG">
        <s0>Water pollution</s0>
      <fC03 i1="04" i2="X" l="SPA">
        <s0>Contaminación agua</s0>
      <fC03 i1="05" i2="X" l="FRE">
      <fC03 i1="05" i2="X" l="ENG">
      <fC03 i1="05" i2="X" l="SPA">
      <fC03 i1="06" i2="X" l="FRE">
      <fC03 i1="06" i2="X" l="ENG">
      <fC03 i1="06" i2="X" l="SPA">
      <fC03 i1="07" i2="X" l="FRE">
      <fC03 i1="07" i2="X" l="ENG">
      <fC03 i1="07" i2="X" l="SPA">
      <fC03 i1="08" i2="X" l="FRE">
        <s0>Matière dissoute</s0>
      <fC03 i1="08" i2="X" l="ENG">
        <s0>Dissolved matter</s0>
      <fC03 i1="08" i2="X" l="SPA">
        <s0>Materia disuelta</s0>
      <fC03 i1="09" i2="X" l="FRE">
        <s0>Particule en suspension</s0>
      <fC03 i1="09" i2="X" l="ENG">
        <s0>Suspended particle</s0>
      <fC03 i1="09" i2="X" l="SPA">
        <s0>Partícula en suspensión</s0>
      <fC03 i1="10" i2="X" l="FRE">
        <s0>Perte substance</s0>
      <fC03 i1="10" i2="X" l="ENG">
        <s0>Substance loss</s0>
      <fC03 i1="10" i2="X" l="SPA">
        <s0>Pérdida sustancia</s0>
      <fC03 i1="11" i2="X" l="FRE">
        <s0>Distribution concentration</s0>
      <fC03 i1="11" i2="X" l="ENG">
        <s0>Concentration distribution</s0>
      <fC03 i1="11" i2="X" l="SPA">
        <s0>Distribución concentración</s0>
      <fC03 i1="12" i2="X" l="FRE">
        <s0>Variation saisonnière</s0>
      <fC03 i1="12" i2="X" l="ENG">
        <s0>Seasonal variation</s0>
      <fC03 i1="12" i2="X" l="SPA">
        <s0>Variación estacional</s0>
      <fC03 i1="13" i2="X" l="FRE">
        <s0>Variation interannuelle</s0>
      <fC03 i1="13" i2="X" l="ENG">
        <s0>Interannual variation</s0>
      <fC03 i1="13" i2="X" l="SPA">
        <s0>Variación interanual</s0>
      <fC03 i1="14" i2="X" l="FRE">
        <s0>Variation spatiale</s0>
      <fC03 i1="14" i2="X" l="ENG">
        <s0>Spatial variation</s0>
      <fC03 i1="14" i2="X" l="SPA">
        <s0>Variación espacial</s0>
      <fC03 i1="15" i2="X" l="FRE">
        <s0>Occupation sol</s0>
      <fC03 i1="15" i2="X" l="ENG">
        <s0>Land use</s0>
      <fC03 i1="15" i2="X" l="SPA">
        <s0>Ocupación terreno</s0>
      <fC03 i1="16" i2="X" l="FRE">
        <s0>Densité population</s0>
      <fC03 i1="16" i2="X" l="ENG">
        <s0>Population density</s0>
      <fC03 i1="16" i2="X" l="SPA">
        <s0>Densidad población</s0>
      <fC03 i1="17" i2="X" l="FRE">
        <s0>Protection environnement</s0>
      <fC03 i1="17" i2="X" l="ENG">
        <s0>Environmental protection</s0>
      <fC03 i1="17" i2="X" l="SPA">
        <s0>Protección medio ambiente</s0>
      <fC03 i1="18" i2="X" l="FRE">
        <s0>Prévention pollution</s0>
      <fC03 i1="18" i2="X" l="ENG">
        <s0>Pollution prevention</s0>
      <fC03 i1="18" i2="X" l="SPA">
        <s0>Prevención polución</s0>
      <fC03 i1="19" i2="X" l="FRE">
        <s0>Lutte antipollution</s0>
      <fC03 i1="19" i2="X" l="ENG">
        <s0>Pollution control</s0>
      <fC03 i1="19" i2="X" l="SPA">
        <s0>Lucha anticontaminación</s0>
      <fC03 i1="20" i2="X" l="FRE">
        <s0>Cours eau</s0>
      <fC03 i1="20" i2="X" l="ENG">
      <fC03 i1="20" i2="X" l="SPA">
        <s0>Curso agua</s0>
      <fC03 i1="21" i2="X" l="FRE">
      <fC03 i1="21" i2="X" l="ENG">
      <fC03 i1="21" i2="X" l="SPA">
      <fC03 i1="22" i2="X" l="FRE">
      <fC03 i1="22" i2="X" l="ENG">
      <fC03 i1="22" i2="X" l="SPA">
      <fC03 i1="23" i2="X" l="FRE">
      <fC03 i1="23" i2="X" l="ENG">
      <fC03 i1="23" i2="X" l="SPA">
      <fC03 i1="24" i2="X" l="FRE">
      <fC03 i1="24" i2="X" l="ENG">
      <fC03 i1="24" i2="X" l="SPA">
      <fC07 i1="01" i2="X" l="FRE">
      <fC07 i1="01" i2="X" l="ENG">
      <fC07 i1="01" i2="X" l="SPA">
      <fC07 i1="02" i2="X" l="FRE">
        <s0>Champagne Ardenne</s0>
      <fC07 i1="02" i2="X" l="ENG">
      <fC07 i1="02" i2="X" l="SPA">
        <s0>Champagne Ardenne</s0>
      <fC07 i1="03" i2="X" l="FRE">
      <fC07 i1="03" i2="X" l="ENG">
      <fC07 i1="03" i2="X" l="SPA">
    <NO>: PASCAL 05-0340526 INIST</NO>
    <ET>Dissolved and particulate nutrient export from rural catchments : A case study from Luxembourg</ET>
    <AU>SALVIA-CASTELLVI (Mercè); IFFLY (Jean Francois); VANDER BORGHT (Paul); HOFFMANN (Lucien); HAYGARTH (P. M.)</AU>
    <AF>CRF-Gabriel Lippmann, 162A, av. de la Faiencerie, Grand-duchy of Luxembourg/1511 Luxembourg/Luxembourg (1 aut., 2 aut., 4 aut.); Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise, 185, av. de Longwy/6700 Arlon/Belgique (1 aut., 3 aut.); Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research (IGER), North Wyke Research Station/Okehampton, Devon EX20 2SB/Royaume-Uni (1 aut.)</AF>
    <DT>Publication en série; Niveau analytique</DT>
    <SO>Science of the total environment; ISSN 0048-9697; Coden STENDL; Irlande; Da. 2005;  Vol. 344; No. 1-3; Pp. 51-65; Bibl. 1 p.1/4</SO>
