000125 (2012) |
FENGYAN LIU [Canada] ; Steve Wiseman [Canada] ; YI WAN [République populaire de Chine] ; Jonathan A. Doering [Canada] ; Markus Hecker [Canada] ; Michael H. W. Lam [Canada] ; John P. Giesy [Canada, Hong Kong, Arabie saoudite, États-Unis] | Multi-species comparison of the mechanism of biotransformation of MeO-BDEs to OH-BDEs in fish |
000121 (2012) |
Jona. Doering [Canada] ; Steve Wiseman [Canada] ; Shawnc. Beitel [Canada] ; Brett J. Tendler [Canada] ; John P. Giesy [Canada, États-Unis, Hong Kong, République populaire de Chine] ; Markus Hecker [Canada] | Tissue specificity of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) mediated responses and relative sensitivity of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) to an AhR agonist |
000155 (2011) |
David W. Vardy [Canada] ; Amber R. Tompsett [Canada] ; Jacinda L. Sigurdson [Canada] ; Jon A. Doering [Canada] ; Xiaowei Zhang [Canada] ; John P. Giesy [Canada, États-Unis, République populaire de Chine, Arabie saoudite] ; Markus Hecker [Canada] | Effects of subchronic exposure of early life stages of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) to copper, cadmium, and zinc |
000188 (2010) |
KUN ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] ; YI WAN [Canada] ; John P. Giesy [Canada, États-Unis, Hong Kong] ; Michael H. W. Lam [Hong Kong] ; Steve Wiseman [Canada] ; Paul D. Jones [Canada] ; JIANYING HU [République populaire de Chine] | Tissue Concentrations of Polybrominated Compounds in Chinese Sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis): Origin, Hepatic Sequestration, and Maternal Transfer |
000241 (2008) |
Arne Ludwig [Allemagne] ; Ursula Arndt [Allemagne, Canada] ; Sebastian Lippold [Allemagne] ; Norbert Benecke [Allemagne] ; Lutz Debus [Allemagne] ; Timothy L. King [États-Unis] ; Shuichi Matsumura [Autriche, Allemagne] | Tracing the first steps of American sturgeon pioneers in Europe |
000312 (2006) |
David Dudgeon [République populaire de Chine, Hong Kong] ; Angela H. Arthington [Australie] ; Mark O. Gessner [Suisse] ; Zen-Ichiro Kawabata [Japon] ; Duncan J. Knowler [Canada] ; Christian Lévêque [France] ; Robert J. Naiman [États-Unis] ; Anne-Hélène Prieur-Richard [France] ; Doris Soto [Chili] ; Melanie L. J. Stiassny [États-Unis] ; Caroline A. Sullivan [Royaume-Uni] | Freshwater biodiversity: importance, threats, status and conservation challenges |
000033 (2014) |
Jon C. Svendsen [Portugal] ; Janet Genz [États-Unis] ; W Gary Anderson [Canada] ; Jennifer A. Stol [Canada] ; Douglas A. Watkinson [Canada] ; Eva C. Enders [Canada] | Evidence of circadian rhythm, oxygen regulation capacity, metabolic repeatability and positive correlations between forced and spontaneous maximal metabolic rates in lake sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens. |
000187 (2010) |
HUI PENG [République populaire de Chine] ; QIWEI WEI [République populaire de Chine] ; YI WAN [Canada] ; John P. Giesy [Canada, États-Unis] ; LUOXIN LI [République populaire de Chine] ; JIANYING HU [République populaire de Chine] | Tissue Distribution and Maternal Transfer of Poly- and Perfluorinated Compounds in Chinese Sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis): Implications for Reproductive Risk |
000234 (2009) |
D. W. Baker [Canada] ; V. Matey [États-Unis] ; K. T. Huynh [Canada] ; J. M. Wilson [Portugal] ; J. D. Morgan [Canada] ; C. J. Brauner [Canada] | Complete intracellular pH protection during extracellular pH depression is associated with hypercarbia tolerance in white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus |
000435 (2003) |
Paul Vecsei [Canada] ; Matthew K. Litvak [Canada] ; David L. G. Noakes [Canada] ; Tom Rien [États-Unis] ; Martin Hochleithner [Autriche] | A noninvasive technique for determining sex of live adult North American sturgeons |
000470 (2001) |
