Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000014 (2016) |
Juan C. Levesque [États-Unis] ; Christian Hager [États-Unis] ; Eric Diaddorio [États-Unis] ; R Jason Dickey [États-Unis] | Commercial fishing gear modifications to reduce interactions between Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus) and the southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma) fishery in North Carolina (USA). |
000017 (2015) |
I. Wirgin [États-Unis] ; L. Maceda [États-Unis] ; C. Grunwald [États-Unis] ; T. L. King [États-Unis] | Population Origin of Atlantic Sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus Bycaught in U.S. Atlantic Coast Fisheries |
000053 (2013) |
Louis Divincenti [États-Unis] ; Jeff Wyatt ; Heather Priest ; Dawn Dittman ; Rodger Klindt ; David Gordon ; Andrew Preston ; Thomas Smith ; Colby Bowman | Reference intervals for select hematologic and plasma biochemical analytes of wild Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) from the St. Lawrence River in New York. |
000060 (2013) |
Louis Divincenti [États-Unis] ; Heather Priest [États-Unis] ; Kyle J. Walker [États-Unis] ; Jeffrey D. Wyatt [États-Unis] ; Dawn Dittman [États-Unis] | Comparison of select hematology and serum chemistry analtyes between wild-caught and aquarium-housed lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens). |
000071 (2013) |
Sarah Longo [États-Unis] ; Mark Riccio [États-Unis] ; Amy R. Mccune [États-Unis] | Homology of lungs and gas bladders: Insights from arterial vasculature |
000079 (2013) |
John R. Waldman [États-Unis] ; Tim King [États-Unis] ; Tom Savoy [États-Unis] ; Lorraine Maceda [États-Unis] ; Cheryl Grunwald [États-Unis] ; Isaac Wirgin [États-Unis] | Stock Origins of Subadult and Adult Atlantic Sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus, in a Non-natal Estuary, Long Island Sound |
000090 (2012) |
Marie Pagès [France] ; Pascale Chevret [France] ; Muriel Gros-Balthazard [France] ; Sandrine Hughes [France] ; Josep Antoni Alcover [Espagne, États-Unis] ; Rainer Hutterer [Allemagne] ; Juan Carlos Rando [Espagne] ; Jacques Michaux [France] ; Catherine H Nni [France] | Paleogenetic Analyses Reveal Unsuspected Phylogenetic Affinities between Mice and the Extinct Malpaisomys insularis, an Endemic Rodent of the Canaries |
000091 (2012) |
M S Sokolowski [États-Unis] ; B A Allam ; K J Dunton ; M A Clark ; E B Kurtz ; M D Fast | Immunophysiology of Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus (Mitchill), and the relationship to parasitic copepod, Dichelesthium oblongum (Abilgaard) infection. |
000095 (2012) |
K J Dunton [États-Unis] ; D. Chapman ; A. Jordaan ; K. Feldheim ; S J O'Leary ; K A Mckown ; M G Frisk | Genetic mixed-stock analysis of Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus in a heavily exploited marine habitat indicates the need for routine genetic monitoring. |
000111 (2012) |
V. Kiron [Norvège] ; W. Phromkunthong [Thaïlande] ; M. Huntley [États-Unis, Pays-Bas] ; I. Archibald [Pays-Bas, États-Unis] ; G. De Scheemaker [Pays-Bas, États-Unis] | Marine microalgae from biorefinery as a potential feed protein source for Atlantic salmon, common carp and whiteleg shrimp |
000139 (2011) |
Nirmal K. Roy [États-Unis] ; Nichole Walker ; R Christopher Chambers ; Isaac Wirgin | Characterization and expression of cytochrome P4501A in Atlantic sturgeon and shortnose sturgeon experimentally exposed to coplanar PCB 126 and TCDD. |
000140 (2011) |
D. L. Erickson [États-Unis] ; A. Kahnle [États-Unis] ; M. J. Millard [États-Unis] ; E. A. Mora [États-Unis] ; M. Bryja [États-Unis] ; A. Higgs [États-Unis] ; J. Mohler [États-Unis] ; M. Dufour [États-Unis] ; G. Kenney [États-Unis] ; J. Sweka [États-Unis] ; E. K. Pikitch [États-Unis] | Use of pop‐up satellite archival tags to identify oceanic‐migratory patterns for adult Atlantic Sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus Mitchell, 1815 |
000145 (2011) |
Robert C. Buck [États-Unis] ; James Franklin [Belgique] ; Urs Berger [Suède] ; Jason M. Conder [États-Unis] ; Ian T. Cousins [Suède] ; Pim De Voogt [Pays-Bas] ; Allan Astrup Jensen [Danemark] ; Kurunthachalam Kannan [États-Unis] ; Scott A. Mabury [Canada] ; Stefan Pj Van Leeuwen [Pays-Bas] | Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the environment: Terminology, classification, and origins |
000169 (2011) |
Nirmal K. Roy [États-Unis] ; Nichole Walker [États-Unis] ; R. Christopher Chambers [États-Unis] ; Isaac Wirgin [États-Unis] | Characterization and expression of cytochrome P4501A in Atlantic sturgeon and shortnose sturgeon experimentally exposed to coplanar PCB 126 and TCDD |
000184 (2010) |
Seyed Vali Hosseini [Iran] ; Abdolmohammad Abedian Kenari [Iran] ; Joe M. Regenstein [États-Unis] ; Masoud Rezaei [Iran] ; Rajab Mohammad Nazari [Iran] ; Morteza Moghaddasi [Iran] ; Seyed Abdollah Kaboli [Iran] ; Amelia A. M. Grant [Canada] | Effects of Alternative Dietary Lipid Sources on Growth Performance and Fatty Acid Composition of Beluga Sturgeon, Huso huso, Juveniles |
000193 (2010) |
A. B. Welsh [États-Unis] ; D. T. Mcleod [Canada] | Detection of natural barriers to movement of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) within the Namakan River, Ontario |
000196 (2009) |
Vadim J. Birstein [États-Unis] ; Rob Desalle ; Phaedra Doukakis ; Robert Hanner ; Georgii I. Ruban ; Eugene Wong | Testing taxonomic boundaries and the limit of DNA barcoding in the Siberian sturgeon, Acipenser baerii. |
000206 (2009) |
Marianne E. Porter [États-Unis] ; Cassandra M. Roque ; John H. Long Jr. [États-Unis] | Turning maneuvers in sharks: Predicting body curvature from axial morphology |
000207 (2009) |
Gabe S. Bever [États-Unis] | The postnatal skull of the extant North American turtle Pseudemys texana (Cryptodira: Emydidae), with comments on the study of discrete intraspecific variation |
000210 (2009) |
David O. Conover [États-Unis] ; Tara A. Duffy [États-Unis] ; Lyndie A. Hice [États-Unis] | The Covariance between Genetic and Environmental Influences across Ecological Gradients |
000257 (2008) |
Gabe S. Bever [États-Unis] | Comparative growth in the postnatal skull of the extant North American turtle Pseudemys texana (Testudinoidea: Emydidae) |