    <EA>Nutrient enrichment of freshwaters continues to be one of the most serious problems facing the management of surface waters. Effective remediation/conservation measures require accurate qualitative and quantitative knowledge of nutrient sources, transport mechanisms, transformations and annual dynamics of different nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) forms. In this paper, nitrate (NO<sub>3</sub>-N), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations and loads are presented for two adjacent rural basins of 306 km<sup>2</sup>and 424 km<sup>2</sup>, and for five sub-basins differing in size (between 1 km<sup>2</sup>and 33 km<sup>2</sup>), land use (extent of forest cover between 20% and 93%) and household pressure (from 0 to 40 people/km<sup>2</sup>) with the aim of studying the influence of land use and catchment size on nutrient exports. The studied catchments are all situated on Devonian schistous substrates in the Ardennes region (Belgium-Luxembourg), and therefore have similar hydrological regimes. As the study period could not be the same for all basins, annual export coefficients were corrected with the 25 years normalized discharge of the Sûre River: two regression analyses (for dry and humid periods) relating monthly nutrient loads to monthly runoff were used to determine correction factors to be applied to each parameter and each basin. This procedure allows for the comparing annual export coefficients from basins sampled in different years. Results show a marked seasonal response and a large variability of NO<sub>3</sub>-N export loads between forested (4 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup>year<sup>-1</sup>), agricultural (27-33 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup>year<sup>-1</sup>) and mixed catchments (17-22 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup>year<sup>-1</sup>). For SRP and TP, no significant agricultural impact was found. Land and bank erosion control the total P massflow in the studied catchments (0.4-1.3 kg P ha<sup>-1</sup>year<sup>-1</sup>), which is mostly in a particulate form, detached and transported during storm events. Soluble reactive P fluxes ranged between 10% and 30% of the TP mass, depending on the importance of point sources in the basins studied. No relation was found between the size of the basins and the export of nitrate, SRP or TP. Nutrient export, specially for NO<sub>3</sub>-N and TP, shows significant inter-annual variations, closely linked to inter-annual discharge variations. Flow and load frequency data analysis confirm this association for all the basins on an annual basis. Seasonal or storm specific fluxes strongly deviate from their annual values.</EA>
    <CC>001D16A04C; 001E01O04; 002A32B06; 226B04</CC>
    <FD>Zone rurale; Bassin versant; Eau surface; Pollution eau; Nutriment; Azote; Phosphore; Matière dissoute; Particule en suspension; Perte substance; Distribution concentration; Variation saisonnière; Variation interannuelle; Variation spatiale; Occupation sol; Densité population; Protection environnement; Prévention pollution; Lutte antipollution; Cours eau; Eutrophisation; Luxembourg; Ardennes; Belgique</FD>
    <FG>Europe; Champagne Ardenne; France</FG>
    <ED>Rural area; Watershed; Surface water; Water pollution; Nutrient; Nitrogen; Phosphorus; Dissolved matter; Suspended particle; Substance loss; Concentration distribution; Seasonal variation; Interannual variation; Spatial variation; Land use; Population density; Environmental protection; Pollution prevention; Pollution control; Stream; Eutrophication; Luxembourg; Ardennes; Belgium</ED>
    <EG>Europe; Champagne-Ardenne; France</EG>
    <SD>Zona rural; Cuenca; Agua superficie; Contaminación agua; Nutriente; Nitrógeno; Fósforo; Materia disuelta; Partícula en suspensión; Pérdida sustancia; Distribución concentración; Variación estacional; Variación interanual; Variación espacial; Ocupación terreno; Densidad población; Protección medio ambiente; Prevención polución; Lucha anticontaminación; Curso agua; Eutrofización; Luxemburgo; Ardennes; Belgica</SD>

Notice PubMed

    <MedlineCitation Owner="NLM" Status="MEDLINE">
        <PMID Version="1">15907510</PMID>
        <Article PubModel="Print-Electronic">
                <ISSN IssnType="Print">0048-9697</ISSN>
                <JournalIssue CitedMedium="Print">
                <Title>The Science of the total environment</Title>
                <ISOAbbreviation>Sci. Total Environ.</ISOAbbreviation>
            <ArticleTitle>Dissolved and particulate nutrient export from rural catchments: a case study from Luxembourg.</ArticleTitle>