Michael L. Kent [États-Unis] ; Karl B. Andree [États-Unis] ; Jerri L. Bartholomew [États-Unis] ; Mansour El-Matbouli [Allemagne] ; Sherwin S. Desser [Canada] ; Robert H. Devlin [Canada] ; Stephen W. Feist [Royaume-Uni] ; Ronald P. Hedrick [États-Unis] ; Rudolf W. Hoffmann [Allemagne] ; Jaswinder Khattra [Allemagne] ; Sascha L. Hallett [Australie] ; Robert J. G. Lester [Australie] ; Matthew Longshaw [Royaume-Uni] ; Oswaldo Palenzeula [Espagne] ; Mark E. Siddall ; Chongxie Xiao [Canada] | Recent Advances in Our Knowledge of the Myxozoa |
000001 (2017) |
Yueyang Zhang [Canada] ; Jennifer R. Loughery [Canada] ; Christopher J. Martyniuk [États-Unis] ; James D. Kieffer [Canada] | Physiological and molecular responses of juvenile shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) to thermal stress. |
000002 (2017) |
Peter Warth [Allemagne] ; Eric J. Hilton [États-Unis] ; Benjamin Naumann [Allemagne] ; Lennart Olsson [Allemagne] ; Peter Konstantinidis [États-Unis] | Development of the skull and pectoral girdle in Siberian sturgeon, Acipenser baerii, and Russian sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii (Acipenseriformes: Acipenseridae). |
000005 (2016) |
Jason D. Thiem [Oman] ; Jeff W. Dawson [Canada] ; Daniel Hatin [Canada] ; Andy J. Danylchuk [États-Unis] ; Pierre Dumont [Canada] ; Adrian C. Gleiss [Australie] ; Rory P. Wilson [Royaume-Uni] ; Steven J. Cooke [Canada] | Swimming activity and energetic costs of adult lake sturgeon during fishway passage. |
000012 (2016) |
Hao Du [République populaire de Chine] ; Xiaoyan Zhang [République populaire de Chine] ; Xiaoqian Leng [République populaire de Chine] ; Shuhuan Zhang [République populaire de Chine] ; Jiang Luo [République populaire de Chine] ; Zhigang Liu [République populaire de Chine] ; Xingmei Qiao [République populaire de Chine] ; Boyd Kynard [États-Unis] ; Qiwei Wei [République populaire de Chine] | Gender and gonadal maturity stage identification of captive Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis, using ultrasound imagery and sex steroids. |
000018 (2015) |
Ciaran A. Shaughnessy [États-Unis] ; Dan W. Baker [Canada] ; Colin J. Brauner [Canada] ; John D. Morgan [Canada] ; Jason S. Bystriansky [États-Unis] | Interaction of osmoregulatory and acid-base compensation in white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) during exposure to aquatic hypercarbia and elevated salinity. |
000019 (2015) |
Ciaran A. Shaughnessy [États-Unis] ; Dan W. Baker [Canada] ; Colin J. Brauner [Canada] ; John D. Morgan [Canada] ; Jason S. Bystriansky [États-Unis] | Interaction of osmoregulatory and acid-base compensation in white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) during exposure to aquatic hypercarbia and elevated salinity. |
000028 (2014) |
Zhi-Gang Shen [États-Unis, République populaire de Chine] ; Han-Ping Wang [États-Unis] | Molecular players involved in temperature-dependent sex determination and sex differentiation in Teleost fish |
000029 (2014) |
Susie Shih-Yin Huang [Canada] ; Silas S O. Hung [États-Unis] ; Hing Man Chan [Canada] | Maintaining tissue selenium species distribution as a potential defense mechanism against methylmercury toxicity in juvenile white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus). |
000043 (2014) |
Susie Shih-Yin Huang [Canada] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis] ; HING MAN CHAN [Canada] | Maintaining tissue selenium species distribution as a potential defense mechanism against methylmercury toxicity in juvenile white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) |
000050 (2013) |
Richard S. Brown [États-Unis] ; Katrina V. Cook [États-Unis] ; Brett D. Pflugrath [États-Unis] ; Latricia L. Rozeboom [États-Unis] ; Rachelle C. Johnson [États-Unis] ; Jason G. Mclellan [États-Unis] ; Timothy J. Linley [États-Unis] ; Yong Gao [République populaire de Chine] ; Lee J. Baumgartner [Australie] ; Frederick E. Dowell [États-Unis] ; Erin A. Miller [États-Unis] ; Timothy A. White [États-Unis] | Vulnerability of larval and juvenile white sturgeon to barotrauma: can they handle the pressure? |
