Ciência da Informação

De Médici
Secrétariat de rédaction
Contact : Mme de Jesus Reis da Silva Ida Maria
Téléphone : {{{tel du secrétaire}}}
Site web de la revue
Ciência da Informação
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Informations bibliographiques :

  • Date de création : 1991
  • Périodicité :
  • Langue(s) :


  • Supports : papier et électronique
  • Identifiant(s) :

Ligne éditoriale (extrait du site) : In that context, information science is understood as an interdisciplinary area by nature, with investigative and analytic purposes, which objective is the study of the phenomena correlated to the production, organization, diffusion and use of information in all the fields of knowledge. The activities of the segment of information are considered as those developed by public and private institutions as a whole, and related to the process comprising the generation, analysis, preparation, diffusion and use of knowledge and communicable data in the field of science and technique.

Le comité de rédaction

Partenaires :

Brazilian Institute for Information in Science and Technology

Liens utiles :