List of bibliographic references
Number of relevant bibliographic references: 57.
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Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000006 (1976) |
M. Schliwa [Allemagne] | Fine structure of nerve-melanophore contacts in the angelfish Pterophyllum scalare |
000014 (1978) |
Rolf Bennemann [Allemagne] ; Ilsabe Pietzsch-Rohrschneider [Allemagne] | The morphology of the cement gland apparatus of Larval Pterophyllum scalare Cuv. & Val. (Cichlidae, Teleostei) |
000026 (2002) |
Erik Sterud [Norvège] ; Sarah L. Poynton [États-Unis, Allemagne] | Spironucleus vortens (Diplomonadida) in the Ide, Leuciscus idus (L.) (Cyprinidae): a Warm Water Hexamitid Flagellate Found in Northern Europe |
000039 (1975) |
M. Schliwa [Allemagne] ; J. Bereiter-Hahn [Allemagne] | Pigment movements in fish melanophores: Morphological and physiological studies |
000046 (1974) |
M. Schliwa [Allemagne] ; J. Bereiter-Hahn [Allemagne] | Pigment movements in fish melanophores: Morphological and physiological studies |
000054 (1977) |
Günther Fleissner [Allemagne] ; Manfred Schliwa [Allemagne] | Neurosecretory fibres in the median eyes of the scorpion, Androctonus australis L. |
000060 (1978) |
Manfred Schliwa [Allemagne] ; Ursula Euteneuer [Allemagne] | Quantitative analysis of the microtubule system in isolated fish melanophores |
000063 (2002) |
Hans-Joachim Paepke [Allemagne] ; Ingo Schindler [Allemagne] | Zur Erstbeschreibung von Pterophyllum scalare (Schultze in Lichtenstein, 1823) (Pisces, Cichlidae) |
000084 (1973) |
Manfred Schliwa [Allemagne] ; Jürgen Bereiter-Hahn [Allemagne] | Pigment movements in fish melanophores: Morphological and physiological studies |
000095 (1968) |
Volker Blüm [Allemagne] | Experimente zum Steuerungsmechanismus hormoninduzierter Brutpflegereaktionen beim Buntbarsch Pterophyllum scalare |
000098 (1978) |
W. Graf [Allemagne, États-Unis] ; L. Meyer [Allemagne, États-Unis] | Eye positions in fishes suggest different modes of interaction between commands and reflexes |
000114 (2007) |
Joachim G. Frommen [Allemagne] ; Corinna Luz [Allemagne] ; Theo C. M. Bakker [Allemagne] | Kin discrimination in sticklebacks is mediated by social learning rather than innate recognition |
000123 (1968) |
Volker Blüm [Allemagne] | Die Auslösung des Laichreflexes durch Reserpin bei dem südamerikanischen Buntbarsch Pterophyllum scalare |
000133 (1973) |
M. Schliwa [Allemagne] ; J. Bereiter-Hahn [Allemagne] | Pigment movements in fish melanophores: Morphological and physiological studies |
000160 (2012) |
T. Piper [Allemagne] ; J. Piper [Allemagne, Roumanie, Pays-Bas] | Axial Phase‐Darkfield‐Contrast (APDC), a new technique for variable optical contrasting in light microscopy |
000174 (2010) |
D. K. Lamatsch [Allemagne, Autriche] ; M. Stöck [Suisse] ; R. Fuchs [Autriche] ; M. Döbler [Allemagne] ; R. Wacker [Allemagne] ; J. Parzefall [Allemagne] ; I. Schlupp [États-Unis] ; M. Schartl [Allemagne] | Morphology, testes development and behaviour of unusual triploid males in microchromosome‐carrying clones of Poecilia formosa |
000181 (1968) |
Thekla Osewold [Allemagne] ; Kurt Fiedler [Allemagne] | Die Wirkung von Säuger-Prolactin auf die Schilddrüse des Segelflossers Pterophyllum scalare (Cichlidae, Teleostei) |
000184 (1982) |
Hans Ingolf Nielsen [Danemark] ; Jürgen Bereiter-Hahn [Allemagne] | Hormone induced chromatophore changes in the European tree frog, Hyla arborea, in vitro |
000186 (1988) |
Oliver Weiss [Allemagne, États-Unis] ; Dietrich L. Meyer [Allemagne] | Odor stimuli modulate retinal excitability in fish |
000206 (1977) |
Klaus Tischner [Allemagne] ; Wolfgang Hirschberger [Allemagne] | Fine structure of the ‘ Wulst ’ region of the domestic fowl in organotypic cultures |
000218 (1990) |
M.-Dominique Crapon De Caprona [Allemagne] ; Michael J. Ryan [États-Unis] | Conspecific mate recognition in swordtails, Xiphophorus nigrensis and X. pygmaeus (Poeciliidae): olfactory and visual cues |
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