000052 (2013) |
Troy C. Nelson [Canada] ; Phaedra Doukakis [États-Unis] ; Steven T. Lindley [États-Unis] ; Andrea D. Schreier [États-Unis] ; Joseph E. Hightower [États-Unis] ; Larry R. Hildebrand [Canada] ; Rebecca E. Whitlock [États-Unis] ; Molly A. H. Webb [États-Unis] | Research Tools to Investigate Movements, Migrations, and Life History of Sturgeons (Acipenseridae), with an Emphasis on Marine-Oriented Populations |
000063 (2013) |
Robert L. Mclaughlin [Canada] ; Eric R B. Smyth [Canada] ; Theodore Castro-Santos [États-Unis] ; Michael L. Jones [États-Unis] ; Marten A. Koops [Canada] ; Thomas C. Pratt [Canada] ; Luis-Antonio Vélez-Espino [Canada] | Unintended consequences and trade‐offs of fish passage |
000078 (2013) |
Robin Gregory [Canada] ; Joseph Arvai [Canada, États-Unis] ; Leah R. Gerber [États-Unis] | Structuring Decisions for Managing Threatened and Endangered Species in a Changing Climate : Incorporating Climate Change into Risk Analyses under the U.S. Endangered Species Act |
000082 (2013) |
YANHUA LI [République populaire de Chine] ; Boyd Kynard [États-Unis] ; QIWEI WEI [République populaire de Chine] ; HUI ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] ; HAO DU [République populaire de Chine] ; QIANKUN LI [République populaire de Chine] | Ontogenetic behavior and migration of kaluga, Huso dauricus |
000090 (2012) |
Marie Pagès [France] ; Pascale Chevret [France] ; Muriel Gros-Balthazard [France] ; Sandrine Hughes [France] ; Josep Antoni Alcover [Espagne, États-Unis] ; Rainer Hutterer [Allemagne] ; Juan Carlos Rando [Espagne] ; Jacques Michaux [France] ; Catherine H Nni [France] | Paleogenetic Analyses Reveal Unsuspected Phylogenetic Affinities between Mice and the Extinct Malpaisomys insularis, an Endemic Rodent of the Canaries |
000107 (2012) |
Julia Ganz [Allemagne, États-Unis] ; Jan Kaslin [Allemagne] ; Dorian Freudenreich [Allemagne] ; Anja Machate [Allemagne] ; Michaela Geffarth [Allemagne] ; Michael Brand [Allemagne] | Subdivisions of the adult zebrafish subpallium by molecular marker analysis |
000110 (2012) |
Erin K. Spice [Canada] ; Damon H. Goodman [États-Unis] ; Stewart B. Reid [États-Unis] ; Margaret F. Docker [Canada] | Neither philopatric nor panmictic: microsatellite and mtDNA evidence suggests lack of natal homing but limits to dispersal in Pacific lamprey |
000112 (2012) |
S. L. Shaw [États-Unis] ; S. R. Chipps [États-Unis] ; S. K. Windels [États-Unis] ; M. A. H. Webb [États-Unis] ; D. T. Mcleod [Canada] ; D. W. Willis [États-Unis] | Lake sturgeon population attributes and reproductive structure in the Namakan Reservoir, Minnesota and Ontario |
000122 (2012) |
DONG HAN [République populaire de Chine] ; Susie S. Y. Huang [États-Unis] ; Wei-Fang Wang [République populaire de Chine] ; Dong-Fang Deng [États-Unis] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis] | Starvation reduces the heat shock protein responses in white sturgeon larvae |
000126 (2012) |
Sima Usvyatsov [Canada] ; Jeffrey Picka [Canada] ; Ryan Scott Hardy [États-Unis] ; Travis Dawson Shepherd [Canada] ; James Watmough [Canada] ; Matthew Kenneth Litvak [Canada] | Modeling the timing of spawning and hatching of shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum, in the Saint John River, New Brunswick, Canada |
000144 (2011) |
H. Zhang [République populaire de Chine] ; Q. W. Wei [République populaire de Chine] ; B. E. Kyanrd [États-Unis] ; H. Du [République populaire de Chine] ; D. G. Yang [République populaire de Chine] ; X. H. Chen [République populaire de Chine] | Spatial structure and bottom characteristics of the only remaining spawning area of Chinese sturgeon in the Yangtze River |