                <AbstractText>Nutrient enrichment of freshwaters continues to be one of the most serious problems facing the management of surface waters. Effective remediation/conservation measures require accurate qualitative and quantitative knowledge of nutrient sources, transport mechanisms, transformations and annual dynamics of different nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) forms. In this paper, nitrate (NO3-N), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations and loads are presented for two adjacent rural basins of 306 km2 and 424 km2, and for five sub-basins differing in size (between 1 km2 and 33 km2), land use (extent of forest cover between 20% and 93%) and household pressure (from 0 to 40 people/km2) with the aim of studying the influence of land use and catchment size on nutrient exports. The studied catchments are all situated on Devonian schistous substrates in the Ardennes region (Belgium-Luxembourg), and therefore have similar hydrological regimes. As the study period could not be the same for all basins, annual export coefficients were corrected with the 25 years normalized discharge of the Sure River: two regression analyses (for dry and humid periods) relating monthly nutrient loads to monthly runoff were used to determine correction factors to be applied to each parameter and each basin. This procedure allows for the comparing annual export coefficients from basins sampled in different years. Results show a marked seasonal response and a large variability of NO3-N export loads between forested (4 kg N ha-1 year-1), agricultural (27-33 kg N ha-1 year-1) and mixed catchments (17-22 kg N ha-1 year-1). For SRP and TP, no significant agricultural impact was found. Land and bank erosion control the total P massflow in the studied catchments (0.4-1.3 kg P ha-1 year-1), which is mostly in a particulate form, detached and transported during storm events. Soluble reactive P fluxes ranged between 10% and 30% of the TP mass, depending on the importance of point sources in the basins studied. No relation was found between the size of the basins and the export of nitrate, SRP or TP. Nutrient export, specially for NO3-N and TP, shows significant inter-annual variations, closely linked to inter-annual discharge variations. Flow and load frequency data analysis confirm this association for all the basins on an annual basis. Seasonal or storm specific fluxes strongly deviate from their annual values.</AbstractText>
            <Affiliation>CRP-Gabriel Lippmann, 162A, av. de la Faïencerie, L-1511 Luxembourg, Grand-duchy of Luxembourg. salvia@crpgl.lu</Affiliation>
            <AuthorList CompleteYN="Y">
                <Author ValidYN="Y">
                <Author ValidYN="Y">
                    <ForeName>Jean François</ForeName>
                <Author ValidYN="Y">
                    <ForeName>Paul Vander</ForeName>
                <Author ValidYN="Y">
                <PublicationType>Journal Article</PublicationType>
                <PublicationType>Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't</PublicationType>
            <ArticleDate DateType="Electronic">
            <MedlineTA>Sci Total Environ</MedlineTA>
                <NameOfSubstance>Water Pollutants, Chemical</NameOfSubstance>
                <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="N">Environmental Monitoring</DescriptorName>
                <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="N">Fresh Water</DescriptorName>
                <QualifierName MajorTopicYN="Y">chemistry</QualifierName>
                <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="N" Type="Geographic">Luxembourg</DescriptorName>
                <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="N">Nitrates</DescriptorName>
                <QualifierName MajorTopicYN="Y">analysis</QualifierName>
                <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="N">Particle Size</DescriptorName>
                <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="N">Phosphorus</DescriptorName>
                <QualifierName MajorTopicYN="Y">analysis</QualifierName>
                <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="N">Rain</DescriptorName>
                <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="N">Seasons</DescriptorName>
                <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="N">Solubility</DescriptorName>
                <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="N">Water Pollutants, Chemical</DescriptorName>
                <QualifierName MajorTopicYN="Y">analysis</QualifierName>
            <PubMedPubDate PubStatus="aheadofprint">
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            <PubMedPubDate PubStatus="entrez">
            <ArticleId IdType="pii">S0048-9697(05)00111-7</ArticleId>
            <ArticleId IdType="doi">10.1016/j.scitotenv.2005.02.005</ArticleId>
            <ArticleId IdType="pubmed">15907510</ArticleId>