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Serveur d'exploration Loria BibTeX

De Wicri Lorraine
Révision datée du 10 juin 2019 à 20:21 par imported>Jacques Ducloy (Premier résultat)
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logo travaux Cette page introduit un serveur d'exploration d'entraînement réduit aux anciennes références bibliographiques du Loria (en BibTex)

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Article dans une revue

Notice BibTeX

       CRINNUMBER = {83-R-105},
       CATEGORY = {1},
       AUTHOR  = {Carbonell, N. and Haton, J.-P. and Pierrel, J.-M. and Lonchamp, F.},
       TITLE = {Elaboration d'un syst{\`e}me expert pour le d{\'e}codage phon{\'e}tique automatique de la parole},
       JOURNAL = {Speech Communication},
       YEAR ={ 1983},
       VOLUME = {2},
       NUMBER = {2-3},
       PAGES = {231-233},
       MONTH ={ Jul},
       ABSTRACT  = {Expert systems have been extensively used as a mean for integrating the expertise of a human being into an artificial intelligence system. Our group is presently designing an expert system which will integrate the strategy and the knowledge of a phonetician reading a speech spectrogram. Our goal is twofold, firstly to obtain a better insight into the acoustic-decoding of speech, and, secondly, to improve the efficiency of present automatic phonetic recognition systems. This paper presents a preliminary description of the project, especially the overall strategy of the expert and the role of duration parameters in the segmentation and identification processes.},

Notice Sxml - TEI

<TEI xmlns:wicri="">
          <title xml:lang="fr" wicri:score="-117">Elaboration d'un système expert pour le décodage phonétique automatique de la parole</title>
          <idno type="RBID">CRIN:carbonell83a</idno>
              <title xml:lang="fr">Elaboration d'un système expert pour le décodage phonétique automatique de la parole</title>
   <BibTex type="article">
      <e>Carbonell, N.</e>
      <e>Haton, J.-P.</e>
      <e>Pierrel, J.-M.</e>
      <e>Lonchamp, F.</e>
    <title>Elaboration d'un système expert pour le décodage phonétique automatique de la parole</title>
    <journal>Speech Communication</journal>
    <abstract>Expert systems have been extensively used as a mean for integrating the expertise of a human being into an artificial intelligence system. Our group is presently designing an expert system which will integrate the strategy and the knowledge of a phonetician reading a speech spectrogram. Our goal is twofold, firstly to obtain a better insight into the acoustic-decoding of speech, and, secondly, to improve the efficiency of present automatic phonetic recognition systems. This paper presents a preliminary description of the project, especially the overall strategy of the expert and the role of duration parameters in the segmentation and identification processes.</abstract>

Article dans un colloque

Notice BibTeX

       CRINNUMBER = {83-R-041},
       CATEGORY = {3},
       AUTHOR  = {Qu{\'e}r{\'e}, M.},
       TITLE = {Computers in Education The French Experiment},
       BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Computers and the Humanities, Raleigh}},
       YEAR ={ 1983},
       KEYWORDS  = {computer-assisted instruction, computer litteracy, authoring systems},

Notice Sxml

<doc type="inproceedings">
    <e>Quéré, M.</e>
  <title>Computers in Education The French Experiment</title>
  <booktitle>{Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Computers and the Humanities, Raleigh}</booktitle>
    <e>computer-assisted instruction</e>
    <e>computer litteracy</e>
    <e>authoring systems</e>

Notice en cours de conversion TEI

  <TEI xmlns:wicri="">
          <title xml:lang="en" wicri:score="56">Computers in Education The French Experiment</title>
              <title xml:lang="en">Computers in Education The French Experiment</title>
  <BibTex type="inproceedings">
      <e>Quéré, M.</e>
    <title>Computers in Education The French Experiment</title>
    <booktitle>{Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Computers and the Humanities, Raleigh}</booktitle>
      <e>computer-assisted instruction</e>
      <e>computer litteracy</e>
      <e>authoring systems</e>

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