000145 (2011) |
Robert C. Buck [États-Unis] ; James Franklin [Belgique] ; Urs Berger [Suède] ; Jason M. Conder [États-Unis] ; Ian T. Cousins [Suède] ; Pim De Voogt [Pays-Bas] ; Allan Astrup Jensen [Danemark] ; Kurunthachalam Kannan [États-Unis] ; Scott A. Mabury [Canada] ; Stefan Pj Van Leeuwen [Pays-Bas] | Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the environment: Terminology, classification, and origins |
000150 (2011) |
E. F. Roseman [États-Unis] ; B. Manny [États-Unis] ; J. Boase [États-Unis] ; M. Child [Canada] ; G. Kennedy [États-Unis] ; J. Craig [États-Unis] ; K. Soper [Canada] ; R. Drouin [Canada] | Lake sturgeon response to a spawning reef constructed in the Detroit river |
000158 (2011) |
E. F. Roseman [États-Unis] ; J. Boase [États-Unis] ; G. Kennedy [États-Unis] ; J. Craig [États-Unis] ; K. Soper [Canada] | Adaption of egg and larvae sampling techniques for lake sturgeon and broadcast spawning fishes in a deep river |
000160 (2011) |
P. J. Anders [États-Unis] ; A. Drauch-Schreier [États-Unis] ; J. Rodzen [États-Unis] ; M. S. Powell [États-Unis] ; S. Narum [États-Unis] ; J. A. Crossman [Canada] | A review of genetic evaluation tools for conservation and management of North American sturgeons: roles, benefits, and limitations |
000161 (2011) |
Caleb Marshall Brown [Canada] ; Clint A. Boyd [États-Unis] ; Anthony P. Russell [Canada] | A new basal ornithopod dinosaur (Frenchman Formation, Saskatchewan, Canada), and implications for late Maastrichtian ornithischian diversity in North America |
000179 (2010) |
Sebastian Rakers [Allemagne] ; Marina Gebert [Allemagne] ; Sai Uppalapati [Allemagne] ; Wilfried Meyer [Allemagne] ; Paul Maderson [États-Unis] ; Anne F. Sell [Allemagne] ; Charli Kruse [Allemagne] ; Ralf Paus [Allemagne, Royaume-Uni] | ‘Fish matters’: the relevance of fish skin biology to investigative dermatology |
000184 (2010) |
Seyed Vali Hosseini [Iran] ; Abdolmohammad Abedian Kenari [Iran] ; Joe M. Regenstein [États-Unis] ; Masoud Rezaei [Iran] ; Rajab Mohammad Nazari [Iran] ; Morteza Moghaddasi [Iran] ; Seyed Abdollah Kaboli [Iran] ; Amelia A. M. Grant [Canada] | Effects of Alternative Dietary Lipid Sources on Growth Performance and Fatty Acid Composition of Beluga Sturgeon, Huso huso, Juveniles |
000193 (2010) |
A. B. Welsh [États-Unis] ; D. T. Mcleod [Canada] | Detection of natural barriers to movement of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) within the Namakan River, Ontario |
000205 (2009) |
Q. W. Wei [République populaire de Chine] ; B. Kynard [États-Unis] ; D. G. Yang [République populaire de Chine] ; X. H. Chen [République populaire de Chine] ; H. Du [République populaire de Chine] ; L. Shen [République populaire de Chine] ; H. Zhang [République populaire de Chine] | Using drift nets to capture early life stages and monitor spawning of the Yangtze River Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) |
000224 (2009) |
Ana F. Filipe [Portugal] ; Miguel B. Araújo [Espagne, Portugal] ; Ignacio Doadrio [Espagne] ; Paul L. Angermeier [États-Unis] ; Maria J. Collares-Pereira [Portugal] | Biogeography of Iberian freshwater fishes revisited: the roles of historical versus contemporary constraints |
000229 (2009) |
J. H. Hartig [États-Unis] ; M. A. Zarull [Canada] ; J. J. H. Ciborowski [Canada] ; J. E. Gannon [Canada] ; E. Wilke [États-Unis] ; G. Norwood [États-Unis] ; A. N. Vincent [Canada] | Long-term ecosystem monitoring and assessment of the Detroit River and Western Lake Erie |
000230 (2009) |
Dong-Fang Deng [États-Unis] ; CHUNFANG WANG [République populaire de Chine] ; Seunghyung Lee [Corée du Sud] ; SUNGCHUL BAI [Corée du Sud] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis] | Feeding rates affect heat shock protein levels in liver of larval white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) |
000231 (2009) |
Casey Justice [États-Unis] ; Brian J. Pyper [États-Unis] ; Raymond C. P. Beamesderfer [États-Unis] ; Vaughn L. Paragamian [États-Unis] ; Pete J. Rust [États-Unis] ; Matthew D. Neufeld [Canada] ; Susan C. Ireland [États-Unis] | Evidence of density- and size-dependent mortality in hatchery-reared juvenile white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) in the Kootenai River |
000246 (2008) |
J. Krieger [États-Unis] ; A. K. Hett [Allemagne] ; P. A. Fuerst [États-Unis] ; E. Artyukhin [Russie] ; A. Ludwig [Allemagne] | The molecular phylogeny of the order Acipenseriformes revisited |
000247 (2008) |
Robert Arlinghaus [Allemagne] ; Brett M. Johnson [États-Unis] ; Christian Wolter (biologiste) [Allemagne] | The Past, Present and Future Role of Limnology in Freshwater Fisheries Science |
000289 (2007) |
Joern Gessner [Allemagne] ; Joel P. Van Eencnnaam [États-Unis] ; Serge I. Doroshov [États-Unis] | North American green and European Atlantic sturgeon : comparisons of life histories and human impacts |
000311 (2006) |
S. H. Devoto [États-Unis] ; W. Stoiber [Autriche] ; C. L. Hammond [Royaume-Uni] ; P. Steinbacher [Autriche] ; J. R. Haslett [Autriche] ; M. J. F. Barresi [États-Unis] ; S. E. Patterson [États-Unis] ; E. G. Adiarte [États-Unis] ; S. M. Hughes [Royaume-Uni] | Generality of vertebrate developmental patterns: evidence for a dermomyotome in fish |
000343 (2005) |
D. G. Homberger [États-Unis] ; K. A. Westphal [États-Unis] ; M. Gudo [Allemagne] ; H. H. Bragulla [Allemagne] | How to Open the Mouth: the Kinetic Skull, and the Jaw and Branchial Apparatus in Sharks |
000364 (2005) |
JIANZHONG SHEN [République populaire de Chine] ; QIDI ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] ; SHUANGYANG DING [République populaire de Chine] ; SUXIA ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] ; Joel R. Coats [États-Unis] | Bioconcentration and elimination of avermectin B1 in sturgeon |
000369 (2005) |
M. A. Gray [Canada] ; S. J. Peake [Canada] ; A. P. Farrell [Canada] ; R. Bruch [États-Unis] | Acute didecyl dimethyl Ammonium chloride toxicity to larval lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens rafinesque, walleye Sander vitreus mitchill, and northern pike, Esox lucius Linnaeus |
000397 (2004) |
Ryan S. Hardy [États-Unis] ; Matthew K. Litvak [Canada] | Effects of temperature on the early development, growth, and survival of shortnose sturgeon, acipenser brevirostrum, and Atlantic sturgeon, acipenser oxyrhynchus, yolk-sac larvae |
000409 (2003) |
R. L. Sherman [États-Unis] ; J. W. Barnes [États-Unis] ; J. P. Huston [Allemagne] ; R. E. Spieler [États-Unis] | The yellow stingray, Urobatis jamaicensis, as a model for studying cerebellar function in vertebrates |
000411 (2003) |
Ralf Britz [Allemagne, États-Unis] ; G. David Johnson [États-Unis] | On the homology of the posteriormost gill arch in polypterids (Cladistia, Actinopterygii) |
000416 (2003) |
Douglas Peterson [États-Unis] ; Paul Vecsei [États-Unis] ; David L. G. Noakes [Canada] | Threatened fishes of the world: Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque, 1817 (Acipenseridae) |
000420 (2003) |
Boyd Kynard [États-Unis] ; PING ZHUANG [États-Unis, République populaire de Chine] ; TAO ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] ; LONGZHEN ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] | Ontogenetic behavior and migration of Dabry's sturgeon, Acipenser dabryanus, from the Yangtze River, with notes on body color and development rate |
000423 (2003) |
SWEE JOO TEH [États-Unis] ; Cecilia Wong [Canada] ; Vesna Furtula [Canada] ; Foo-Ching Teh [États-Unis] | Lethal and sublethal toxicity of didecyldimethylammonium chloride in early life stages of white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus |
000428 (2003) |
GUITANG WANG [États-Unis, République populaire de Chine] ; Scott Lapatra [États-Unis] ; LINGBING ZENG [États-Unis] ; ZHENGSHAN ZHAO [États-Unis] ; YUANAN LU [États-Unis] | Establishment, growth, cryopreservation and species of origin identification of three cell lines from white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus |
000429 (2003) |
Dong-Fang Deng [États-Unis] ; Shunsuke Koshio [Japon] ; Saichiro Yokoyama [Japon] ; Sungchul C. Bai [Corée du Sud] ; QINGJUN SHAO [République populaire de Chine] ; YIBO CUI [République populaire de Chine] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis] | Effects of feeding rate on growth performance of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) larvae |
000433 (2003) |
PING ZHUANG [République populaire de Chine, États-Unis] ; Boyd Kynard [États-Unis] ; LONGZHEN ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] ; TAO ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] ; WENXUAN CAO [République populaire de Chine] | Comparative ontogenetic behavior and migration of kaluga, Huso dauricus, and Amur sturgeon, Acipenser schrenckii, from the Amur River |
000434 (2003) |
XIAOLIN HOU [République populaire de Chine] ; JIANZHONG SHEN [République populaire de Chine] ; SUXIA ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] ; HAIYANG JIANG [République populaire de Chine] ; Joel R. Coats [États-Unis] | Bioconcentration and elimination of sulfamethazine and its main metabolite in sturgeon (Acipenser schrenkii) |
000447 (2002) |
Arne Ludwig [Allemagne] ; Lutz Debus [Allemagne] ; Dietmar Lieckfeldt [Allemagne] ; Isaac Wirgin [États-Unis] ; Norbert Benecke [Allemagne] ; Ingo Jenneckens [Allemagne] ; Patrick Williot [France] ; John R. Waldman [États-Unis] ; Christian Pitra [Allemagne] | Fish populations: When the American sea sturgeon swam east |
000451 (2002) |
Michael H. Hofmann [Allemagne] ; Winfried Wojtenek [États-Unis] ; Lon A. Wilkens [États-Unis] | Central organization of the electrosensory system in the paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) |
000456 (2002) |
PING ZHUANG [République populaire de Chine] ; Boyd Kynard [États-Unis] ; LONGZHEN ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] ; TAO ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] ; WENXUAN CAO [République populaire de Chine] | Ontogenetic behavior and migration of Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis |
000474 (2001) |
J. Y. Wilson [États-Unis, Canada] ; G. M. Kruzynski [Canada] ; R. F. Addison [Canada] | Experimental exposure of juvenile chinook ( Oncorhynchus tshawytscha ) to bleached kraft mill effluent: hepatic CYP1A induction is correlated with DNA adducts but not with organochlorine residues |
000478 (2001) |
G. Lu ; D. J. Basley [États-Unis] ; L. Bernatchez [Canada] | Contrasting patterns of mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite introgressive hybridization between lineages of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis); relevance for speciation |
000480 (2001) |
Nirmal K. Roy [États-Unis] ; Simon Courtenay [Canada] ; Zhanpeng Yuan [États-Unis] ; Michael Ikonomou [Canada] ; Isaac Wirgin [États-Unis] | An evaluation of the etiology of reduced CYP1A1 messenger RNA expression in the Atlantic tomcod from the Hudson River, New York, USA, using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction analysis |
000481 (2001) |
I. Jenneckens [Allemagne] ; J. Meyer [Allemagne] ; G. Hörstgen-Schwark [Allemagne] ; B. May [États-Unis] ; L. Debus [Allemagne] ; H. Wedekind [Allemagne] ; A. Ludwig [Allemagne] | A fixed allele at microsatellite locus LS‐39 exhibiting species‐specificity for the black caviar producer Acipenser stellatus |
000501 (2000) |
Anna Gawlicka [Canada] ; Brigitte Parent [Canada] ; Michael H. Horn [États-Unis] ; Neil Ross [Canada] ; Ingegjerd Opstad [Norvège] ; Ole J. Torrissen [Norvège] | Activity of digestive enzymes in yolk-sac larvae of Atlantic halibut ( Hippoglossus hippoglossus ): indication of readiness for first feeding |
000508 (2000) |
Gerhard Schlosser [Allemagne] ; R. Glenn Northcutt [États-Unis] | Development of neurogenic placodes in Xenopus laevis |
000510 (2000) |
Pepita Gimenez-Bonafé [Espagne] ; Mario Laszczak [Canada] ; Harold E. Kasinsky [Canada] ; Michael J. Lemke [Canada] ; John D. Lewis [Canada] ; Maya Iskandar [Canada] ; Tim He [Canada] ; Michael G. Ikonomou [Canada] ; Forest M. White [États-Unis] ; Don F. Hunt [États-Unis] ; Manel Chiva [Espagne] ; Juan Ausi [Canada] | Characterization and evolutionary relevance of the sperm nuclear basic proteins from stickleback fish |
000519 (2000) |
P. Doukakis [États-Unis] ; V. J. Birstein [États-Unis] ; R. Desalle [États-Unis] ; A. N. Ludwig [Allemagne] ; A. Ludwig [Allemagne] ; A. Machordom [Espagne] ; A. Almodovar [Espagne] ; B. Elvira [Espagne] | Failure to confirm previous identification of two putative museum specimens of the Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser sturio, as the Adriatic sturgeon, A. naccarii |
000521 (2000) |
C. E. Crocker [États-Unis] ; A. P. Farrell [Canada] ; A. K. Gamperl [Canada] ; J. J. Jr Cech [États-Unis] | Cardiorespiratory responses of white sturgeon to environmental hypercapnia |
000532 (1999) |
Steven M. Bartell [États-Unis] ; Guy Lefebvre [Canada] ; Grégoire Kaminski [Canada] ; Michel Carreau [Canada] ; Kym Rouse Campbell [États-Unis] | An ecosystem model for assessing ecological risks in Québec rivers, lakes, and reservoirs |
000533 (1999) |
Simon C. Courtenay [Canada] ; Cheryl M. Grunwald [États-Unis] ; Guat-Lian Kreamer [États-Unis] ; Wayne L. Fairchild [Canada] ; Jacqueline T. Arsenault [Canada] ; Michael Ikonomou [Canada] ; Isaac I. Wirgin [États-Unis] | A comparison of the dose and time response of CYP1A1 mRNA induction in chemically treated Atlantic tomcod from two populations |
000572 (1997) |
Esther C. Peters [États-Unis] ; Nancy J. Gassman [États-Unis] ; Julie C. Firman [États-Unis] ; Robert H. Richmond ; Elizabeth A. Power [Canada] | Ecotoxicology of tropical marine ecosystems |
000573 (1997) |
Robert M. Dores ; Tana R. Smith ; David A. Rubin [États-Unis] ; Phillip Danielson ; Luciano E. Marra [Canada] ; John H. Youson [Canada] | Deciphering Posttranslational Processing Events in the Pituitary of a Neopterygian Fish: Cloning of a Gar Proopiomelanocortin cDNA |
000575 (1997) |
P. Bartsch [Allemagne] ; R. Britz [États-Unis] | A single micropyle in the eggs of the most basal living actinopterygian fish, Polypterus (Actinopterygii, Polypteriformes) |
000597 (1997) |
S. S. O. Hung [États-Unis] ; W. Liu [République populaire de Chine] ; H. Li [République populaire de Chine] ; T. Storebakken [Norvège] ; YIBO CUI [République populaire de Chine] | Effect of starvation on some morphological and biochemical parameters in white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus |
000598 (1997) |
J. H. Lin [Taïwan] ; Y. Cui [République populaire de Chine] ; S. S. O. Hung [États-Unis] ; S. Y. Shiau [Taïwan] | Effect of feeding strategy and carbohydrate source on carbohydrate utilization by white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) and hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus×O. aureus) |
000610 (1996) |
Anna Gawlicka [Canada] ; Line Mclaughlin [Canada] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis] ; Joël De La Noüe [Canada] | Limitations of carrageenan microbound diets for feeding white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus , larvae |
000628 (1996) |
Y. Cui [République populaire de Chine] ; S. S. O. Hung [États-Unis] ; X. Zhu [République populaire de Chine] | Effect of ration and body size on the energy budget of juvenile white sturgeon |
000635 (1995) |
D. W. Lescheid [Canada] ; J. F. F. Powell [Canada] ; W. H. Fischer [États-Unis] ; M. Park [États-Unis] ; A. Craig [États-Unis] ; O. Bukovskaya [Russie] ; I. A. Barannikova [Russie] ; N. M. Sherwood [Canada] | Mammalian gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) identified by primary structure in Russian sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedti |
000637 (1995) |
Mark E. Siddall [Canada, États-Unis] | Phylogeny of Adeleid Blood Parasites with a Partial Systematic Revision of the Haemogregarine Complex |
000639 (1995) |
Mauro Vallarino [Italie] ; Denis Tranchand-Bunel [France] ; Jean-Louis Thoumas [France] ; Maria Angela Masini [Italie] ; J. Michael Conlon [États-Unis] ; Alain Fournier [Canada] ; Georges Pelletier [Canada] ; Hubert Vaudry [France] | Neuropeptide tyrosine in the brain of the African lungfish, Protopterus annectens: Immunohistochemical localization and biochemical characterization |
000654 (1994) |
Xin-Yu Chen [États-Unis] ; Gloria Arratia [États-Unis, Allemagne] | Olfactory organ of acipenseriformes and comparison with other actinopterygians: Patterns of diversity |
000656 (1994) |
M. J. Dadswell [Canada] ; R. A. Rulifson [États-Unis] | Macrotidal estuaries: a region of collision between migratory marine animals and tidal power development |
000689 (1992) |
Tsutomu Miyake [Canada] ; John D. Mceachran [États-Unis] ; Brian K. Hall [Canada] | Edgeworth's legacy of cranial muscle development with an analysis of muscles in the ventral gill arch region of batoid fishes (Chondrichthyes: Batoidea) |
000692 (1992) |
C. A. Schmidt [États-Unis, Allemagne] ; Barry W. Ache [États-Unis] | Antennular projections to the midbrain of the spiny lobster. II. Sensory innervation of the olfactory lobe |
000700 (1991) |
Ronald W. Griffiths [Canada, États-Unis] ; Stewart Thornley [Canada, États-Unis] ; Thomas A. Edsall [Canada, États-Unis] | Limnological aspects of the St. Clair River |
000714 (1990) |
Christopher S. Von Bartheld [Allemagne, États-Unis] ; Dietrich L. Meyer [Allemagne] | Paraventricular organ of the lungfish Protopterus dolloi: Morphology and projections of CSF‐contacting neurons |
000715 (1990) |
Theodore H. Bullock [États-Unis] ; Michael H. Hofmann [Allemagne] ; John G. New [États-Unis] ; Frederick K. Nahm [États-Unis] | Dynamic properties of visual evoked potentials in the tectum of cartilaginous and bony fishes, with neuroethological implications |
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Christopher S. Von Bartheld [Allemagne, États-Unis] | Central Connections of the Terminal Nerve in Ray‐Finned Fishes |
000738 (1983) |
Alan Frank Cook [Canada] ; Susan Walker Wilson [États-Unis] ; Richard E. Peter [Canada] | Development and validation of a carp growth hormone radioimmunoassay |
000741 (1981) |
J. C Murat [France] ; E. M Plisetskaya [Russie, États-Unis] ; N. Y. S Woo [Hong Kong] | Endocrine control of nutrition in cyclostomes and fish |
000780 (1901) |
Ross Granville Harrison [Allemagne, États-Unis] | Ueber die Histogenese des peripheren Nervensystems bei Salmo salar |
000000 (2017) |
Sareh Ghiasi [Iran] ; Bahram Falahatkar [Iran] ; Murat Arslan [Turquie] ; Konrad Dabrowski [États-Unis] | Physiological changes and reproductive performance of Sterlet sturgeon Acipenser ruthenus injected with thiamine. |
000003 (2017) |
Ugo Bussy [États-Unis] ; Lydia Wassink [États-Unis] ; Kim T. Scribner [États-Unis] ; Weiming Li [États-Unis] | Determination of cortisol in lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) eggs by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. |
000004 (2016) |
Carolyn R. Wheeler [États-Unis] ; Ashleigh J. Novak [États-Unis] ; Gail S. Wippelhauser [États-Unis] ; James A. Sulikowski [États-Unis] | Using circulating reproductive hormones for sex determination of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus) in the Saco River estuary, Maine |